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Listings Lounge: Demystifying Pesticides and Pesticide Devices

by Glenn_Amazon

You think Pesticides are just poison? You’ve got a lot to learn! Fortunately, we are ready with a new Listings Lounge to give some insight into Selling Pesticide and Pesticide devices on Amazon. And I, Glenn, am happy to deliver it.

In the US, pesticides and pesticide devices must comply with FIFRA and applicable state and local laws, including registration and labeling requirements. Pesticides and pesticide devices include the following:

  • Any product intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest
  • Any product that makes antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-mold, or pesticide claims

Based on this definition ANY claims that a product might reduce or prevent a pest can be subject to Amazon’s policies. It doesn’t need to be a traditional pesticide but also things like ultraviolet lights, water treatment units, or mothballs. This also applies to the traditional types of pests like insects, rodents, and mold but also alternative terms like mildew (mildew is mold!).

To ensure your pesticide and pesticide products remain compliant, you should ensure that you have appropriate EPA information. You must provide a valid EPA registration number or an EPA establishment number, as applicable, for each pesticide or pesticide device listing, or specify that your product qualifies for an exemption. You can review how to add this information on the Compliance ID Attribute – Pesticide Marking help page.

If you are interested in selling a product that is intended to be a pesticide or makes pesticide claims, you can complete the online training course. You can access the course by following these steps:

  1. In Seller Central, select Catalog and click Add products.
  2. Search for the product that you want to sell.
  3. In the search results, click the Apply to sell button to the right of the product.
  4. A new page will load. Click Request approval to start the application process.
  5. After you're redirected to Seller University, complete the training with an 80% or higher score.
  6. Once you’ve passed the training, click Continue on the Results page and click Exit the course.
  7. Once redirected to the application workflow, check the box to agree to the Guaranty and click Submit.

Please note that at this time only US residents are eligible to list pesticide products in the US per Amazon policy. I’m sorry if this means you can’t list this type of product.

Hopefully this addresses most of the pesky questions about Pesticides and Pesticide Devices.

Did you learn something new about pesticides? What products are you surprised are classified as pesticides or pesticide devices?

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Tags: Compliance, Detail page, Listing deactivated, Listings
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