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Hello Forums Community!

As you may be aware, Amazon’s Prime Day event is back this July!

As we gear up for the exciting Prime Day event, it's essential your business is fully prepared to make the most of this high-traffic sales period. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the key steps to get your operations ready:

Inventory Management

Pricing and Promotions

  • Review your pricing strategy and consider implementing dynamic pricing or strategic discounts.
  • Leverage Amazon's promotional features, such as Lightning Deals and Coupons, to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Ensure your pricing and promotions align with Amazon's policies to provide a seamless customer experience.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Enhance your product listings with compelling content and eye-catching visuals to stand out.
  • Utilize Amazon's advertising solutions, like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to boost product discoverability.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns in advance to create a cohesive and impactful Prime Day strategy.

Customer Service Readiness

  • Assess your customer service processes and ensure you have the resources to handle increased order volumes.
  • Familiarize yourself with Amazon's customer service policies and guidelines to provide the best possible support.
  • Consider offering enhanced customer service options, such as extended hours or expedited response times, to delight your customers.

By following this checklist, you'll be well on your way to a successful Prime Day. We're here to support you every step of the way, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Keep an eye on our News and Announcements for updates on the event as they become available, and let us know what else is on the preparation checklist for your business!

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I am posting this information because I support this category and I am aware of problems some of you have had when processing refunds for wrong items returned by buyers. Please use the process outlined below and share your experience here.

If a buyer returns an item and it is not the item they purchased, immediately contact them and tell them you believe they made a mistake. Ask them if they would like the incorrect item returned to them, and let them know that they can return the correct item for a refund. In your communications to them via buyer seller message, be sure to attach a clear image of what you received from them.

Contacting the buyer is a crucial first step. It shows good customer service and positive intentions. It will support any appeal or claim you make later to defend your claim of switcheroo. Next, launch the partial refund workflow. Grade the item condition and upload images. You may take a 100% restocking fee.

The buyer may file an A-to-z claim. Defend the claim and reference the images you uploaded when you processed the refund and the message you sent the buyer.

Alternatively, Amazon may have refunded the order upon the carrier’s first scan of the return label. If so, file a SAFE-T claim. Seller Assurance for E-Commerce Transactions (SAFE-T) claims allow sellers using Prepaid Return Labels (PRL) in the seller-fulfilled network to appeal Amazon's decision to issue a refund to a customer.

Please share your feedback here! I like you and I want you to be successful selling on Amazon.

Best regards, Susan

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How to relist product under registered brand?
by Seller_k4zpr6KpUnVmG

Attempting to create a new ASIN for an already listed product under the proper registered brand name as instructed by Amazon. The GTIN/UPC is used on the original ASIN and keeps forcing us onto that listing without the ability to use the registered brand name. The GTIN is ours from GS1.

How do we relist the product under our registered brand name?

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One of my low volume products had a significant USPS delay a few weeks ago. The customer contacted me for a refund which I promptly issued, without even sending him to A-Z, but a few days after this a single negative rating appeared on this product. It is the only rating so product now has one star, despite being of the highest quality possible in its niche. I contacted seller support to inquire about removal since it was most likely dues to USPS, but was told I need to link the transaction the rating stemmed from and I don't see any way to find this out. On further inquiry seller support told me they can't find it out either.

I can't believe this is right, but seems like it may be. All anyone, competitor or otherwise, has to do is leave a negative rating instead of a review and the seller can't see which transaction the rating resulted from, and therefore can't contest it? Not sure why a nefarious actor would bother with a negative review at all, if a rating is stickier. Does anyone know how to find out who left the rating, or ever successfully contested one?

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How do I add the "Visit Store" below the listing title?

I have my brand registered and I have A+ content approved but my listing still appears like brand:

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I have been on this forum now for weeks. Every person that comes on, I give the case ID and get no actual help, just the same bs answer and if you are a seller in this situation, you know the email response I am talking about .

