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In this article I will walk through section three of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, and what to do if you’ve received a violation notification for section three.

About the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is an agreement all sellers who want to sell on Amazon must electronically sign when they register. By signing it, they are agreeing to follow all rules as an Amazon seller.

Section three of Amazon’s Business Solution Agreement is the Term and Termination section. This section denotes that the Business Solutions Agreement starts on the date registration is completed, and also discusses how and why Amazon may terminate or suspend a seller’s account. The copy from Amazon section 3 is below:

"3. Term and Termination.

The term of this Agreement will start on the date of your completed registration for use of a Service and continue until terminated by us or you as provided below. You may at any time terminate your account or this Agreement immediately on notice to us via Seller Central, email, the Contact Us form, or similar means. We may terminate your account or this Agreement for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We may suspend or terminate your account or this Agreement immediately if we determine that (a) you have materially breached the Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice unless your breach exposes us to liability toward a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce, or waive, the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (b) your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be used for deceptive or fraudulent, or illegal activity; (c) your use of the Services has harmed, or our controls identify that it might harm, other sellers, customers, or Amazon’s legitimate interests; (d) your Account Health Rating falls below our published threshold(s) for deactivation; or (e) if we are required to do so by law. We will promptly notify you of any such termination or suspension via email or similar means including Seller Central, indicating the reason and any options to appeal, except where we have reason to believe that providing this information will hinder the investigation or prevention of deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or will enable you to circumvent our safeguards. On termination of this Agreement, all related rights and obligations under this Agreement immediately terminate, except that (d) you will remain responsible for performing all of your obligations in connection with transactions entered into before termination and for any liabilities that accrued before or as a result of termination, and (e) Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, and 18 of these General Terms survive.“

What to do if you’ve received an Amazon section three violation

If you’ve received a notification that your account is deactivated or suspended, then you’ve violated one or more of the terms listed above within the agreement. We encourage you to refer to the recent performance notification to identify the issue or possible factor(s) that led to account deactivation or suspension, and then execute the next course of action as requested by appeals team, if relevant.

To ensure that your products are listed in accordance to Amazon’s restricted products, you should review these policies carefully for better understanding:

If you’ve reviewed the Restricted product page and believe your product was removed in error, you may dispute via the “Submit appeal” button in Seller Central. Provide the relevant ASIN number and a detailed explanation with strong supporting proof to justify your claim on the incorrect listing removal.

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Suggestion about Removal Order Detail
by Seller_W5um59WI335lf

We're sorting out the profits and losses for June, so we want to know the total inventory leaving Amazon's warehouse in non-sales form, including disposals and liquidations.

We've downloaded the following sheet:

Amazon Fulfillment Reports - Removals - Removal Order Detail

It still hasn't reverted to the original counting method yet. The sheet currently doesn't include the quantity of unsellable inventory immediately liquidated during returns, which we want to be accurately accounted for.

Alternatively, Amazon could restore changes to the Automated unfulfillable settings, allowing sellers to choose weekly or monthly liquidations/disposals instead of just the Immediate option.

Unsellable inventory immediately liquidated hasn't been included here:

Amazon Fulfillment Reports - Removals - Removal Order Detail

We previously made a suggestion on the forum, but nothing has changed:

Last post I made on the forum

Please address this issue for sellers to optimize their operations.

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Just had about 75 listing flagged with this reason -

"This product has been identified as a live plant or seed product that is listed outside of the SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED categories. Please update the product_type attribute to either SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED values as a path to reinstatement. If you are unable to make the necessary changes, please work with Seller Support to change the category classification for your ASIN and then please apply for reinstatement. It is against Amazon policy to list live plant or seed product outside of these categories."

not a single item is a plant or seed... not sure how this could've gotten flagged in the first place.

Anyone ever come across this or could a customer service agent take a look?

Case ID 15530250101, 15529565451, 15529404761

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I received 3 separate Charges the other day for CA, Mex, and Brazil

I have no product in any of them, and of course, no sales there either.

Why the Charges? and how do I option out of them?


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I have NEWS directly from Account Health Assurance that I want to share with you all!

I recently got off the phone with Account Health Assurance. The Technical Team is actively working on this issue, but it is still in the early stages. When you call in, they are flagging the account and forwarding it to the Technical Team.

