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How to have the title "Visit 'Brand' Store" on the product page?

by Seller_2EIZUwdJZt5EJ

How do I add the "Visit Store" below the listing title?

I have my brand registered and I have A+ content approved but my listing still appears like brand:

Tags: Brand Stores
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In reply to: Seller_2EIZUwdJZt5EJ's post

Have you set up your Brand Storefront page? My guess is that is the second step after being brand registered.

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In reply to: Seller_2EIZUwdJZt5EJ's post

Hello @Seller_2EIZUwdJZt5EJ,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and I would be happy to assist. First, congrats on getting enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry and completing some A+ content. Same as @Seller_0rXAME9V4LQSx mentioned, your next step is creating a brand Store and this is done via the Amazon Advertising Console. You can get their from your Seller Central account. From the menu, hover over "Stores," and click on "Manage Stores," and this will open the Ads Console.

You can check out a bit more on Stores landing page from amazon advertising.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best, Dougal

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