Copyright Infringement Report Accepted - Fraudulent ASIN still Live!
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Copyright Infringement Report Accepted - Fraudulent ASIN still Live!

Good morning sellers,

I recently reported a fraudulent ASIN copying my exact listing, using my photography etc. The copyright case was accepted but I see the ASIN is still live and gaining reviews! When I try and report or escalate it to Amazon I receive the same message: "The content that you reported as infringing your intellectual property has already been removed from"

This is a little unsettling because I see the listing live day after day.

Not sure where to go from here. Any help would be much appreciated.

Complaint ID: 17418153171

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Tags:Intellectual property infringements
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Hi there @Seller_OgKDJ5am7L8jK

I know I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but both the ASINs I can see that you've reported are actually taken down at this point.

To double check you're reporting the correct ASIN, scroll down a ways on the detail page to the "Product Details" section and there you will find the actual ASIN that you're looking at!

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