My inventory ledger for the last 30 days has over 200 units, in sellable condition, and all the warehouses are listed. Now, 30 days later, it is at 0. I have had 55 sales in the last 30 days, so Amazon please do the math. These units are lost. or stolen, or whatever, but you cannot take possession and then just blank them, out, or can they??? I have opened this case. 15514264241. I ask any amazon rep that is willing to do the right thing, to look at my case, I have attached my ledger for this ASIN, for the last 30 days, and the current ledger at 0. My case openings to your support team are in vain. the proof is in black and white. Please can a rep actually do something about this?

And if anyone out there has any advice, I am pulling my hair out at this point. It is not right.

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the saga of amazon losing our products and doing nothing about it continues. Yesterday I woke up to our inventory at 0. Knowing we had inventory just 3 days ago with only 1 sale in the 3 days, I knew something was up.

I have raised this case 3 times. I have spent 3.5 hours in just ONE CALL to a seller support and have gotten nowhere. This seems illegal to me. If my ledger says I have the units, and they are all accounted for in the respective warehouses, how can amazon get away with just saying. "it's gone", without any proof of sale?

The math doesn't add up, and we are just victims to what amazon wants to change or say with property they have obviously signed for and allocated. we cannot get help, it is beyond frustrating. We want to go legal, is anyone out there suffering the same issues?

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I have been waiting nearly 10 months for my removal items to get sent back to me. But Amazon seem to just cancel my order every few months when it nears the "scheduled to be delivered". Then I have to recreate a removal order and wait for few months again. I've tried to appeal my case but only to be told, it's already in the process of removal so there's nothing "help" can do.

What is going on and when will I get reimbursed for my items if AMZ is unable to locate them to send back?

Is this happening to anybody else?

Thank you for reading

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acct deactivated
by Seller_l1eB4axD8ARJS


My account was deactivated some months ago. I tried several times to resolve this. I dealt with all the usual questions regarding other people having access to my computer, vendors I've worked with, etc. All those items were not in question, but I still didn't have enough information for Amazon.

I may have discovered the issue...On the date that the problem started, I purchased and set up a 2nd laptop so as to have one available while my 1st laptop was repaired. I wonder now if I inadvertently set up or appeared to set up another account in accessing Amazon service again. That would have been an error on my part due to inexperience. Can someone assist with this? This is the only change that I ever made... It seems compelling that the dates line up. Thank you!

Regards, Debra

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Has anyone else incurred a large charge for the "other" category on the current payment period? For the current period, our charge for "other" is substantial and 10X more than normal. Unfortunately, after culling through all the possibilities I could think of, I still can't identify where this came from. I want to make sure that it is not a charge in error.

I opened a case with seller support, and it was marked as transferred, but, I have had no response in over 1 week.

@Seller_37l8i4vuvugjGor any other mods, any help and insights would be greatly appreciated.

Our case ID is 15482318881.

Thank you and have a great day!

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I cannot believe that nobody can help sellers
by Seller_FeO0QWgOGOXjj

Amazon acts like a hegemon, making it impossible to find the person responsible for addressing specific issues. Even if you manage to find someone, they won't genuinely help sellers resolve problems; instead, they always send automated responses to make their jobs easier. We were asked to provide the invoice quantity for a certain ASIN. We sent exactly 600 products to the FBA warehouse, sold 600 products, and only purchased 600 products. However, Amazon demands that we provide an invoice for 1,720 products. This is simply ridiculous. When you contact their relevant departments for months, they never help you resolve the issue. Even though it's their problem, they won't admit their mistake and will insist that you verify yourself. Amazon, are you serious? Aren't we, as sellers, your partners working together? Is this how you treat your sellers now?Amazon prioritizes its customers and treats its employees very well, but it treats its sellers like garbage.Why aren't you supporting and helping the sellers who genuinely want to do well and follow your rules? Instead, you keep shutting down stores and constantly recruiting new ones, forcing the entire market into a negative cycle.

Our problem has been ongoing for four months, and still, no one has helped to resolve it.

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