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I am reaching out to the community with frustration to address an issue with my product listing for nasal strips, which was incorrectly removed from Amazon due to a classification error. This product has been mistakenly identified as a mouth tape product, which it is not. I have emailed to highrisk-childsafety for this error multiple times but all I get are same bot-response stating "Mouth tapes products cause safety risk. Therefore, they are prohibited from sale and listing on Amazon." CaseID is 15457889001.

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For unbranded products, the modification of titles has been restricted, and upon contacting Amazon customer service, I was informed that the review team needs to handle it. However, the modification request I submitted on July 2nd has not been processed to date, indicating a low efficiency of the review team. This has adversely affected my sales and advertising efforts as a seller. Four of my products are currently facing this issue, with their titles remaining unchanged. I have been unable to find a proper channel for lodging a complaint against Amazon's specialized review team.

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I have a listing that had been selling then suddenly stopped, which is when I noticed that though it's active, it is no longer searchable. Seller support said its missing the browse node and no surprise --only the brand owner can fix it. The actual brand owner does not sell on Amazon so I assume it's another seller who may or may not still be on the listing. They said if I believe it's a listing or policy violation I can report it, but I don't know who's claiming to be the brand owner. I also don't understand how this can occur so frequently. I hesitate to waste time even asking seller support for help because 9 times out of 10 the response is that only the brand owner can fix it, but on my listings it's never the actual brand owner who's claiming they are. A brand owner wouldn't have glaring mistakes in a listing for their own product and would want their product to be searchable and in this case I know for a fact that the actual brand owner is not selling on Amazon. Generally if the true brand owner is selling it, I'm not. It just doesn't make any sense. Doesn't it require some kind of proof to claim you're a brand owner? Does anyone know of any solution to this problem or should I just accept defeat and remove my inventory?

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2 people selling?
by Seller_ErvUNDoQAFh9E

HI- We make a product called the Sonar Shield., We sold a large Quantity to FISHUSA and they asked if they could sell on Amazon. We Ok'd them to sell on Amazon. We now would like to have our OWN listing of the sonar shield but wehn I put it in Amazon it shows being sold by FISHUSA. It is my product that I make so it should be made and sold by Sonar Shield. How can we both sell the same UPC on Amazon?

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I have been here for about 15 years, lots of blood, sweat and tears. I am a fashion jewelry seller and I'm now being hit with all these demands to provide testing documents for "childen's jewelry" compliance. According to Amazon, Children's jewelry is for 12 and under. Nowhere in my listings do I have that these products are for ages 12 and under. My appeals are being rejected and Amazon is determined to remove the catalog pages that I've created over the years. Funny that I never had this issue in the past, but now that I've stopped sending products to FBA, they're suddenly targeting me.


There are a gazillion listings on Amazon that are just like mine, mostly Chinese. Are these sellers being harassed?

Thank you, Amazon, for destroying yet ANOTHER American small business.

It looks like my time is done here since all my listings will be removed.

Don't think it can't happen to you. It's only a matter of time

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Copy listing is not working
by Seller_1F2rN6ihZKT6X

Please fix amazon!!! Adding new product works but then you have to re add everything where as copy listing keeps all the prefilled info that you always use so you do not have to put it all in again which is very aggravating. FIX copy listing please! No products are showing up in inventory if using copy listing. You all always have to screw around and do updates and mess up everything. You cannot just leave things alone that have always worked.

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Listing has been active for almost a month, but I haven't made a single sale.
by Seller_15D0lRB2T9Q84in New Seller Community group

Hello, I'm a relatively new seller on Amazon. My product is a computer, which I believe immensly affects the fact that I haven't been able to make any sales. My account health, registration, etc. seems to be fine. I've started running ads only recently. On top of this, I do believe that I am in posession of a buy box. Am I missing anything?

Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!


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We're Brand Registered, and have healthy account metrics... except our OTDR is now at 91%

We often ship multiple boxes per order due to the size of our products, and OTDR counts each box delivered late by the carrier against us.

We're using SSA and Auto handling time, but not Buy Shipping yet. If it supports multiple shipments per order then we will add this. The SSA settings appear to promise delivery times that UPS can't actually achieve? Everything is based around UPS Ground and Amazon SSA, and we have no late shipments plus 100% valid tracking rate.

There are other forum posts where Seller seemingly lose their Featured Offers without warning, so maybe OTDR is just a coincidence?

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Lost Feature Offer/Buy Box Eligiblity (US only)
by Seller_RT1hgyJYoTv3H
Amazon replied

Can I have an admin look into why I am no longer Featured Offer Eligible/escalate to a higher up team?

I already contacted Seller Support and the case ID is 15674348501.

I have been Buy Box Eligible for several, several years, so I am not sure what happeened to the acccount.

The rep did a "refresh" and told me to wait 48 hours. It has been 48 hours and I am still not eligible for featured offer on ALL ASIN's/ALL Inventory.

This only affects my US Inventory (both FBA/FBM), Canada is unaffected with complete featured offer/buy box eligibility.

I am a long-time seller and my Account Health has zero issues, as confirmed by the metrics and reaching out to the Account Health team.

Please advise.

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