Greetings Sellers!
We are reaching out with a reminder on how you can best use vacation settings to help prevent account impacts or disruptions.
As many of you are aware of the recent severe weather events impacting much of the East Coast and Florida, it’s recommended that you place your account on vacation if you are or will be impacted by these events. This is a preventative measure to eliminate any new orders from being received while you are unable to fulfill them. If there is a lesser impact than expected and you are back up and running sooner, this setting can be changed at any time.
As a reminder, when utilizing this setting, only the merchant fulfilled listings will be set to inactive. We will continue to manage your fulfilled by Amazon orders.
This feature can also be beneficial in times of your absence due to illness, vacations, holidays, emergencies, or spending time with loved ones. To initiate vacation mode on your account please visit the following help page for step-by-step instructions and additional details...
--Listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences
Please note: If your performance metrics have been affected due to any weather emergencies, please submit an appeal that explains how this has impacted your business and which type of disruptions occurred so this can be addressed properly.
I hope this is helpful and if you have any questions please reach out.
Wishing you all the very best,