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"Other" Category of Current Open Payment Tab is 10X Normal, Case Opened with Seller Support But No Answer

by Seller_F753kGIevMDk3

Has anyone else incurred a large charge for the "other" category on the current payment period? For the current period, our charge for "other" is substantial and 10X more than normal. Unfortunately, after culling through all the possibilities I could think of, I still can't identify where this came from. I want to make sure that it is not a charge in error.

I opened a case with seller support, and it was marked as transferred, but, I have had no response in over 1 week.

@Connor_Amazonor any other mods, any help and insights would be greatly appreciated.

Our case ID is 15482318881.

Thank you and have a great day!

Tags: Billing, Payments
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In reply to: Seller_F753kGIevMDk3's post

Hello there @Seller_F753kGIevMDk3

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here to see if I can help get some further information for you here.

I apologize for the frustration this has caused you to this point and that you have not yet received a response from your opened case with Seller Support.

Please allow me a few minutes to look into the case and any notes further and I'll report back here when I have an update to share.

Appreciate your patience while I look into this further for you.


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In reply to: Seller_F753kGIevMDk3's post


Hi again, CR back here.

I wanted to let you know that I had a chance to research in your case and see that it has been transferred to the right team but you have not received anything further. I am going to see if I can connect with the appropriate partner team here to see if I can get some additional information for you here.

I am going to put this together now and get it submitted off. As soon as I hear anything further, I'll return back here and provide you with an update.

Thank you for your patience while I work on this for you.

Talk soon,


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