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Boost your Back to School Season!
by Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC

With Prime Day 2024 in the books, this is a great time to consider your approach for boosting sales. Refreshing your detail pages, optimizing your search strategy, or experimenting with features like A+ Content will help you hone in on the perfect strategy for your business. Here's a couple resources and thoughts on what you can do now to optimize for back-to-school season, and into the Holiday season!

1. Using the Listing Quality Dashboard, take a good hard look at the detail pages for your products from the perspective of a customer. Is all the information you might need readily available? Is there anything a customer might be able to find in a physical store that you can add? Think sizing, dimensions, materials, etc.! If a customer doesn't fully understand your product, they might not convert!

Use the following resources to help make any needed changes!

2. Once the detail pages are updated, it's time to think about other enhancements. As your product is not in a traditional brick and mortar store, you can use features like videos and A+ Content to better educate your customers on the benefits your product offers. A well-built and enhanced detail page can also help set you apart from competitors and create more trust with customers. Here's a couple resources to help get you started!

3. Next, take a look at the search terms you are currently optimized for, and ones you want to optimize for, to ensure relevancy in the category you sell in, and the time of the season. Like right now with back to school shoppers preparing to make purchases. Be sure to find terms that make sense for your product and increase the likelihood of surfacing your product in searches. Shopping behavior can change a lot following big events like Prime Day, so it's important to keep a wary eye on keyword trends. Use the following resources to start researching!

4. Last, but not least, consider taking your strategy to the next level with Advertising. Ads help capture new customer bases, increase brand awareness, and influence purchasing decisions, especially during off-times. If unfamiliar, get started with these guides:

Remember that trends in sales are to be expected, and are often influenced by factors that are not always controllable. Staying on top of your products optimization can help give you more control and prepare for swings. Take a look through the following tips from Amazon teams for even more best practices.

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Sudden Sale Drop
by Seller_ig1VXxv9ybQ9V

Any one else experiencing a sudden drop in sales? We are getting good sales & suddenly it drops. It's a fourth day now as we haven't had a single sale despite running ads & getting clicks .

Anyone who can help?

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Greetings! Why can't I get approval?
by Seller_pE0IHdimoLHXf
Amazon replied

Good sales, hello everyone.

I have about 70-80 products of 3 brands waiting for approval from Amazon in the Temporary Warehouse. Unfortunately, I cannot unlock 3 brands.

The mail I received is as follows: 'We have closed this file because you have not sent new information and documents. Please reply to this mail or get help from ........'

Please apply by sending new information and documents. How do I need to send a new document :) ? I already follow all the instructions ...

I sent approval for 4 brands and 1 of them was accepted. The remaining 3 brands were not approved although the billing information was the same and all processes were the same :).

My supplier is approved, the products are from a new manufacturer and when I look at the sellers of the adverts, I see that there are many NEW sellers. The images also comply with all the rules. So why is the brand not approved? They say your account is not suitable for this, I understand, but why? So why can't I sell this product when all other new sellers are selling this product.

I have contacted customer service several times, they have been understanding but they say they don't have the authority to approve and can't help. This leaves me alone and I am sure I have followed all the guidelines.

It is also strange that when I send a trademark application, the e-mail I receive says that you can write to us here, I write, but there is no response from the other side, so what kind of document should I send, what kind of path should I follow, can someone tell me? Do I have to buy the product directly from the brand itself with the invoice and have it unlocked, so will we return to the same place again, after the brand is unlocked, I will still buy the product from my supplier, he already buys directly from the brand from the manufacturer :).

The total cost of the units is 600$ for me and it is an important money for many people and the equivalent of my 1 month of labour. Is there an authorised person who can help me in this matter?

@Seller_RJi9PlpLtnXiN@Seller_tTsUBqfmzzhKA @Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC @Seller_F4AbbFj6ovBk3 @Seller_nUXRIxpv1gT6F @Seller_7e4TizkSOVtBf

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Any Other Booksellers' Sales Tanking?
by Seller_rwKHDZc1TrDw7
Amazon replied

Could sure use some help from fellow veteran booksellers. According to Amazon our sales are down a whopping 30% year-to-year. Our inventory levels are consistent with the past and we have a 99% customer approval rating for the past 12 months and a 99% approval rating since we began in 2005, nearly twenty years ago. Our buy box percentage is less than 1% and we appear to be locked into an Amazon Algorithm Death Spiral. Advice? Thanks. While we’re at it, Amazon likes to boast that they are all about the customer buying experience. What? A 99% customer feedback rating doesn’t make the grade?

