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In this article I will walk through section three of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, and what to do if you’ve received a violation notification for section three.

About the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is an agreement all sellers who want to sell on Amazon must electronically sign when they register. By signing it, they are agreeing to follow all rules as an Amazon seller.

Section three of Amazon’s Business Solution Agreement is the Term and Termination section. This section denotes that the Business Solutions Agreement starts on the date registration is completed, and also discusses how and why Amazon may terminate or suspend a seller’s account. The copy from Amazon section 3 is below:

"3. Term and Termination.

The term of this Agreement will start on the date of your completed registration for use of a Service and continue until terminated by us or you as provided below. You may at any time terminate your account or this Agreement immediately on notice to us via Seller Central, email, the Contact Us form, or similar means. We may terminate your account or this Agreement for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We may suspend or terminate your account or this Agreement immediately if we determine that (a) you have materially breached the Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice unless your breach exposes us to liability toward a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce, or waive, the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (b) your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be used for deceptive or fraudulent, or illegal activity; (c) your use of the Services has harmed, or our controls identify that it might harm, other sellers, customers, or Amazon’s legitimate interests; (d) your Account Health Rating falls below our published threshold(s) for deactivation; or (e) if we are required to do so by law. We will promptly notify you of any such termination or suspension via email or similar means including Seller Central, indicating the reason and any options to appeal, except where we have reason to believe that providing this information will hinder the investigation or prevention of deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or will enable you to circumvent our safeguards. On termination of this Agreement, all related rights and obligations under this Agreement immediately terminate, except that (d) you will remain responsible for performing all of your obligations in connection with transactions entered into before termination and for any liabilities that accrued before or as a result of termination, and (e) Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, and 18 of these General Terms survive.“

What to do if you’ve received an Amazon section three violation

If you’ve received a notification that your account is deactivated or suspended, then you’ve violated one or more of the terms listed above within the agreement. We encourage you to refer to the recent performance notification to identify the issue or possible factor(s) that led to account deactivation or suspension, and then execute the next course of action as requested by appeals team, if relevant.

To ensure that your products are listed in accordance to Amazon’s restricted products, you should review these policies carefully for better understanding:

If you’ve reviewed the Restricted product page and believe your product was removed in error, you may dispute via the “Submit appeal” button in Seller Central. Provide the relevant ASIN number and a detailed explanation with strong supporting proof to justify your claim on the incorrect listing removal.

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Greetings folks,

As we approach Prime Day the team here in the Listings Lounge want to make sure your ASINs are prepared! I’m sure no one wants an ASIN to be suppressed during the event due to an issue with one of the attributes.

As mentioned in Listing Lounge: Product Title Length there are a lot of different reasons a title might be suppressed. In addition, the best titles follow these guidelines:

  • Titles should be concise. We recommend fewer than 80 characters.
  • Don't use ALL CAPS.
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word except for prepositions (in, on, over, with), conjunctions (and, or, for), or articles (the, a, an).
  • Use numerals: "2" instead of "two".
  • Don't use non-language ASCII characters such as Æ, ©, or ®.
  • Titles should contain the minimal information that is needed to identify the item and nothing more.
  • Don't use subjective commentary, such as "Hot Item" or "Best seller".
  • Titles can include necessary punctuation, like hyphens (-), forward slashes (/), commas (,), ampersands (&), and periods (.).
  • Titles can abbreviate measurements, such as "cm", "oz", "in", and "kg".
  • Don't include your seller name in titles.
  • Size and color variations should be included in titles for child ASINs, not the main title.

You can learn more in the Product title requirements help page and specific requirements per category in the Style Guide for that specific category.

Make sure you review your ASINs to make sure that they are accurate, easy to read, and compliant with Amazon policy so they are visible to buyers when the special day arrives!

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Section 3 for FBA credit reimbursement abuse?
by Seller_kLKpOBfu6ujb0

Here is the message I received:

Your Amazon Seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon's Business Solutions Agreement. Your listings have been removed and pending orders have been cancelled.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because information available to us indicates that this account has misused Amazon's services in violation of our Seller Code of Conduct ( and involved in FBA credit reimbursement abuse.

