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In this article I will walk through section three of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, and what to do if you’ve received a violation notification for section three.

About the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is an agreement all sellers who want to sell on Amazon must electronically sign when they register. By signing it, they are agreeing to follow all rules as an Amazon seller.

Section three of Amazon’s Business Solution Agreement is the Term and Termination section. This section denotes that the Business Solutions Agreement starts on the date registration is completed, and also discusses how and why Amazon may terminate or suspend a seller’s account. The copy from Amazon section 3 is below:

"3. Term and Termination.

The term of this Agreement will start on the date of your completed registration for use of a Service and continue until terminated by us or you as provided below. You may at any time terminate your account or this Agreement immediately on notice to us via Seller Central, email, the Contact Us form, or similar means. We may terminate your account or this Agreement for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We may suspend or terminate your account or this Agreement immediately if we determine that (a) you have materially breached the Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice unless your breach exposes us to liability toward a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce, or waive, the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (b) your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be used for deceptive or fraudulent, or illegal activity; (c) your use of the Services has harmed, or our controls identify that it might harm, other sellers, customers, or Amazon’s legitimate interests; (d) your Account Health Rating falls below our published threshold(s) for deactivation; or (e) if we are required to do so by law. We will promptly notify you of any such termination or suspension via email or similar means including Seller Central, indicating the reason and any options to appeal, except where we have reason to believe that providing this information will hinder the investigation or prevention of deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or will enable you to circumvent our safeguards. On termination of this Agreement, all related rights and obligations under this Agreement immediately terminate, except that (d) you will remain responsible for performing all of your obligations in connection with transactions entered into before termination and for any liabilities that accrued before or as a result of termination, and (e) Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, and 18 of these General Terms survive.“

What to do if you’ve received an Amazon section three violation

If you’ve received a notification that your account is deactivated or suspended, then you’ve violated one or more of the terms listed above within the agreement. We encourage you to refer to the recent performance notification to identify the issue or possible factor(s) that led to account deactivation or suspension, and then execute the next course of action as requested by appeals team, if relevant.

To ensure that your products are listed in accordance to Amazon’s restricted products, you should review these policies carefully for better understanding:

If you’ve reviewed the Restricted product page and believe your product was removed in error, you may dispute via the “Submit appeal” button in Seller Central. Provide the relevant ASIN number and a detailed explanation with strong supporting proof to justify your claim on the incorrect listing removal.

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Prime Day is coming! How are you preparing?
by Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu
Amazon replied

Amazon’s 10th Prime Day Event takes place July 16th - July 17th!

How do you like to prepare for Prime Day? Share your answers in the replies of this thread!

To learn more, you can find information and resources for this year's Prime Day right here.


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This Offer ( a two dollar item, btw) was removed from my inventory 2544 days ago. I am just now getting a notice to do what? remove it. Hello, it was removed from my inventory about 7 years ago. Seriously, doesn't anyone monitor these annoying notices that seem to be randomly triggered? Does no one care that this kind of treatment of sellers is annoying and insulting? Is Amazon so big that there is no longer any effort to protect sellers from useless, inaccurate and threatening messages? Surely this kind of treatment will continue to reduce Amazon to nothing more than an overly complex robot-driven machine that continues to drive humans into the arms of other business that still have a semblance of decency and accuracy. It's so, so sad.

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FBA "Delivered" for 20 days
by Seller_a0pdVPB3HYF20
Amazon replied

Small shipment, 40LB for 90 units. I've sent smaller packages around a quarter of the weight to try out FBA and have only had to wait about a week. Should I be worried?

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Close seller account
by Seller_r0MgOVAxOFM3N
Amazon replied

I would like to close my seller account, but cannot do so because I have a $0.88 account balance. I cannot pay out the balance because it's "too small" and the automatic payout date continues to get pushed back week after week because the disbursement amount is "too small."

I've contacted live support agents many times. Each time they "promise" that the balance will get dispersed on the date it says. It never does.

Who can finally help me? I need to transfer out the money so I can close my seller account once and for all.