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We have our own factory with thousands of SKUs. In order to facilitate the subsequent submission activities, we would like to ask the manager to cooperate with us in applying for the activities

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Crickets after prime day
by Seller_f9EsYgksbtFXw
Amazon replied

Hi everyone,

Has anyone experienced a significant drop in sales immediately after Prime Day ends? During the event, my daily sales volume increased by up to 2.5 times. However, since July 17th, my regular daily sales have decreased by 90%.

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Hello Amazon Seller Community,

Are we all experiencing dramatic sales decline and historically low sales, especially 4~5 days after Prime Day 2024. or it is just us?

In the meantime, the Ad spend is down about 10~20% only, which means higher ACoS compared to last year, last month, and last week.

I wonder if it is normal for all sellers..

Wish to hear your sincere opinions please.

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ASIN's "Unsafe to Advertise"
by Seller_f01UEwesbahyk

We set up some Prime Exclusive discounts for Prime Day and discovered a new issue with some of our listings. Multiple ASINs were deemed "Unsafe to Advertise." When looking through Amazons guidelines for products in the "Unsafe to advertise" category, none of our products match with any of their restrictions. The products are juice based cocktail mixers.

After trying to explain to support that our products do not have any content that relates to "Violence, Intolerance, and Hate; Human Tragedies and Disasters; Child Abuse and Exploitation; or Adult products," Amazons support team informed me that there was nothing they could do, and to not submit another case.

Again, these products are beverages and contain zero content related to being deemed "unsafe to advertise."

Has anyone else experienced this? And if so, what actions did you take to remedy?

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Is anyone experiencing a forced drop in keyword rankings?

Amazon's own products occupy the position 123456... of the keyword. The garbage position for others.

If Amazon abuses their power to change the ranking algorithm, how can we protect our own rights?

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I have been dealing with this issue over a year now. I have spoken to over 50+ seller support specialist and multiple leadership team supervisors and nobody can will see this issue through.

My ex best selling ASIN is a automotive air filter. It is a genuine Automotive airfilter direct from the manufactuter. I typically send in 50+ units at a time to FBA packed together in a box. The packaging is direct from the manufactuer and involves zero prep. The items stack perfectly and take alot of misuse to actually become damaged. The item is not perishiable and also does not expire. Over the last 14 months Amazon will receive my shipments in and within 48 hours of being checked in all 50+ units become unsellable then are deemed defective. Originally I labled my own products and thought the issue had something to do with my labeling. I have created a new GS1, I have closed and opened new listings. I even changed over to Amazon's labeling service then again switched it over to Manufactuer labeling where I continued to have the same issue no matter what detail in the process changed. No matter what I changed everything would still turn to defective.

I have shipped 50+ units, twice to three times a month for the last 14 months. Every shipment (25+ shipments) the exact same situation happens.

When I reach out to Amazon I continue to get the same generic canned responses with no accountability or insight.

Gerneric response's

Response 1. Due to there not being any stock in the warehouse to investigate we are unable to investigate this situation. Ofcourse, there is no stock to investigate on the shelf. It never makes it to the shelf Its all deemed defective....SMH

Response 2. There are several reasons that items become defective....Perishiable's, expired products, damaged in the warehouse, product details, blah blah blah.. none of these apply.

Another small detail that I find odd is typically Amazon codes defective products to one of thier single letter codes that describe the issue. Example K, A, C

In all of the shipments they have never coded it. I find this very odd and so does each Manager that looks into this mentions this detail.

I am now over a year into this issue and over 100 hours of phone and emails going back and fourth with zero progress. Reading through other sellers struggles that are similar it is typically always label related. Being that its a manufactuer labeled product really kills any thesis that this is something on my side but I am willing to try anything at this point.

At this point my best selling ASIN is now my worst selling ASIN and I am several thousand dollars in the hole with Amazon fees, shipping fees, processing fees and the fact it can take 6 months to get defective products returned. Any suggestions, tips, tricks or insight is welcomed. I am desperate to get this solved and get my life back on track

Please help!!!

newest case number: 158400136691

other case numbers 15213046631, 15199236821 , 15123072391 , 15118420021 , 15104730561 , 15098723331 , 15089154521 , 15089128911 , 15084488281 , 1509753631 , 15039505111, 14926186821

I have another 30+ case numbers I can attach if needed

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advertising problem
by Seller_nBgTtdhu98QTp

I can't start my advertising campaign. when try and open advertising just show me two option 1-prime discount2-prime exclusive not show me whole options why ? this is my five time i filed case no one repone me

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