Listing Lounge: How Vacation Mode Affects Your Listings


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Listing Lounge: How Vacation Mode Affects Your Listings

It’s that time of year where spring break is in full swing and summer vacations are getting booked. We also recognize that life might hit you with unexpected hurdles like a family emergency or inclement weather.

Whatever the reason why you might need to step away, there is always the option of putting your account on vacation mode. Vacation mode ensures new orders do not come in while you are absent. Setting your account on vacation mode changes your listing status to inactive. This feature also removes your self-fulfilled listings from Amazon’s product detail pages and search results within one hour. If you have any Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) listings, they will remain active on Amazon.

Before changing the status of your listings, we recommend checking to see if you have any pending orders, since these will not automatically be canceled. You might want to set your listing status to inactive prior to the date you will be away, since pending orders may take time to resolve.

Running a small business is not easy, but putting your selling account on vacation mode is.

1. In Seller Central, hover over the gear Settings in the top-right corner of the screen, and then click Account Info from the drop-down menu.


2. On the Account Overview page, under the Store Status section, click Vacation Settings.


3. On the Store Status and Vacation Settings page, there is an Edit button to change the settings for one or multiple marketplaces:


4. Seller’s may use the toggle switch next to each country that are active and can choose to put themselves on vacation or off vacation and then save the status by clicking the Save button.


Please note: it can take up to an hour before your listings become inactive.

There are still a few ongoing business initiatives that occur while you are away.

  1. You must process return requests and respond to messages from customers within 24 hours, even if your listings are set to Inactive. You can update your settings to receive return request emails with links to Authorize, Close, or Reply, and you can have Amazon automatically authorize return requests. Learn more about automating returns. If buyer-seller messages go unanswered, you could be vulnerable to A-to-Z claims as well as unfulfilled return requests, which can impact your Order Defect Rate (ODR).
  2. Any applicable monthly subscription fees will continue to be charged, even if the fees are due while your listings are inactive. If you don’t want to be charged a monthly subscription fee, you can choose to downgrade your account from a Professional selling plan to an Individual selling plan. For more information, see Selling plan comparison.
  3. The ability to create and edit listings is still live while your listings are inactive. Additions and changes will be reflected on Amazon when you change your Store Status back to off vacation.

If you have any additional questions, regarding listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences, feel free to check out → THIS HELP PAGE on Seller Central. Thank you for stopping by the Listing Lounge and safe travels on your next vacation. Bon voyage! 🚢

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32 replies
Tags:Detail page, Listings
32 replies
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This is all fine, but there is a never ending debate from sellers on the Forum about what happens when you return from vacation.

There are MANY that claim it takes days/weeks for the listings to start selling again when they come back.

They are certain that their rankings are destroyed by going away.

Personally, I have never had a big lag for orders when I get back, but my normal 'vacation' is only 3 or 4 days.

I may have a different opinion when I return in about 10 days though!

Any comments on the effects of the vacation mode on the actual SALES side as opposed to the process side?

And NOT looking forward to getting up at 4am to catch a flight in the morning.


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Thank you for posting this Cooper_Amazon.

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No vacation mode for us 7 years. We do not trust Amazon. I did not say no vacation just no vacation mode.

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I also have seen many issues over the years from sellers after coming back from "vacation." So for short term Selling Professionally Accounts I do not recommend it.

A good option is to do this, Extend Handling Time, although it will take a bit of work.

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Why can't Amazon make a way to have vacation mode for FBA listings too. There are times in life where we need total vacation and that includes everything being put on hold.

If I own a store in a mall, I am able to completetly close my shop for vacation, and open it up after 1-2 weeks or more. That does not mean I will not pay rent etc., just that I can have some free time in my life to focus on life itself, which is the reason we are all working. Working is not life, rather a way for us to be able to live life. So why shouldn't we be able to actually live life at times.

Please advise

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It would be awesome to be able to SCHEDULE Vacation mode.

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Why not offer an option to keep listings active, with a stated lag time? Then the customer can choose to purchase or not.

I realize we can adjust handling time, but that can be a hassle managing across thousands of listings, and you usually have to do it a day or two earlier than you want to, because of pending orders.

If there were simply the option to schedule days off, and the listing reflected it, it would make things a lot easier around the holidays, when we provide extra paid time off for our employees, with added benefit of not tanking selling rank because all of your listings are off.

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This is a beautiful story from Alice Wonderland but the reality unfortunately it's not, while I was away abroad to see my Mom a customer returned an item ( outside the return policy by long shot) filed A to Z claim, I received Threatening email by the wonderful A to Z Team " If you don't refund within 72H We will do in your place" , I told them I am not there to check the return, now I am back , the customer used the item extensively the item and It can't be sold as new, filed an appeal what i got as response "We have reviewed all available information and confirmed that the merchandise for the order was correctly returned on 02/20/2024. Since you are responsible for this return, we have reimbursed the buyer and debited your seller account. We recommend that you follow up directly with your courier" and they count the defect on my account , what a great vacation Mode !The damage is due to the customer not to the courier. Vacation mode is just a joke!

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Thanks for making this thread.

Will the seller have to re-affirm their identity upon returning from vacation?

I have heard of sellers having to go through the entire verification process again, as if Amazon forgot who they were while they were on vacation.


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