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We’re always working on ways to improve your selling experience, and our self-service Capacity Manager tool can help FBA sellers plan ahead for the peak season.

Capacity Manager allows you to request an increase to FBA capacity limits based on a reservation fee that you specify. When you submit a request, you’ll list the maximum reservation fee you’d be willing to pay to reserve the additional capacity. No upfront payment is required.

When your request is granted, the reservation fee can be offset with performance credits earned from sales generated using the additional capacity. Performance credits can offset up to 100% of your reservation fee, meaning you won’t pay for the extra capacity as long as your products sell through.

Requests are granted objectively, starting with the highest reservation fee per cubic foot, until all available capacity has been allocated. For all sellers whose requests are granted in the same week, the lowest reservation fee applies regardless of the amount you originally submitted.

To learn more, including how our lowest reservation fee guarantee works, go to Capacity Manager.

You can also review our step-by-step guide and video tutorial to help you create Capacity Manager requests, set reservation fees, and estimate performance credits.

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Ungated product on Amazon became gated
by Seller_7EAwgOGktNDRg

Hello everyone! Please help ASAP!

Before buying product from a supplier I had checked that it was Ungated and Amazon gave me permission. create labels etc. Products came to USA and I wanted to add some pictures for selling my product and got message 'You need approval to list this ASIN'

What I can do now? Can I change labels in Amazon Facility FBA and sell them on another Ungated Brand product?

Please give me advise ASAP it's my first experience

Best regards.

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113-9383383-9897045 feedback removal request
by Seller_XTq5B9ziYWxSH

Subject: Request for Removal of Offensive Buyer Feedback

Dear Amazon Customer Service,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the removal of a recent buyer feedback comment on my account. The comment contains offensive language that is highly inappropriate and derogatory. Specifically, the feedback includes the use of the letter "N," which is often used as a shorthand for a deeply offensive racial slur ("ngga" or "ngger"), a term historically associated with racism and hate.

As a seller on your platform, I take pride in providing excellent service to all customers regardless of background or identity. It is distressing to see such language used in a customer review, as it not only violates Amazon's guidelines on respectful communication but also perpetuates harm and discrimination.

I kindly request that Amazon promptly remove this feedback from my account. I believe its presence not only misrepresents the service I provide but also undermines the integrity of your feedback system.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt assistance in resolving this issue.


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We have had ~2600+ items flagged in the sportings goods category as SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED in Restricted Product Policy Violations. They are going up by the minute. They are hundreds of differnt products from dozens of different brands and sub categories.

Account health has been little help citing we should check out listing content and call the catalog team. This seems like a large site glitch. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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I have NEWS directly from Account Health Assurance that I want to share with you all!

I recently got off the phone with Account Health Assurance. The Technical Team is actively working on this issue, but it is still in the early stages. When you call in, they are flagging the account and forwarding it to the Technical Team.

First, go through the ASINs in question and look for ANY word that might be construed as a plant or seed. The agent gave me an extensive list such as plant, seed, leaf, shrub, flower, get the idea. Open your mind to anything plant-related and look for those words anywhere in the listing, title, attributes, etc.

Next, go forward and file an appeal, so that if the Technical Team can't resolve every issue in time, the matter can be resolved through appeal. If your items have NO trigger words or images that you can find, do as follows. NOTE: I ended up finding trigger words on the one Video Game I have filed so far, so I modified my appeal accordingly. The trigger words were on parts of the page that I could not edit, so I explained this and took screen shots and marked up the photos to show where the issues are for documentation.

1. Go to one of the violations and click on Submit Appeal.

2. Click the 2 boxes that state you have read the policies in question.

3. Enter something to this effect in the first box: "This product is neither a plant or seeds and has no trigger words. This is a false violation on the account. Please review the details in the ASINs and resolve the violation." Again, if it DOES have trigger words, you will have to modify this appeal to fit your situation and detail what the trigger words are that you are unable to modify for whatever reason (or should not modify because your item is, for example, flower jewelry).

4. If you have multiple similar ASINs that you can appeal at once, go for it in box 2.

5. Click on Next and upload any supporting documentation. I uploaded marked up screenshots as mentioned above.

Submit the appeal and wait for Amazon to handle it.

I know for those that have an extensive number of ASINS, this is ridiculous. I hope you are able to copy and paste them all in to one appeal. I just wanted to share what I learned in case it can help anyone.

