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Listing Lounge: Button Cell Batteries, what's all the fuss?

Welcome back to Listing Lounge! We are glad to see you back to learn more and today we are going to review the requirements around button cell batteries.

We have had a lot of contacts regarding getting listings reviewed by the compliance team, so I wanted to share more information with you and follow up on our news post.

The law regarding button cell batteries was changed due to Reese's Law, which was created to help protect children 6 and under from potentially ingesting a coin or button cell batteries.


Reese’s Law: A new era in battery safety

Signed by U.S. President Biden on Aug. 16, 2022, Reese’s Law mandates federal safety requirements for button cell and coin batteries. The intent of this groundbreaking rule is to eliminate or adequately reduce the risk of injury from ingestion of button cell or coin batteries by children six years of age and younger during reasonably foreseeable use or misuse conditions.

16 CFR part 1263: Implementing Reese’s Law

On Feb. 9, 2023, the CPSC published the Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for safety rule 16 CFR part 1263, the Safety Standard and Notification Requirements for Button Cell and Coin Batteries and Consumer Products Containing Such Batteries. This rule established performance, labeling, and other related requirements as mandated by Reese’s Law, marking a significant step forward in battery safety.

Reese’s Law and 16 CFR part 1263 have a wide scope, encompassing consumer products placed in the U.S. market with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries. The requirements affect any general use or children’s product using such batteries, including single-cell batteries where the diameter exceeds the height, or any other batteries identified by CPSC as an ingestion risk, while toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. Product categories include, for example, consumer electronics, information technology equipment, audio and video, hard goods, accessories, apparel and footwear.

Infographic showing consumer products with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries

While we understand that the review time that it is taking for the Compliance Team to review is taking longer than sellers would like, unfortunately, there is no way to speed up this process.

We have also had sellers contact us regarding their battery is not a coin or button cell battery and want that information updated on the listing. If your product has been updated and no longer contains a button cell battery, then you are required to create a new ASIN per the Product Detail Page Rules policy.

Policies for editing detail pages

You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.

You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.

For more information on the legal requirements for coin or button cell batteries, please review Button cell and coin batteries and products that contain them.

While I know that these policies can be frustrating as it takes time to get documents reviewed and approved. Amazon has to follow the laws that are set in place to ensure the safety of your customers is number one, and we thank you for your understanding when it takes a little longer than you would like.

Please let us know if you have any questions. If you have a specific case you would like us to look at, please create a new thread and we will be happy to take a look.

Until next time!


UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing Lounge subject you want us to feature next!

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Tags:Compliance, Listing deactivated, Product removal, Restricted Products
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Listing Lounge: Button Cell Batteries, what's all the fuss?

Welcome back to Listing Lounge! We are glad to see you back to learn more and today we are going to review the requirements around button cell batteries.

We have had a lot of contacts regarding getting listings reviewed by the compliance team, so I wanted to share more information with you and follow up on our news post.

The law regarding button cell batteries was changed due to Reese's Law, which was created to help protect children 6 and under from potentially ingesting a coin or button cell batteries.


Reese’s Law: A new era in battery safety

Signed by U.S. President Biden on Aug. 16, 2022, Reese’s Law mandates federal safety requirements for button cell and coin batteries. The intent of this groundbreaking rule is to eliminate or adequately reduce the risk of injury from ingestion of button cell or coin batteries by children six years of age and younger during reasonably foreseeable use or misuse conditions.

16 CFR part 1263: Implementing Reese’s Law

On Feb. 9, 2023, the CPSC published the Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for safety rule 16 CFR part 1263, the Safety Standard and Notification Requirements for Button Cell and Coin Batteries and Consumer Products Containing Such Batteries. This rule established performance, labeling, and other related requirements as mandated by Reese’s Law, marking a significant step forward in battery safety.

Reese’s Law and 16 CFR part 1263 have a wide scope, encompassing consumer products placed in the U.S. market with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries. The requirements affect any general use or children’s product using such batteries, including single-cell batteries where the diameter exceeds the height, or any other batteries identified by CPSC as an ingestion risk, while toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. Product categories include, for example, consumer electronics, information technology equipment, audio and video, hard goods, accessories, apparel and footwear.

Infographic showing consumer products with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries

While we understand that the review time that it is taking for the Compliance Team to review is taking longer than sellers would like, unfortunately, there is no way to speed up this process.

We have also had sellers contact us regarding their battery is not a coin or button cell battery and want that information updated on the listing. If your product has been updated and no longer contains a button cell battery, then you are required to create a new ASIN per the Product Detail Page Rules policy.

Policies for editing detail pages

You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.

You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.

For more information on the legal requirements for coin or button cell batteries, please review Button cell and coin batteries and products that contain them.

