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On-time delivery rate -- W*F?!?!?
by Seller_r9wMm8LrE5iKj
Amazon replied

First off, per the services agreement, Amazon needs to preannounce policy changes, and did not in this case (or many others). Also, apologies if the search function in the fora is so poor that this is effectively a duplicate of another thread ... the most germane thing I can find is a month ago, when a Mod reiterated old policy shortly before Amazon instituted a new one.

As of today (7/25), OTDR has a new definition, and this at-one-time info-only metric can now kill your account. In this change, Amazon is announcing that they recognize that sometimes stuff -- like hurricanes, riots, state-wide power outages, strikes, etc. -- can happen which will make even Amazon's automated estimate (over which we have no control) of delivery time wrong. When this happens, buyers will be notified, but according to the OTDR page, sellers will not be cut slack. "An OTDR below 90% may result in account deactivation" ... and this metric ("On-time delivery rate without promise extensions") is prior to any extensions. Effectively: if there's a natural disaster in your shipping lane, expect to have your account shuttered. Who comes up with this? Either the description of an unannounced, new-release feature is so poorly written as to be wrong in a way that will make long-time sellers think they'll lose their accounts (ooops! our bad!), or it's accurate and the idea is insane.

Other platforms I can name simply ignore metrics for orders affected by these unavoidable issues. [I bet this doesn't apply to FBA, which is just another anti-trust-worthy measure instituted by Amazon to illegally push people to that platform.]

(p.s. this forum software is also heinous ... making me reload to post, or logging me out mid-screed, and throwing away my work in the process simply doesn't happen in any other forum software I've ever used)

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Email states that sellers using FBM must maintain a 90% or better on-time delivery rate. Doesn't sound like a big deal until I read that our stats are 91.7% on time delivery between 7/5/24 and 7/18/24.

Being that we shipped every single package the day we received the order makes me think that there will be plenty of sellers that will be dropped from Amazon. If we are just above the line and we ship100% of our orders the same day, how many sellers ship the next day or later and will be well under the 90% threshold?

Pay attention to your stats and see if you are going to have a potential issue.

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Hundreds of pending and cancelled orders
by Seller_wQVrfDITrMYPm

Over the last 2 weeks there have been close to 500 cancelled orders for the same 4-5 ASINs.

It is majorly messing up my inventory. Some of the ASINs have no other sellers so Im not sure if its abuse or not.

I cannot use the Report Abuse form to investigate because pending and cancelled orders are not considered valid order IDs in the Abuse form.

I provided an Excel list of all the orders but Seller Support is no help

Case ID 15568731681

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buy shipping question
by Seller_yv15aBS3Zuprx
Amazon replied

I am returning to selling on Amazon after a long time and I am astounded at the difference between how much shipping is supposed to cost (according to Amazon) and how much it actually does cost when I go to the post office. The solution seems to be "buy shipping," but there's something missing from all the articles and videos on this topic ... what do I do with the package once it's all labeled and ready to go? Am I still just taking it to the post office or using a UPS drop box on the corner (those have always seemed sketchy to me). The videos seemed to imply that there was a better option ...

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XPH8... where inventory goes to die?
by Seller_21Lzqw2ZpX66B
Amazon replied

Several of my shipments have ended up in this mysterious FC 'XPH8', which seems to be a 3PL and not an Amazon owned FC.

My inventory has been there for 45+ days and is stuck in "reserved" or "FC processing".

Support says they initiated a "manual downstream transfer to the nearest FC", a week ago. Nothing has changed.

Anyone else seeing inventory in XPH8 that seems to be forgotten about?

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Is there a way to block amazon from guaranteeing delivery on Saturday with overnight and 2 day shipping? It is cost prohibitive and i have been unable to figure out a way to stop it.

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Threating Customer
by Seller_WmtZwRmdYOFQ7
Amazon replied

We have a customer that is up set that we required a signature when delivered. They did contact us and we informed them that they would need to contact the carrier to arrange delivery when they were able to sign for it. For us the item was$135 which we require signatures. Now they said they are going to keep ordering and refusing. Any advise?

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Proof of ownership for a book without invoice
by Seller_UmTeCLgVxM2uz
Amazon replied

I sell used books through Amazon FBA. I opened a case for a lost unit from a shipment I sent to FBA. Support told me that I'm required to provide proof of ownership. How would I provide one if I got this used book for free? Also, in my inventory ledger clearly shows that they lost my unit during warehouse transfers. I was also advised by one of the supports to "never to send inventory to an Amazon warehouse if you don't have proof of ownership to show you purchased the product." Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

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Inventory missing from inbound
by Seller_mNG3vArQSKR3a

@Seller_YeWcEeTwlVO93 @Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxuHi, I hope your day is going well. We have a shipment where initially, many units and entire boxes were missing. We first created an initial case a month ago, and they responded by saying that the invoices didn't match the quantity. When we explained everything, support replied, copying and pasting the previous response.

I then had a phone call with support, and they confirmed that our invoices and quantities were legitimate, creating a new case for us. However, this case was merged with an old one and subsequently closed, preventing us from replying. I opened 2-3 more cases, and each time, a new support person asked for the invoices again, despite us providing them when creating the case. For some reason, they couldn't see the invoices.

I then had a chat with support, and they created a new case, promising a response within 24 hours. It's been over a week without a reply. In a chat yesterday, they informed me that one case was already ongoing and to expect a response there.

This process has become very frustrating. Although Amazon found most of the inventory, around 50 units are still missing. I would greatly appreciate it if you could look into this issue. I can provide all the case IDs and invoices.

Thank you, and I look forward to a positive response.

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Carrier cost
by Seller_oh2vfCVEF4RbB
Amazon replied

Has anyone ever had a shipping cost more than twice the cost of the product you're shipping to the customer? This is an item weighing one pound addressed to a U.S. customer and other shipping options were more. Someone help me figure this out please?

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