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Welcome back to the Listings Lounge! Today we are going to discuss updating information on detail pages.
We have seen quite a few posts where sellers are asking how to update their brand on a listing that was previously generic or they have updated their item to a new brand. Other questions have been, sellers have updated their product to a newer version and want to update the product to the newer version or have made changes to their packaging or a new UPC.
While we understand that you want to keep your reviews, the answer to this is, when you change your brand, packaging, item features or a new UPC, you will need to create a new ASIN, as running changes are not allowed.
Per the Product detail page rules policy:
Policies for editing detail pages
You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.
You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.
If you choose to re-brand a product, please refer to Amazon Brand Name Policy page for minor Brand name changes. Any major Brand Name change requests are considered re-branding and will not be supported. To protect Customer trust and ensure catalog quality, we ask that you create a new ASIN for your new product.
If you are updating your product features only, for example, your product was previously not waterproof and now it is and everything else is the same, you can use the Newer Version Widget tool, which will link your old product to your newer version, showing your old customers that you have a newer version that they may want to consider.
I hope you find this information helpful and that you are enjoying our Listing Lounge posts.
Be sure to post any questions below. If you have any case specific questions, please create a new thread and we will be happy to take a look!
Have a great day!