While I know that these policies can be frustrating as it takes time to get documents reviewed and approved. Amazon has to follow the laws that are set in place to ensure the safety of your customers is number one, and we thank you for your understanding when it takes a little longer than you would like.

Please let us know if you have any questions. If you have a specific case you would like us to look at, please create a new thread and we will be happy to take a look.

Until next time!


UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing Lounge subject you want us to feature next!

Tags:Compliance, Listing deactivated, Product removal, Restricted Products
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Amazon is eventually going to have to answer to regulatory authorities on :

1. Why they ignored a provision of the law intended to NOT HARM sellers by stating that the law didn't apply to products manufactured prior to March 19, 2024 and

2. Why Amazon is discriminating against certain items and sellers while leaving other non-conforming products live on the site and

3. Why Amazon is leaving it's own listings live on the site even though they're not compliant, and removing identical item 3P listings simultaneously

As someone that has worked for, and with, Amazon for two decades, this will create my exit from your platform and I hope that holy hell rains down on you for this destruction of lives and businesses.

user profile

@Michelle_Amazon what about toys, which are exempt from this new law, as the battery stuff has already be covered by ASTM+CPSIA reports?

Certified Toy testing labs are telling us that this new testing isn't valid or needed for toys.

Amazon support is rejecting our valid ASTM + CPSIA reports.

Please help!

Below is a screenshot highlighting a portion of the law stating this.

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Approx half of our products are toys that contain button cell batteries and are exempt "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. " Yet, Amazon will not acknowledge the exemption and is requiring that we submit all of the documents (which we are doing) and has stranded 35 skus / over 5600 units of product. We have 68 open cases waiting for Amazon to review the docs and images we submitted.

Why won't Amazon acknowledge this exemption? "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. "

user profile

35 high value ASINs (half our inventory) here have been stuck in review for over a month, detail pages removed tens of thousands of dollars in sales lost and all we get are canned responses. several cases opened with them over 3 weeks but as usual seller support and Amazon just don't care




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Listing Lounge: Button Cell Batteries, what's all the fuss?

Welcome back to Listing Lounge! We are glad to see you back to learn more and today we are going to review the requirements around button cell batteries.

We have had a lot of contacts regarding getting listings reviewed by the compliance team, so I wanted to share more information with you and follow up on our news post.

The law regarding button cell batteries was changed due to Reese's Law, which was created to help protect children 6 and under from potentially ingesting a coin or button cell batteries.


Reese’s Law: A new era in battery safety

Signed by U.S. President Biden on Aug. 16, 2022, Reese’s Law mandates federal safety requirements for button cell and coin batteries. The intent of this groundbreaking rule is to eliminate or adequately reduce the risk of injury from ingestion of button cell or coin batteries by children six years of age and younger during reasonably foreseeable use or misuse conditions.

16 CFR part 1263: Implementing Reese’s Law

On Feb. 9, 2023, the CPSC published the Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for safety rule 16 CFR part 1263, the Safety Standard and Notification Requirements for Button Cell and Coin Batteries and Consumer Products Containing Such Batteries. This rule established performance, labeling, and other related requirements as mandated by Reese’s Law, marking a significant step forward in battery safety.

Reese’s Law and 16 CFR part 1263 have a wide scope, encompassing consumer products placed in the U.S. market with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries. The requirements affect any general use or children’s product using such batteries, including single-cell batteries where the diameter exceeds the height, or any other batteries identified by CPSC as an ingestion risk, while toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. Product categories include, for example, consumer electronics, information technology equipment, audio and video, hard goods, accessories, apparel and footwear.

Infographic showing consumer products with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries

While we understand that the review time that it is taking for the Compliance Team to review is taking longer than sellers would like, unfortunately, there is no way to speed up this process.

We have also had sellers contact us regarding their battery is not a coin or button cell battery and want that information updated on the listing. If your product has been updated and no longer contains a button cell battery, then you are required to create a new ASIN per the Product Detail Page Rules policy.

Policies for editing detail pages

You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.

You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.

For more information on the legal requirements for coin or button cell batteries, please review Button cell and coin batteries and products that contain them.

While I know that these policies can be frustrating as it takes time to get documents reviewed and approved. Amazon has to follow the laws that are set in place to ensure the safety of your customers is number one, and we thank you for your understanding when it takes a little longer than you would like.

Please let us know if you have any questions. If you have a specific case you would like us to look at, please create a new thread and we will be happy to take a look.

Until next time!


UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing Lounge subject you want us to feature next!

14 replies
Tags:Compliance, Listing deactivated, Product removal, Restricted Products
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Listing Lounge: Button Cell Batteries, what's all the fuss?

Welcome back to Listing Lounge! We are glad to see you back to learn more and today we are going to review the requirements around button cell batteries.

We have had a lot of contacts regarding getting listings reviewed by the compliance team, so I wanted to share more information with you and follow up on our news post.

