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At Yubico we are the market leaders in our segment: hardware security keys for multi factor authentication (MFA). Our flagship product is called "YubiKey". Alongside us, other brands like OnlyKey, Feitian, TrustKey, Thetis and Google (under the Titan brand) sell hardware security keys, and many of them sell on Amazon. The total global market size is $200M+ per year. We estimate that Amazon product sales in this category totals $20M+ annually.

Currently, there's not an appropriate product category, nor product type on Amazon. The ASINs in this segment have been automatically assigned to different (incorrect) product categories, e.g. "USB Flash Drives" or "Lock".

The current categorization is misleading to the customers, who might purchase the products thinking that they have e.g. storage capacity or other attributes that they actually lack.

Our request is for Amazon to create a new product type called "SECURITY_KEY" that should be available in a new product category called "Security Key" - with appropriate product attributes.

We believe this would be a significant improvement to the customer experience, and significantly reduce the risk of customers being misled about product features and attributes, leading to greater customer satisfaction and lower FBA return rates.

We have attempted reaching out to Seller Support and numerous account reps with this request, without success.

Does anyone have experience with successfully influencing Amazon to update their product classification?

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For about a month now, featured offer eligibility has been turning on and off like a light switch for days at a time. I have had several cases with support, some more fruitful than others, but generally I can’t get the rep to understand the difference between all of my listings being eligible and them thinking I’m just asking about actually winning the Featured Offer.

After hearing back on one of my previous cases on 1/16, all of my listings became eligible and things went back to normal for five days. My metrics are the same or better, yet on 1/21, all of my listings became ineligible again. I’ve been screenshotting my daily metrics for a few weeks now to see if there is any pattern to triggering these changes, but the vacillations in metric numbers is minimal, mostly OTDR changing by a ten of a percent or less. I tried chatting with seller support to no avail.

I have this case open now since the others were too old to reopen: 17059403561

My previous case IDs are 17059197541 (created 1/21, but rep didn’t comprehend the difference between being eligible and winning the offer)

17002797191 (1/16 resolved for five days)

16963822011 (1/8 resolved for several days)

It is impossible to run a business like this when I don’t know if I’ll have a “normal” day here or 10% of the sales I usually have. I’ve been here thirteen years and have never seen anything like this.

Can a mod please help point me in the right direction?


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When I try to send products to the FBA warehouse, I receive the following message.

Case ID: 17066158521

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Inbound Shipment Issue
by Seller_jU8OqMtibpQmi


I was hoping a moderator can help take a look at a case for us involving a FBA Imbound Shipment. It seems that over the last several years we have been seeing flare-ups with inbound issues during the busy season of Q4 and end up spending all of January trying to resolve it.

On FBA18KW7LJ34 we shipped out 31 Units and they were all received at the facility but then 31 units were deducted from our inventory 2 months later, and 4 added back at a completely different FC .

The case was eligible for reconciliation and we opened up Case ID 16959839091 to get reimbursement or to have the units added back to our inventory.

However, today they responded with a completely ridiculous claim which is impossible to be true:


”Our research shows that the 27 OF UNITS units of FNSKU X0048CMDZR that you sent with shipment FBA18KW7LJ34 have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover the physical inventory of the located item at this time, due to the error in shipment plan creation. We are unable to reimburse or reconcile the discrepancies you have asked to investigate for these items because of the error.As part of the FBA inventory reimbursement policy, you are required to send the exact items and quantities stated in your shipping plan.”


It is completely impossible for our SOME of our items to have been labeled incorrrectly, as we print all of our FNSKUs on a single print run with identical labels. Additionally, these units were scanned into the FC in November only to be “unreceived” in January. Normally if an unexpected FNSKU arrives to an FC they will add it as unexpected units and ask the seller to confirm whether or not it was accurate. That is NOT the case here and we are 100% certain that the correct items with the correct labels were shipped, and the entire shipment was shipped in a single box.

This is high value product (over $4000 in missing units) and we are really frustrated.

Any help from a moderator to get this escalated would be greatly appreciated. @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu@Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZyoy guys have been helpful in the past.

Thank you!


