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Foreign owned single member LLC - Amazon USA
by Seller_YoqzncYLlALe4
in group

As the title suggests, my Amazon is setup as a Foreign owned single member LLC. I am from the UK.

This is my first “tax year” in the US for reporting, being relatively new to Amazon over the last few months. I understand that I will need to send over form 5472 asap.

I thought I would also have to send in a 1040-NR. However, I came across a website from a CPA that specialises in Foreign owned single member LLC tax forms etc - and it read that those that just do Amazon as a business under this entity type , do not have any tax obligations (other than the 5472/1120)… because they are classed as a disregarded entity and have no physical presence in the US.

There was lots of lengthy explanations as to how this could be - as we don’t have a physical presence in the USA. Products manufactured in China, then Amazon manage the rest. Amazon being a “agent”. Therefore the physical operations of the LLC is absent.

So - the CPA I hired doesn’t specialise in Amazon sellers exactly. He’s just a CPA with 20 years of experience doing taxes. He said I will need the 1040-NR and 5472. So I’m taking his lead… however, having come across the website of a CPA specialising in those that are Foreign owned single member LLC that run their business on Amazon - I’m wondering if I’ve missed something here.

Can anyone else share their experiences under this? Thank you!

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Forums Feature Launch: Follow Discussions
by Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6

@Seller_EkbLZUYSpmJEy: “Finally ... a very much missed function was the ability to mark a thread to follow and get notifications if something was added. The only option now is to leave a thread open in another tab and refresh and play go fish within the thread.”

Well @Seller_EkbLZUYSpmJEy, you are in luck as we are happy to announce the launch of the new “Follow Discussion” feature on Seller Forums, so our sellers will never miss an update on the conversations that matter to them most.

This new feature is easy to use!

Simply click the new “Follow” button on any discussion of interest and you’ll get a pop-up on the Notifications tab whenever there is new activity.

You’ll also be able to see a summary of your Followed discussions in the new Follow filters on the home, discussions, and profile pages.

Also just in case you caught it in the screenshot above, the ability to follow sellers and Community Manager is coming soon. Please stay tuned!

If you have any questions about this new feature or have any feedback on this feature, feel free to let us know in the replies below. 😊

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Cant Access my Revies... Message: You have no brand enrolled
by Seller_cuio4Q9868S17
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As of two days ago im unable to access any reviews... came to the laptop for the web page version and i get the message: You have no brand enrolled.....

Im part of the brand registry waiver (SophiasDreaming) for handmade sellers and use to get them for many years ...

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@Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej @Seller_s3amN64nZ4y9V @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ @Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH


I have a removal order for 172 units of a particular FNSKU. It was first put in for removal 7 months ago. Nothing happened with it and the removal order stayed in pending status. Then it somehow got cancelled. My new removal order (consisting of multiple products) went fine for every product except this one. It has now been another month with no activity on it. So in total, it has been 7 months with no removal.

I believe amazon has lost these units but seller support keeps telling me to keep waiting. Is amazon just grinding this down till the march 10th reimbursement change date or what?

Case ID 17137276651. Thank you MODS in advance.

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Customer returned used item, a-z
by Seller_a1uEWiswwVpNl

A customer purchased a new product from Amazon, then requested a return.

He returned a completely different product, which was filty (showing the signs of age), that was purchased in 2023 from our non Amazon shop.

We refused the refund and customer filled the A-Z, which he won.

Tried to work with support, as we are not safe - t eligible, providing as much information as relevant to the case. Our products are marked and each of our products have unique number.

Even with all photos and evidence provided, Amazon kept the decision.

So we are out of the money and the product.

What`s the advice in such cases, what do you guys provide to the support to win such cases ?

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Amazon replied

We just started shipping to Amazon and some of the books are now showing up live in our storefront. We are seein issues where some of the books are showing as either Audible audiobooks or Kindle, not their appropriate hardcover or softcover category.

Is this a common issue that others have seen? I've gone into Manage inventory - Edit listing and am not finding any designation that I can change. Any help is appreciated as we have several more boxes in transit and am praying this is just a fluke with an easy fix.

We are listing with Go2lister and no one else on there has complained about this, so hoping it's a one-off.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Sales in the toilet... what gives?
by Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY

Same ad spend, targeting remains same, have tweaked ads a bit, though sales are worst in 8 years... its amazon throttling those they don't like, what is happening? literally 24$ in sales the last week..... if this keeps up... we are toast, and it has NOT been a good run on amazon... we will be left with 100k in inventory. what a shame.

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Submit your deals and Prime-exclusive discounts for the Big Spring Sale

Our Big Spring Sale begins March 25, 2025, and runs through March 31, 2025.

You can participate in this promotional event by offering deals and Prime-exclusive discounts. These time-bound promotional offers can increase product discoverability and sales.


Deals for this event may be submitted through March 17, 2025.

To submit your deals, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Advertising, and select Deals.
  2. Click Create a new deal.
  3. Choose an eligible ASIN, and click Select.
  4. Select Big Spring Sale, and click Continue to next step.
  5. Configure your deal details, and click Submit deal.

For more information about eligibility and how to get the most out of your deals, go to Amazon deals.

For a step-by-step video demonstration, go to How to create a deal in the Amazon store (English, Vietnamese, and Thai only).

Prime-exclusive discounts

Prime-exclusive discounts for this event may be submitted through March 31, 2025.

To submit your Prime-exclusive discounts, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Advertising, and select Price Discounts.
  2. Click Create a price discount.
  3. Complete the form. From the Events drop-down menu, select Big Spring Sale. To create a discount that is exclusive to Prime customers, select Prime customers as the Audience type.
  4. Click Step 2: Add products, and complete the workflow.

For more information about discounts, go to Price discounts.

For a step-by-step video demonstration, go to How to create a Prime-exclusive discount (English and Chinese only).

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Life so hard
by Seller_OH5tct6sQSvqg

[Moderator Edit: removed inappropriate commentary]

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PLease help my VTR keeps on going down even I buy shipping label from amazon

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