The law regarding button cell batteries was changed due to Reese's Law, which was created to help protect children 6 and under from potentially ingesting a coin or button cell batteries.


Reese’s Law: A new era in battery safety

Signed by U.S. President Biden on Aug. 16, 2022, Reese’s Law mandates federal safety requirements for button cell and coin batteries. The intent of this groundbreaking rule is to eliminate or adequately reduce the risk of injury from ingestion of button cell or coin batteries by children six years of age and younger during reasonably foreseeable use or misuse conditions.

16 CFR part 1263: Implementing Reese’s Law

On Feb. 9, 2023, the CPSC published the Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for safety rule 16 CFR part 1263, the Safety Standard and Notification Requirements for Button Cell and Coin Batteries and Consumer Products Containing Such Batteries. This rule established performance, labeling, and other related requirements as mandated by Reese’s Law, marking a significant step forward in battery safety.

Reese’s Law and 16 CFR part 1263 have a wide scope, encompassing consumer products placed in the U.S. market with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries. The requirements affect any general use or children’s product using such batteries, including single-cell batteries where the diameter exceeds the height, or any other batteries identified by CPSC as an ingestion risk, while toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. Product categories include, for example, consumer electronics, information technology equipment, audio and video, hard goods, accessories, apparel and footwear.

Infographic showing consumer products with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries

While we understand that the review time that it is taking for the Compliance Team to review is taking longer than sellers would like, unfortunately, there is no way to speed up this process.

We have also had sellers contact us regarding their battery is not a coin or button cell battery and want that information updated on the listing. If your product has been updated and no longer contains a button cell battery, then you are required to create a new ASIN per the Product Detail Page Rules policy.

Policies for editing detail pages

You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.

You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.

For more information on the legal requirements for coin or button cell batteries, please review Button cell and coin batteries and products that contain them.

While I know that these policies can be frustrating as it takes time to get documents reviewed and approved. Amazon has to follow the laws that are set in place to ensure the safety of your customers is number one, and we thank you for your understanding when it takes a little longer than you would like.

Please let us know if you have any questions. If you have a specific case you would like us to look at, please create a new thread and we will be happy to take a look.

Until next time!


UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing Lounge subject you want us to feature next!

Tags:Compliance, Listing deactivated, Product removal, Restricted Products
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Listing Lounge: Button Cell Batteries, what's all the fuss?

by Michelle_Amazon

Welcome back to Listing Lounge! We are glad to see you back to learn more and today we are going to review the requirements around button cell batteries.

We have had a lot of contacts regarding getting listings reviewed by the compliance team, so I wanted to share more information with you and follow up on our news post.

The law regarding button cell batteries was changed due to Reese's Law, which was created to help protect children 6 and under from potentially ingesting a coin or button cell batteries.


Reese’s Law: A new era in battery safety

Signed by U.S. President Biden on Aug. 16, 2022, Reese’s Law mandates federal safety requirements for button cell and coin batteries. The intent of this groundbreaking rule is to eliminate or adequately reduce the risk of injury from ingestion of button cell or coin batteries by children six years of age and younger during reasonably foreseeable use or misuse conditions.

16 CFR part 1263: Implementing Reese’s Law

On Feb. 9, 2023, the CPSC published the Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for safety rule 16 CFR part 1263, the Safety Standard and Notification Requirements for Button Cell and Coin Batteries and Consumer Products Containing Such Batteries. This rule established performance, labeling, and other related requirements as mandated by Reese’s Law, marking a significant step forward in battery safety.

Reese’s Law and 16 CFR part 1263 have a wide scope, encompassing consumer products placed in the U.S. market with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries. The requirements affect any general use or children’s product using such batteries, including single-cell batteries where the diameter exceeds the height, or any other batteries identified by CPSC as an ingestion risk, while toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. Product categories include, for example, consumer electronics, information technology equipment, audio and video, hard goods, accessories, apparel and footwear.

Infographic showing consumer products with both removable and non-removable button cell or coin batteries

While we understand that the review time that it is taking for the Compliance Team to review is taking longer than sellers would like, unfortunately, there is no way to speed up this process.

We have also had sellers contact us regarding their battery is not a coin or button cell battery and want that information updated on the listing. If your product has been updated and no longer contains a button cell battery, then you are required to create a new ASIN per the Product Detail Page Rules policy.

Policies for editing detail pages

You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.

You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.

For more information on the legal requirements for coin or button cell batteries, please review Button cell and coin batteries and products that contain them.

While I know that these policies can be frustrating as it takes time to get documents reviewed and approved. Amazon has to follow the laws that are set in place to ensure the safety of your customers is number one, and we thank you for your understanding when it takes a little longer than you would like.

Please let us know if you have any questions. If you have a specific case you would like us to look at, please create a new thread and we will be happy to take a look.

