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Hello Everyone!

I am wondering how we can be at the end of June? Where did half of the year go already?

Thank you for stopping by the Listings Lounge this month. We hope you learned something new and found our discussions helpful! If you haven't had a chance to check out our lounge topics this month or want a refresher on what was covered, we have them listed below:

Do you have questions about A+ Content?

Demystifying Pesticides and Pesticide Devices

Button Cell Batteries, what's all the fuss?

How to Update a Listing

My Product is Not a Pesticide

Exploring the Great Browse Trees

What’s SKU With You? The Relationship between SKUs and FNSKUs

Detail Page Rules - Updating or Adding a Product UPC

Apparel Size Normalization

Detail Page Rules - Updating your Product

Please feel free to click through each of our articles and enjoy the information shared above. You are more than welcome to comment on threads where you might have additional questions about the subject matter and our Community Managers will be happy to follow up with you shortly.

In case you missed any of our previous months topics, you can find the topics discussed in our March Rewind, and our May Recap which you can review for the first time or go back to check out again.

We didn’t create a recap of April topics as we only had a few, so I have listed those below.

Optimize Your Uploads

Prohibited Claims

Uploading multiple videos to a single listing

New Requirements for Dietary Supplements

If you have specific questions regarding a personal case or ASIN, we ask that you create a new thread here, select the Create and Manage Listings category, and click on the appropriate tags related to your question.

How did you enjoy this month of Listings Lounge? What did you find helpful? What would you want to see more of? Comment below and let us know how we can make the lounge more helpful for you. 😊

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Hello Amazon seller community,

My account's Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) is only 92.86%, and as a result, Amazon has inactivated all of my FBM products.

Upon investigating, I discovered that some orders were recorded without a tracking ID even though I entered the tracking information on time (before the delivery date).

If anyone has encountered this error, please share your experience on how to debug the issue and reactivate my FBM listings.

This revision clarifies the situation and makes the request for help more specific.

Thank you so much.

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Hi There,

We are a company operating in America, we make FBA sales on Amazon, our bank (Mercury) asks us for the invoices issued to the customers we sell to in America, we do not know how to access these invoices since we sell FBA. What kind of documents should I submit to the bank so that it will believe that we are FBA sellers?

Have a nice day

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I have multiple shipments that are taking almost 2 months for it to be available for prime delivery even after checked in. Can you explain this please. I have changed my inbound shipment placement and still taking forever to check in? The markets change, I miss out on so much potential sales and the cash flow is very slow. Shipment ID: FBA182JRLX7X, FBA182JLPR7T, FBA18526P1KN, FBA183PQ6S60, FBA1851XFH46, FBA184GL931R, FBA184Y2HW6Y

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by Seller_sinqA1yQ0gnc3

I am a fairly new seller on Amazon. I recently got a notice that my account has been linked to another and is now deactivated. I have tried submitting appeals with tax documents, ids, banking information and a notarized letter explaining that I am not linked to the account but nothing has worked. I live in an apartment complex with several other tenants. From my research done, the only way an account could be linked to mine is through the address and probably same internet service. I do not know how to prove that I don't own the other account and I don't know who does. The account specialist are really no help. All they said was to do my own investigation? HELP PLLEASEEEE

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PPC - No More Impressions
by Seller_3sjrablek6Z31

Despite creating case 15552656781 I am still receiving 0 impressions wherease they were going smoothly 2 weeks ago for over a month

responses seemed they did not pick up on the fact i am getting 0 impressions

i even supplied multiple screen shots but the issue continues to be ignored

i see many sellers reporting here but found no responses yet

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Since the delivery on May 2, Amazon has never updated the status of the shipment, and it has always been shipped.

I asked many times before, and they kept postponing the investigation until they told me that there was a problem with the shipment some time ago.

I submitted a bill of lading, which clearly stated the shipment ID and the number of goods, but now Amazon does not recognize this and keeps rejecting my request for various reasons.

- Amazon shipment number or purchase order number related to the shipment

- Seller name

- Information on the number of goods contained in each pallet and each box.

My bill of lading has information such as the Amazon shipment number, but there is no seller name. I have never heard that Amazon would ask for this. Isn't the shipment code enough to prove it?

My shipment ID: FBA17VQNWDTC

Case ID: 15503372501

Is there any professional Amazon team who can help me?I am very dissatisfied with Amazon's handling.


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No disbursement was made for 4 months
by Seller_4xZw28kqMR3sj

There's an issue with disbursement it seems.

For the last few months, my balance starts the disbursement process to my bank account, but then it gets reverted back to my seller account balance without any reason.

All the cases I’ve opened so far show a status of 'Transferred' for several weeks, but I haven't received any responses.

Could you please look into this issue for me?

The case IDs are 15459831881, 15496503611, and 15572445911.

Thanks for any help.

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Hey there! Really appreciate any help you can provide.

I have brand registry with pending trademark and branded packaging for my products.

And yet after first week of sales I have been hijacked. Other seller undnercuts to get the buy box, I have to lower my price to get buybox back. This cycle repeats until my prices are too low and then he usually removes himself from the listing until the next day. He also changes accounts that he uses, although both have almost identical names (difference few letters). Both accounts are new and have Chinese addresses.

Since my trademark is only pending I cannot file an infringement report, amazon won' accept that.

I ordered counterfeit items but it takes month to get delivered since its FBM from China and hijacker constantly changes accounts.

My main concern is that my product was modified to make it safe for customer, while they most likely sell fake one with sharp needle that people can hurt themselves with.

What can be possibly done?

Please help

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Please do not refuse shipment at RDU4.
by Seller_lmVyWqeKJrYlX

Recently sent out shipment to FBA1852ZL9BL to RDU4 through USPS. If someone from Amazon sees this message please ensure that the package is accepted by the warehouse. There have been reports of sellers having their shipments refused at some FCs because they were using USPS. All Amazon shipping requirements have been met. Please and Thank you. @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu@Seller_s3amN64nZ4y9V

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I am an accessories seller and have years of experience selling on Amazon. Because of the product I inevitably need to mention other brands within my item descriptions. I received intellectual property complaints about "Trademark on Product Detail Page" on June 25th and Amazon removed my link. So I checked my product description first and changed the content, and submitted the first complaint on June 26th, but the first complaint failed, and Amazon replied that I still have the offending content, so I deleted all the descriptions in the link and included the A+ section, leaving only some of the words, and I was sure that there were no words referring to other brands.

When I complained again it was rejected again, so I consulted the account health team and the catalogue team, the account health team said that my listing still had violations and referred us to the catalogue team, but the catalogue team said that they saw that our listing had been updated and that there was nothing wrong with it and sent us to the catalogue team. Any problem, let's go to account health team to complain!!!!

So what am I supposed to do, the departments keep passing the buck to each other and are so inefficient, we always follow the rules set by amazon but amazon can't solve the problems that sellers are experiencing!!!!

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