Read onlyHi Sellers,
Have you experienced an issue where your listing is marked as Discontinued? If this has occurred, this means that there are no new current offers for its associated ASIN. If you're seeing this happen, try to delete and re-list the listing by following the steps in Why do you HAVE to Delete and relist? The answer might surprise you. Oftentimes, a Discontinued listing means you may need to create a new ASIN.
If deleting re-listing doesn't work, please contact Seller Support to request their help with troubleshooting the listing.
We’d like to know:
* What are your experiences with Discontinued listings?
* What potential workarounds have you found for a Discontinued listing?
If you have an inquiry regarding a Discontinued listing, please begin a new discussion, select the Create and Manage Listings category, and use the tags ‘Listing deactivated’ and ‘Listings’ .
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