Until next time!


UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing Lounge subject you want us to feature next!

Tags:Compliance, Listing deactivated, Product removal, Restricted Products
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Amazon is eventually going to have to answer to regulatory authorities on :

1. Why they ignored a provision of the law intended to NOT HARM sellers by stating that the law didn't apply to products manufactured prior to March 19, 2024 and

2. Why Amazon is discriminating against certain items and sellers while leaving other non-conforming products live on the site and

3. Why Amazon is leaving it's own listings live on the site even though they're not compliant, and removing identical item 3P listings simultaneously

As someone that has worked for, and with, Amazon for two decades, this will create my exit from your platform and I hope that holy hell rains down on you for this destruction of lives and businesses.

user profile

@Michelle_Amazon what about toys, which are exempt from this new law, as the battery stuff has already be covered by ASTM+CPSIA reports?

Certified Toy testing labs are telling us that this new testing isn't valid or needed for toys.

Amazon support is rejecting our valid ASTM + CPSIA reports.

Please help!

Below is a screenshot highlighting a portion of the law stating this.

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Approx half of our products are toys that contain button cell batteries and are exempt "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. " Yet, Amazon will not acknowledge the exemption and is requiring that we submit all of the documents (which we are doing) and has stranded 35 skus / over 5600 units of product. We have 68 open cases waiting for Amazon to review the docs and images we submitted.

Why won't Amazon acknowledge this exemption? "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. "

user profile

35 high value ASINs (half our inventory) here have been stuck in review for over a month, detail pages removed tens of thousands of dollars in sales lost and all we get are canned responses. several cases opened with them over 3 weeks but as usual seller support and Amazon just don't care




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Amazon is eventually going to have to answer to regulatory authorities on :

1. Why they ignored a provision of the law intended to NOT HARM sellers by stating that the law didn't apply to products manufactured prior to March 19, 2024 and

2. Why Amazon is discriminating against certain items and sellers while leaving other non-conforming products live on the site and

3. Why Amazon is leaving it's own listings live on the site even though they're not compliant, and removing identical item 3P listings simultaneously

As someone that has worked for, and with, Amazon for two decades, this will create my exit from your platform and I hope that holy hell rains down on you for this destruction of lives and businesses.

user profile

Amazon is eventually going to have to answer to regulatory authorities on :

1. Why they ignored a provision of the law intended to NOT HARM sellers by stating that the law didn't apply to products manufactured prior to March 19, 2024 and

2. Why Amazon is discriminating against certain items and sellers while leaving other non-conforming products live on the site and

3. Why Amazon is leaving it's own listings live on the site even though they're not compliant, and removing identical item 3P listings simultaneously

As someone that has worked for, and with, Amazon for two decades, this will create my exit from your platform and I hope that holy hell rains down on you for this destruction of lives and businesses.

user profile

@Michelle_Amazon what about toys, which are exempt from this new law, as the battery stuff has already be covered by ASTM+CPSIA reports?

Certified Toy testing labs are telling us that this new testing isn't valid or needed for toys.

Amazon support is rejecting our valid ASTM + CPSIA reports.

Please help!

Below is a screenshot highlighting a portion of the law stating this.

user profile

@Michelle_Amazon what about toys, which are exempt from this new law, as the battery stuff has already be covered by ASTM+CPSIA reports?

Certified Toy testing labs are telling us that this new testing isn't valid or needed for toys.

Amazon support is rejecting our valid ASTM + CPSIA reports.

Please help!

Below is a screenshot highlighting a portion of the law stating this.

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Approx half of our products are toys that contain button cell batteries and are exempt "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. " Yet, Amazon will not acknowledge the exemption and is requiring that we submit all of the documents (which we are doing) and has stranded 35 skus / over 5600 units of product. We have 68 open cases waiting for Amazon to review the docs and images we submitted.

Why won't Amazon acknowledge this exemption? "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. "

user profile

Approx half of our products are toys that contain button cell batteries and are exempt "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. " Yet, Amazon will not acknowledge the exemption and is requiring that we submit all of the documents (which we are doing) and has stranded 35 skus / over 5600 units of product. We have 68 open cases waiting for Amazon to review the docs and images we submitted.

Why won't Amazon acknowledge this exemption? "toys and products for professional or commercial use are exempted. "

user profile

35 high value ASINs (half our inventory) here have been stuck in review for over a month, detail pages removed tens of thousands of dollars in sales lost and all we get are canned responses. several cases opened with them over 3 weeks but as usual seller support and Amazon just don't care




user profile

35 high value ASINs (half our inventory) here have been stuck in review for over a month, detail pages removed tens of thousands of dollars in sales lost and all we get are canned responses. several cases opened with them over 3 weeks but as usual seller support and Amazon just don't care




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