Greetings folks,
As we approach Prime Day the team here in the Listings Lounge want to make sure your ASINs are prepared! I’m sure no one wants an ASIN to be suppressed during the event due to an issue with one of the attributes.
As mentioned in Listing Lounge: Product Title Length there are a lot of different reasons a title might be suppressed. In addition, the best titles follow these guidelines:
You can learn more in the Product title requirements help page and specific requirements per category in the Style Guide for that specific category.
Make sure you review your ASINs to make sure that they are accurate, easy to read, and compliant with Amazon policy so they are visible to buyers when the special day arrives!
UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing on Amazon subject matters you want us to feature next!
Greetings folks,
As we approach Prime Day the team here in the Listings Lounge want to make sure your ASINs are prepared! I’m sure no one wants an ASIN to be suppressed during the event due to an issue with one of the attributes.
As mentioned in Listing Lounge: Product Title Length there are a lot of different reasons a title might be suppressed. In addition, the best titles follow these guidelines:
You can learn more in the Product title requirements help page and specific requirements per category in the Style Guide for that specific category.
Make sure you review your ASINs to make sure that they are accurate, easy to read, and compliant with Amazon policy so they are visible to buyers when the special day arrives!
UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing on Amazon subject matters you want us to feature next!
You do realize (hopefully from reading the many posts about it) that your AI confuses words like "Apple Scented" for the brand Apple when it is capitalized?
Greetings folks,
As we approach Prime Day the team here in the Listings Lounge want to make sure your ASINs are prepared! I’m sure no one wants an ASIN to be suppressed during the event due to an issue with one of the attributes.
As mentioned in Listing Lounge: Product Title Length there are a lot of different reasons a title might be suppressed. In addition, the best titles follow these guidelines:
You can learn more in the Product title requirements help page and specific requirements per category in the Style Guide for that specific category.
Make sure you review your ASINs to make sure that they are accurate, easy to read, and compliant with Amazon policy so they are visible to buyers when the special day arrives!
UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing on Amazon subject matters you want us to feature next!
Greetings folks,
As we approach Prime Day the team here in the Listings Lounge want to make sure your ASINs are prepared! I’m sure no one wants an ASIN to be suppressed during the event due to an issue with one of the attributes.
As mentioned in Listing Lounge: Product Title Length there are a lot of different reasons a title might be suppressed. In addition, the best titles follow these guidelines:
You can learn more in the Product title requirements help page and specific requirements per category in the Style Guide for that specific category.
Make sure you review your ASINs to make sure that they are accurate, easy to read, and compliant with Amazon policy so they are visible to buyers when the special day arrives!
UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing on Amazon subject matters you want us to feature next!
Greetings folks,
As we approach Prime Day the team here in the Listings Lounge want to make sure your ASINs are prepared! I’m sure no one wants an ASIN to be suppressed during the event due to an issue with one of the attributes.
As mentioned in Listing Lounge: Product Title Length there are a lot of different reasons a title might be suppressed. In addition, the best titles follow these guidelines:
You can learn more in the Product title requirements help page and specific requirements per category in the Style Guide for that specific category.
Make sure you review your ASINs to make sure that they are accurate, easy to read, and compliant with Amazon policy so they are visible to buyers when the special day arrives!
UPVOTE 👍 / DOWNVOTE 👎 this post if you enjoy seeing content like this. Leave a comment on this post with questions you may have about this topic and let us know what Listing on Amazon subject matters you want us to feature next!
You do realize (hopefully from reading the many posts about it) that your AI confuses words like "Apple Scented" for the brand Apple when it is capitalized?
You do realize (hopefully from reading the many posts about it) that your AI confuses words like "Apple Scented" for the brand Apple when it is capitalized?
You do realize (hopefully from reading the many posts about it) that your AI confuses words like "Apple Scented" for the brand Apple when it is capitalized?