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My funds are being held in account level reserve while my account is still under review. I did my verification over 2 months ago and the guy I did the interview with said I would hear back in 3-5 days. I have followed up and opened cases with customer support and all of them get transferred and none of them have responded to me. The oldest one is from April 20rd and still has no response. My account is active and I can sell products, but at the same time it is still under review and I cannot access my funds. I am not sure how this is possible but I have been told in phone calls, chats, and emails that my account is live, healthy, and will not be deactivated, but it is still under review? Can someone please help me figure this out and expedite my cases so I can get an answer. I am do depleted at this point, and just want the money out of my account so I can pay my bills.

Case Numbers:







@Seller_sBlkYqzoth2k3 @Seller_nS0jcFQNDLG3e @Seller_R6oYCnTB9O1Uy @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU @Seller_zcvAYEF3PFqbA @Seller_QYS7Alex1XIw4@Seller_xZDr9fGL2TbRP@Seller_4GjtS9k0cnHHv@Seller_4GjtS9k0cnHHv@Seller_F4AbbFj6ovBk3@Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX@Seller_aEROSwwdnzGiU@Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH@Seller_PIHyltK09pbl3@Seller_pmPMHSY5A35rL@Seller_fXQIQzsolCXuL@Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6@Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0

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Hello Everyone,

As most people are aware, we just dealt with the Live Plant and Seed listing policy violation over the weekend. That has been resolved, but this morning I woke up to 13 new Listing Policy Violations. The violations are for the following.

Account Violation Product Detail Page Rules Violation

Action Taken: Bullet Point Removed

I reviewed the bullet points for all 13 ASIN's and I cannot find anything in the bullet points that, to the best of my knowledge, violate Amazon policy. I have attached a screenshot of the bullet points for one of the ASIN's as an example.

I am wondering if this is another Amazon glitch or if there really is something in our bullet points that is violating Amazon policy?

I did call Amazon Account Health but they were not able to tell me what was wrong with the bullet points.

I opened up a case regarding this issue. Case ID is 15544570201 Thank you










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Relocating Office & Warehouse to New State
by Seller_R8FId61ok7iK5

Hey Everyone,

Our business has been a long time seller (since 2012) on Amazon but never had to face this situation. Right now our business is registered in one state with a physical location.

We are looking to relocate to a space in a different state. Our current state does not allow you to domesticate your corporation, i.e. just change the address and keep everything else the same.

From what I have been reading on the forums and blogs, the only way to do this would be to do a merger - i.e.. start a new corporation in new state and then "Buy" the current corporation. This seems like an easy thing to do on paper, but my concerns are with the Amazon requirements.

How would this change work in Seller Central? We would need to update the business legal entity, EIN, and business address, as well as the bank account (not certain).

Would this trigger anything on Amazon's side?

Someone recommended we register as an Foreign entity with the new State and just add the new warehouse as a shipping location. This would mean our business address would be different than our legal entity address and Official Registered Address.

Has anyone had to do something like this and what was your experience?

I'm just trying to avoid a deactivation and interruption of business due to technicalities in the process.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I sell soap holder..
by Seller_8V3UIHE3dajSR

[Moderator Edit: removed personal solicitations]

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No bank verfication button
by Seller_j1bu96w4AG0iM

As per the inform act I have completed all the task , expect the bank one .

I've emailed the support team and they told me that it's already verified and I don't need to worry . Telling me that following day my account was deactivated . I've looked multiple times and there is no verify button mange deposit methods page .RE:[CASE 15528769811]

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Returns destroy our Business
by Seller_csHWMpsP5ANmc
Amazon replied

Selling Jewelry in different sizes I can understand when someone buys 3 sizes 1 of each and returns 2 up to 30 days

But when someone buys 8 units, 3 of each size and reruns all 8 after 2 months , is becoming Like, Buy on Amazon, use it for 2 months and just return it and we will pay the shipping

Its ridicules whats going on ,customers are just taking advantage, really unfair to sellers

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