Listings Lounge: How to Get the Best Out of Your Bullet Points Part 2 of 2
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Listings Lounge: How to Get the Best Out of Your Bullet Points Part 2 of 2

Welcome back for Part 2 of getting the best out of your bullet points. I hope you were able to get up and stretch and refresh your beverage. Now sit back and learn some more!

In case you missed it, you can read Part 1 here.

Now, let's discuss the important information when creating your bullet points.

Key Points for Effective Bullet Points:

Well-written bullet points will naturally contain keywords, but the first priority should be to communicate clearly and help customers make a buying decision. One approach is to start a bullet point with a feature and then state the benefit(s) of that feature. For example, '50-minute run-time trims up to 1,200 square feet per charge' states that the feature of a 50-minute run-time delivers the benefit of being able to trim up to 1,200 square feet per charge.

It is better to keep bullet points clear and concise. A general piece of advice is to keep your bullet points under 1,000 characters in total i.e. for all five bullets, not per bullet. Being less than 1,000 characters improves their readability. And, if bullet points are indexed for your product, being shorter than 1,000 characters improves discoverability of content in the bullet points.

Bullet Points Tips

* Recommended 4-5 bullet points

* Order your bullet points in order of importance

* Keep your bullet points clear and concise – not full sentences (no end punctuation needed)

* Most important and attention grabbing information about your products

* Reiterate important information: materials, dimensions, appropriate age ranges, benefits, or even warnings

* Do not include keywords, they will be searchable when you add them to the keyword section of the listing

Why are my bullet points not discoverable?

Bullet points always appear in full on product detail pages. However, not all content is discoverable because bullet points are not always indexed by the Amazon shopping algorithm.

The Amazon shopping algorithm is constantly evolving. Even if the algorithm does not index all bullet points or changes how it indexes bullet points, there will always be value in making your listings as good as they can be.

Note: To ensure a better customer experience, some categories include additional bullet points that are directly pulled from other ASIN attribute data. In the categories ‘shoes’ and ‘clothing’, for example, we will show attributes like material, heel height or sleeve type dependent on the product. It is important that you provide as many details in your listings as possible. These additional bullet points cannot be remove from the detail page, but you edit the value for those attributes in your Seller Central account.


Bullet Points Overview

Product Detail Page Rules

Quick Start Style Guide

Do you have any best practices on bullet points you would like to share? What do you want to learn more about? I would love to hear your feedback!

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