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Listing Lounge: Detail Page Rules - Updating or Adding a Product UPC

by Michelle_Amazon

Welcome back to Listing Lounge!

As we have had many contacts around this issue, today we are going to review the policy around detail page updates and adding a new UPC to your item or updating an existing one.

Do you ever wonder why you can't add or update a UPC for a detail page that you created? This is due to other sellers may have the product that you were previously selling and can list on the page that you originally created. Changing information on the detail page can lead to customers thinking they received items that were not authentic and cause customer dissatisfaction. The other reason for not allowing adding another UPC as this can cause issues at the fulfillment center when there are multiple UPC's for one ASIN.

When you add a new UPC to your product, you will be required to create a new ASIN. This goes for an item that was previously created without a UPC, or a current ASIN that the product has a new UPC. This includes if you previously had a GTIN exemption for your product.

Per the updated Product Detail Page Rules Policy:

Policies for editing detail pages

You cannot edit, update, or add the product ID for a listing that has been created with GTIN exemption. Product ID is a non-editable value and cannot be modified once a listing is created. If you want to update the product ID for a listing that has been created with GTIN exemption, you must delete and create a new listing of the product with a GS1 approved product identifier.

If you have added a new UPC to your product, you can help guide customers to your new ASIN by following this post on the Newer Version Widget. This will help your customers find your new listing and help build new reviews.

I hope you found this information useful.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Listing Lounge. If you have questions regarding a specific browse node path you would like a Community Manager to review, please begin a new discussion, select the Create and Manage Listings category, and use the tags, ‘ASIN,’ ‘Detail Page’ and ‘Add a Product’ .

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Tags: ASIN, Add a product, Detail page
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