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This is just ridiculous!! This morning 17 of my ASIN go hit with a restricted products violation for being "live plant or seed products". And threatened me that if I did not respond the request, the listings would be removed in next few days. Are you kidding me!!! I never sell live plant or seed in my live. My products are RV cover, seat cover and boat cover. Any normal person could judge my listing title that they are not any plant or seed. I don't know how many of my ASINs will be hit in the coming days. Unbelievable!

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While my live plant and seed issue on most of my ASINs has not been resolved, another issue came up on my account health - list policy violation. 2 of my ASINs were showing my bullet points being removed. So I went to the edit listing page, there the first bullet point showing warning "Product Detail Page Rules Violation (Inaccurate information on product detail page". No matter how I changed the bullet point contect, the same warning showed, even I just input single letter!! This issue had show to my 2 ASINs with different categories. It all lead to the first bullet point being detail listing voilation. I would see this as the extension of the "live plant and seed" glitch. And this is just going out of control!!

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VTR Rating with LTL shipments HELP!
by Seller_4hNRliIItjQeO

We have just received this message down below. We are seller fulfilled and ship out larger items and only use LTL shipments through our broker. However even though we select the freight carrier on the drop down and put that it is LTL with the PRO number we find that this is not always accurate with Amazon's tracking as sometimes we will ship LTL with DHE and it will show on the customers side as UPS. Also all of our freight shipments require the customer to book an appointment which can hurt our delivery window if the customer chooses not to accept the shipment right away. Any suggestions how we can approve our VTR? is there a manual way of marking shipments delivered if we have the POD(proof of delivery). Please help as we do not want our account at risk for a flaw in Amazon's tracking with LTL shipments.

Hello Seller, We noticed that your seller account has been flagged as having a Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) below the 95% requirement. Sellers must provide valid tracking numbers for at least 95% of their packages in all categories to avoid suspension of their selling privileges in that category." You are in time to get this fixed! We recommend that you look at your untracked shipments to understand and improve your score. If your Valid Tracking Rate is not improved, we may no longer allow you to sell merchant-fulfilled items under the categories with a VTR rate below 95%. All major delivery partners provide tracking numbers for free

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Hi All,

My account was deactivated almost 45 days ago. For supply chain verification and I needed to complete an interview. After waiting for a slot for almost a month I had it on the 13th of June and they told me to wait for 5 days to get an update. So far nothing has been sent to me and I called performance support multiple times, open multiple cases and they all come back with, YOU HAVE TO WAIT A BIT MORE. I really don't get this, why there is no clarity? why I can't get a simple answer on WHEN actually I can get a response? Why everything is open with a clear end? All of this is happening while I am approaching a deadline to remove my FBA stock and I'm in limbo. Can anyone help how to get this sorted?

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Sudden organic rank drop
by Seller_EbLfnpft9trDw
Amazon replied

I am not sure what happened. I used to have the organic rank for 4 out of the 6 main keywords. Overnight, Two ASINs were pushed to the bottom and were replaced by ASINs that do not have 10% in sales of my Two ASINs. Why? Is Amazon pushing big sellers up in rank despite them having much lower sales?

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Good bye Amazon ...your practices are unfair
by Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P

It is with a bit of sadness I write this post. I began listing on Amazon in the fall of   2000. I have seen the company expand their catalog and resellers ability to make money. I was blessed to keep going between job layoffs from the sales I made.

But Amazon has gotten way too big for its britches. They continually cut reseller off from selling items and are focusing on the “big guys”. Last week I was notified that I had “Broken their drop shipping rules”. I initially reached out to gain more information…they refused to tell me anything. I have since appealed 2 more times. Again no information or guidance on how to address the issue. 

Back in 2021 I was also shut down and was able to appeal this with changes to my protocols. Let me slip in here and say that I have never had as a business model drop shipping. However, if for some reason I can’t or do not want to mail an item I have reached out to a whole variety of on line stores to fulfill my orders. When purchasing from these sources I include a message approved by Amazon back in 2021. It has been 4 Yrs ago with no issues since.

And I can’t even get a confirmation on if it truly was a drop ship issue or someone trying to sabotage my business. They refuse to give me any information at all or get to someone who could help. They arbitrarily closed me out of fulfillment but merchant. My business do not move items out quickly enough to make FBA an option. I tried it when it first was introduced and ended up shipping back to myself 90% of my FBA inventory after 2 yrs. Tomorrow I ship out my last two orders. I will pull down my inventory records and move on to other online stores. I will cancel my marketplace account as of 7/1. I have been faithful to Amazon for the last 24 yrs. To bad they can’t be even fair with me.

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