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Forums Feature Launch: Follow Discussions
by Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6
Amazon replied

@Seller_EkbLZUYSpmJEy: “Finally ... a very much missed function was the ability to mark a thread to follow and get notifications if something was added. The only option now is to leave a thread open in another tab and refresh and play go fish within the thread.”

Well @Seller_EkbLZUYSpmJEy, you are in luck as we are happy to announce the launch of the new “Follow Discussion” feature on Seller Forums, so our sellers will never miss an update on the conversations that matter to them most.

This new feature is easy to use!

Simply click the new “Follow” button on any discussion of interest and you’ll get a pop-up on the Notifications tab whenever there is new activity.

You’ll also be able to see a summary of your Followed discussions in the new Follow filters on the home, discussions, and profile pages.

Also just in case you caught it in the screenshot above, the ability to follow sellers and Community Manager is coming soon. Please stay tuned!

If you have any questions about this new feature or have any feedback on this feature, feel free to let us know in the replies below. 😊

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Gated out of own products - Support is no help
by Seller_1BWm24CEkARWm
Amazon replied

Hi - 10 of our products have been gated by a scammer. I was told that we have to go through brand registry to enforce the trademark even though our manufacturer's name is on the product. We do not currently have a trademark, which will take some time. Meanwhile, we can not send in any product. Very frustrating

Question - how do these scammers prove they own a brand when they don't and what benefits do they receive since they will never send the product in.

How do I send a cease and desist letter to Amazon / foreign brands?

Thanks Sean

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by Seller_2s3IlUA7CQabi

Hi There,

I am trying to list book ASIN 1785044559 but I get error message saying "This product has other listing limitations."

I have sumbitted my invoice for this book to Amazon seller central and I have been approved to sell this product / brand.

Please refer to Case ID 17214661341 to see my approval to sell this ISBN/brand.

Please help me as I have purchased alot of units of this Asin to sell.

Thank You,

DON Prime US


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An ASIN using my UPC has been created by a Seller incorrectly using their Seller Name as the Brand Name (which is against Amazon's policies). The listing is clearly for my product, but the Brand Name and Manufacturer Name show this Seller's name. The UPC is GS1 Registered to my company and the UPC details in GS1 show the Brand Name as my brand. The Main Image on the listing also clearly shows my brand's name on the product and NOT the Seller name that has been entered as the value for Brand Name. The brand name being used is not a registered brand and I am unable to even add the ASIN to my catalog as is.

When trying to add by upload, using this incorrect brand name, I get Error 5665 - "Request Approval for [RETRACTED] The brand name you have entered has not been approved by Amazon. To request approval for [RETRACTED] for review, copy and paste the following URL in a separate window and complete the form:, Inc.&operationFilter=use_brand_value"

I have been advised that my request to correct the brand name is a "rebranding" - which it is not. I have been advised to Report Abuse (following steps given by support) - which was denied. I have been advised to create a new ASIN, which I cannot do because the UPC is already tied to the existing ASIN. I currently have another open complaint to report abuse.

Case IDs: 17070513321, 17070558551, 17198250541

Complaint ID 17070701581, 17213237381


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We are the brand owner and manufacturer of Intimate Rose (among other brands), and we have repeatedly requested that Amazon remove counterfeit ASINs copying our products—yet nothing has been done.

What is the point of Brand Registry if it fails to protect legitimate brand owners? Why do we always have to escalate cases to Dharmesh Mehta just to get Amazon to enforce its own policies?

Just a few weeks ago, we had to escalate seven different cases to reinstate our ASINs after Amazon falsely flagged our own products for infringement. Meanwhile, when actual counterfeiters infringe on our brand, we report them, and nothing happens.

If it wasn’t for the open escalation we already had with Dharmesh’s team—and them going out of their way to help—we would have never gotten our ASINs reinstated, because YOUR Performance Team wasn’t even opening our appeals, despite us providing clear USPTO documentation.

This is completely unacceptable. At this point, Amazon might as well remove Seller Support entirely, because unless a case reaches Dharmesh’s team, nothing gets resolved.

Has anyone else faced similar issues? What was your resolution for this Counterfeit ASIN:

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Buy Shipping vs USPS PO Boxes
by Seller_Fj8BGFk6ivq5u

I had a pretty interesting discussion with a Live Channel Specialist today regarding a case I previously submitted, which presents an interesting situation for Amazon customers. For MF orders that ship to a PO Box, using the standard "PO Box ####" format for an address, Amazon won't allow a USPS solution for a label because "USPS does not validate a PO Box so Buy Shipping labels are not available". Interestingly enough, the only carrier solution that is normally available is "Amazon Shipping" - we're not sure how they deliver to PO Boxes either.

I raised the question with her: "If Amazon doesn't allow shipping via any other carriers to PO Boxes, why do they allow buyers to enter PO Box addresses as a shipping address? Isn't this doing a disservice to their customers?"

We always ship via a 3rd party solution for these. I assume everyone else does the same?

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Help! Brand Registration Problem
by Seller_uGO4eulLvL27h
Amazon replied

Dear Amazon,

We are a new seller on Amazon and have just started selling products on Amazon. However, we have encountered some problems in the brand

registration process.

We submitted materials many times, but they were rejected. Our brand logo is not computer-generated, it is non-removable, and these product

images meet Amazon requirements.

Below are my apply case id: 17212270531, l hope to get a good review results about my product images.

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The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUY should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

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Sales Have Fallen Off Drastically
by Seller_brSkMWAFicmRK
Amazon replied

I realize there are a lot of posts like this that pop up from time to time with people reporting their sales have really fallen off. I don't mean to create yet another one just to bemoan this fact as I'm sure a lot of other people have experience this too, but this is quite severe.

It was like a flip switched mid-December. I've been selling on Amazon for five years and have a lot of data to show what I expect to be selling relative to other years. I went from nearly 1500-1800 sales a month down to maybe 350 at most. My January was down 80% from the previous January. I haven't changed anything, and the sudden nature of it makes me feel like something in the algorithm has changed rather than it being a subtle creep of competition.

Perhaps I'm missing something and there was an announcement as to some policy that changed. I'm FBM and have never been FBA.

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Amazon lists the WRONG book for a particular ISBN
by Seller_YmoAkd6C8PYL6

The book concerned is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION" by Randall D. Knight.

(ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0137302266; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0137302260)

When I entered this book's ISBN 9780137302260 both on Amazon search and "Add Products" in Catalog, what came up was a totally different book titled "Programmed Text In Money And Banking Paperback – Import, April 1, 1969by J.T. Masten (Author) with NO image, yet the ISBNs listed under product details are the same ISBNs as the Physics book. Weird!!

However, when I went online and search for the "Money and Banking Paperback", it had different ISBNs than those that are now listed on Amazon.

When I entered Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION by Randall D. Knight in Amazon search bar to search, this book/title didn't show up. Only the 4th edition which is an older edition of this title showed up!

I suspect the issue is the ISBNs are being misidentified by the systems as UPCs

I contacted seller support, but they seemed to be of little help and mentioned complicated things to do instead of trying to correct the errors which I believe is easy to fix by themselves from their end.

Please help with this issue! (especially Mods please assist!)

Thank you so much in advance!

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Compliance Review: 42 days and counting...
by Seller_PyWY8iR3Y4JDE


Can you help escalate and expedite the review of this case? I've got 1000s in inventory just sitting because I'm pending a compliance review. I paid to expedite testing in anticipation of compliance review delays, but now I'm wondering if Amazon is the right place to launch a new product.


Case ID: 16952497861

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