Good Morning Sellers!
Each metric located on the Account Health Page (AHP) serves to provide vital information relating to measuring the movement of your orders and satisfaction with your customers. For details on navigating the account health page, please see this post here.
When viewing each metric, there will include a button located in the bottom left hand corner of the page. Once requested, the button will generate a report that can be downloaded as an Excel file for you to review. Please see the image below for an example of the button.

Note: The option to download the report will not be available on shipping metrics if you have not completed seller-fulfilled orders as shipping metrics are not impacted by FBA orders. Additionally, the report will show as empty if you have fulfilled orders but no defects currently impacting the metric.
If you are seeing defects on your metrics, I would advise on downloading the report to investigate and gain an understanding for which orders are being affected. For example, let’s discuss the Late Shipment Rate (LSR) report.

When downloading the report for your LSR, the file will include six columns (from left to right): Order Date, Order ID, Expected Ship Date, Ship Date, Ship Confirm Date, and Impacts Account Health.
The columns you will want to draw your attention to when reviewing this metric for defects are, Expected Ship Date and the Ship Confirm Date as this will give you the information on if the specific order was confirmed prior to the expected ship date. The metric calculation will look at both a 10-day and 30-day window of orders that have been completed through seller-fulfillment. To maintain a healthy LSR, you will want to keep the metric under 4% for both the 10-day and 30-day window.
When a metric falls off target, our system may generate a banner at the top of your AHP to inform you of the impacts. This banner may indicate that the account is at risk, but this does not immediately mean that action is required. It will be important to monitor the messaging available to see if additional information is requested from you.
Unless you receive an explicit request for information to be provided, the recommendation when seeing these banners will be to monitor and adjust your practices if you observe any specific concerns. Once the metric is back on target, you should see the banners removed from the AHP. I hope this information has provided insight into how you will want to understand and navigate the report associated to your metrics.
If you have any specific issues or concerns you would like assistance with, I encourage you to create your own discussion so that our team may review and provide support.