All I do for FBA reimbursements is use Seller investigator which is an Amazon partnered service for reimbursements for lost inbound inventory. I got this deactivation notification while going through ANOTHER section 3 for "unsuitable goods". It appears that their service was submitting cases while I was deactivated. It also appears that submitting cases for reimbursement while being deactivated is against TOS. They are now asking for invoices for reimbursements but do not ask for any specific ASIN.

Do I 1) Submit invoices for every single reimbursement claim or 2) Submit some form of POA for submitting cases while deactivated?

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Pretty simple and common request. Our Registered Brand had someone else managing Amazon, but that entity is long gone, and so is the former sales manager of our Brand. And their email address is long dead.

So, even though we are the Administrator on Seller Central, have steady contact with the attorney who registered our Trademark, and can prove in multiple ways that we are the Brand Owner... well, Brand Registry is just cutting and pasting answers like a situation like this completely baffles them.

So I'm hoping that Jim from Amazon or another Forum mod can step in here. Looks like that is often the only to help get Brand Registry's job done for them.

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We believe our item was incorrectly classified as Customer Damaged or Defective, and that the damage had been caused by the Amazon's warehouse based on the actual condition of the product returned to us. We provided images but our request was denied.

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Our listings have been removed due to this issue:

"This product has been identified as potentially making false claims about fiber content, and improperly references bamboo fibers. The Textile Product Identification Act requires proper display of fiber content for all bamboo textile products. Product must display: 1) Synthetic fiber names (e.g. rayon or viscose), 2) Percentages by weight of each fiber in descending order (e.g. 60% Rayon derived from Bamboo, 40% Cotton), and 3) Import designation (e.g. Made in the U.S.A, Imported or both) For more information, please visit our seller help page:"

We are trying to edit our PDP to adjust for this correctly, however our listing page has been fully pulled down and there is no option to edit the page. Can someone please help us so we can get our product live, shipped from China and to AMZ customers -- @Seller_7e4TizkSOVtBf@Seller_zukQNO61PzGck @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU@Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC can one of you PLEASE help me? Case ID 15546472741



















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Brand Name Not Displaying on Listing
by Seller_mG7nZ54N9An74

I have noticed that my brand name is included at the beginning of my product title in my Seller Central account. While it appears correctly in my product details on my end, I have observed that it is not displaying on the actual listing page.

Any idea why this would happen?

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Had an order this week for a domestic AFB address.

ABS did NOT list USPS as a shipping option, but listed UPS and Fedex as options. If it matters this is for small bubble mailer 3oz.

Isn't this backwards? I was always under the impression only USPS ships to military. Is it different if it's domestic military?

FWIW, Shipstation showed the regular USPS as an option (NON-ABS), but I hate spending time on INR claims, sooooo 🤷‍♀️

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Brand Name changed. Now we can't sell our own book.
by Seller_sEzesDu0UTqBy

Listing hijacked by a brand called Splins.

Were allowed to change the brand name and the images.

SeSu was no help.

Can't sell a book we authored and has sold for 10 years on Amazon.

How is this allowed to happen?

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by Seller_Dew16IJtI1rTX
Amazon replied



Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for contacting us. My name is Jogeshwar and I am happy to assist you today.

I understand you are concerned about 5461 error where you are unable to add a product.

We have completed our review of your application and have concluded that it does not meet the criteria for approval at the moment. We see that you are trying to create a listing for one of the brands which is currently restricted. We are currently not accepting applications to create ASIN(s) for the provided brand name "SAATLY".

Kindly accept our apologies as we understand that this may not be the response you would have anticipated.

I appreciate your patience, co-operation and understanding on our process and policies.

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

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Hi @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU

This is Jamal. I would like to reapply for Brand Registry. However, since there is an ongoing case opened, I am unable to create newly.

By reading some other cases of yours, I have figured out that my USPTO owner name would be the LLC name and not my personal name. So, I am in the process of fixing that with USPTO.

My ongoing Amazon case ID is: 15197107081

I would like to request you to allow me to reapply for Brand Registry once again with the correct details and you may cancel the ongoing case since there is no response on that case.


Jamal Ahmed

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