Prime Mobility

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for about 6 7 months i think i have been on Amazon and everything was fine for most of the time but few week back Amazon just woke up and said "Invalid charge method" when the same charge method was being used for the past few months well anyway i changed the charge method many times but still Invalid charge method and just now i change the charge method and i got the mail from my back that the card has been used to make 2 Transaction by Amazon and then Amazon just mails that it failed to verify the charge method? like how you just took money and still? if there is someone out there just help me out cause i have tired everything on my part

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We’ve been struggling with Amazon for over a month now, and the situation is beyond frustrating. After Amazon blocked our brand’s ASIN and recommended that we remove SKU US_USE-0006 to regain the ability to update the product title (which caused customer confusion and led to incorrect purchase decisions), we’ve been unable to move forward.

Despite proving for the 6th time that the product has no issues and showing evidence that many purchases were likely influenced by competitors, Amazon still doesn’t allow us to create a new offer under the same ASIN. This is happening even though the inventory is clearly visible in the Inventory Ledger report.

ASIN is not blocked anymore. But we can`t create new offer with original SKU now.

We’ve opened multiple cases, emailed various teams, and followed every instruction given, but we’re stuck in a loop of unrelated requests and delays.

Here are the Case IDs so far:







Amazon’s handling of this issue is unacceptable. It’s costing us time, money, and resources with no resolution in sight. Has anyone else faced a similar issue? What steps did you take to resolve it? Any advice or contacts would be greatly appreciated.

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Sold an item 7th Jan posted 8th Jan with Royal mail, buyer messaged saying it hasn't been delivered so i checked Royal mail site and it was delivered on 10th Jan? Will Amazon accept this if buyer tries to claim? Tia.

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$27,206.00 Other Charge
by Seller_7i0txa8lQTkCF


@Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG @Seller_pAPBCLhysbW5T @Seller_aEROSwwdnzGiU @Seller_4GjtS9k0cnHHv

Could you also help me? I was charged $27,206.00 last December 2024 for a transaction named "Other" and "Others" for Product Details.

What I observed was the "Other" charge has the same amount my previous Account level reserve Amount(October settlement Periods) $27,206.00


Case ID: 17052219711

I don't think what the support on the case I created says is right.

1. "Corrections issued by Amazon to remedy an account discrepancy, Charges associated with A-to-z Guarantee claims or Subscription fees,"

2. "It can be any of these or amount accumulated from previous transactions that can not be charged doe to insufficient sales."

My account got Deactivated for more than nine months and just got reactivated last week. I don't think any of those explanations fit.

Really need help.

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Unable to do Amazon Post
by Seller_qcOT3G8ionbCk

Is there anyone having issues doing Amazon Posts? We've been trying to create post but when we put in the ASIN, it always says that the ASIN is not valid.

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OUTRAGEOUS Return Shipping Adjustments
by Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY

We just noticed where we are being hit with insane adjustments from UPS on returns... they are stating the package is 40lb's .. this is wrong.. the dimensions are correct, ;and we ship out with FEDEX no issue.. the packages are typically 5-10LB, never 40! it is not possible, nowhere in our listings info would UPS deduce these packages may weight 40lb.. the audited dimensions are correct, the weight is off by 85% on every return.

EVERY SINGLE RETURN WE ARE HIT WITH THIS CHARGE.. 64.49 to return an item we sold for 30$ ... WHAT IS GOING ON?

114-8188246-3989820 - THIS WAS A 30$ order, weigh 5lb and we were charge $64 TO RETURN??? WHATTT???T

111-2269214-9253040 ---- We purchased the label with correct sizes, how is it possible to be getting these adjustments ???

the list goes on and on...

These adjustments are present on every single return we have ever had, this is sickening

Bottom image is the item attributes and the weight!!!! its not 4!!0 pounds!!!

As far as SAFE-T goes, since we "issued a refund" we cannot file a claim for the return shipping cost.. EVERY SINGLE RETURN ITEM STATES IT WEIGHED 40LB.... every single one, how is this possible? that is 35 pounds heavier vs the package was shipped out on FEDEX..

The fabric is returned in the same plastic sleeve as it was shipped out in..... There is no logical reason why every single return no matter which the item, UPS states it weighs 40 pounds....

This needs escalated internally because every SAFE-F has been denied or not possible due to refund being issued by us! .. there are sometimes 2 or 3 individual adjustments on a single order.. many orders under 30$ end up costing us 100$... this is theft by UPS


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