First, go through the ASINs in question and look for ANY word that might be construed as a plant or seed. The agent gave me an extensive list such as plant, seed, leaf, shrub, flower, get the idea. Open your mind to anything plant-related and look for those words anywhere in the listing, title, attributes, etc.

Next, go forward and file an appeal, so that if the Technical Team can't resolve every issue in time, the matter can be resolved through appeal. If your items have NO trigger words or images that you can find, do as follows. NOTE: I ended up finding trigger words on the one Video Game I have filed so far, so I modified my appeal accordingly. The trigger words were on parts of the page that I could not edit, so I explained this and took screen shots and marked up the photos to show where the issues are for documentation.

1. Go to one of the violations and click on Submit Appeal.

2. Click the 2 boxes that state you have read the policies in question.

3. Enter something to this effect in the first box: "This product is neither a plant or seeds and has no trigger words. This is a false violation on the account. Please review the details in the ASINs and resolve the violation." Again, if it DOES have trigger words, you will have to modify this appeal to fit your situation and detail what the trigger words are that you are unable to modify for whatever reason (or should not modify because your item is, for example, flower jewelry).

4. If you have multiple similar ASINs that you can appeal at once, go for it in box 2.

5. Click on Next and upload any supporting documentation. I uploaded marked up screenshots as mentioned above.

Submit the appeal and wait for Amazon to handle it.

I know for those that have an extensive number of ASINS, this is ridiculous. I hope you are able to copy and paste them all in to one appeal. I just wanted to share what I learned in case it can help anyone.

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Seller wallet not working
by Seller_Wa80PDFtlMIzi

Hi, I am unable to withdraw money from my seller wallet

It ask me to update information, I already it and also receive email its successfull but not working, Bank account verified successful

Case id 15551462401

help @Seller_9r49apSwQQjgn

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We recently lost a Chargeback Claim for a very expensive item over $1000 Order # 112-4797169-7947462.

The package was shipped on time using Amazon Buy shipping service. USPS confirms package was delivered and signed for at the address provided.

When we received notice of the chargeback, we provided all information and attached the USPS POD with signature copy.

However, the claim was granted and the funds were taken from our account.

We opened a seller support case #15552061661 but haven't gotten any assistance.

How can we appeal this decision or get reimbursed?

The buyer received the item as described and we have a proof of delivery.

@Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX @Seller_Udi0JNbTrsmUV @Seller_hme3Wbydd1ihr @Seller_zukQNO61PzGck @Seller_nS0jcFQNDLG3e @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU

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Money not being disbursed
by Seller_hzmGNgf1HNWvV
Amazon replied

Hi, my account is in good standing. Recently i asked for my money to be sent in mid cycle for sales I had made on Amazon as it was a sizeable amount. The request was made on Friday June 24th. Amazon says it usually takes 3-5 days for the money to be sent to your account, but its now coming on 7 business days. Every day i check it says the money is being disbursed but nothing happens. This is very frustrating.

I've got a ticket open since June 28th, which says its been transferred to another team but no action has been taken. The ticket number is: 15527364131. Can anyone help?






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Tax-Exemption Reporting
by Seller_Q3ow8iqvOJbJF
Amazon replied

How do I get a report of tax-exempt purchases. by month and by product?

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I received a product policy violation for my entire catalog, and support says I cannot mention the included manufacturer 3 year warranty on the PDP. I am the registered brand owner and the manufacturer for my listings.

The problem is this directly contradicts the Amazon advertising policy: "The product detail page must clearly describe warranties or guarantees, including any applicable limitations."

See policy here: under "3.7 Claims and substantiations" -- this policy applies to ads AND store pages... So if you mention the warranty on a brand store page it is required to have the warranty stated on the PDP before the store will be approved.

I have Case ID: 15543697531 that needs to be escalated - This is the current case where support is arguing with me.

For reference you can see my OLD cases with Advertising Support when ads & store pages were rejected MULTIPLE times due to not having the warranty stated on the PDP, case IDs: 15112870891 + 13465911401.

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Urgent: Account Deactivation Help Needed
by Seller_2hHClaOndyQ4J
Amazon replied


I’ve been selling on Amazon since 2022. My account got deactivated by Amazon UK due to billing address verification issues with my Hong Kong address. Despite reaching out, no response for 7+ days. Never sold on UK marketplace; inventory stuck in FBA USA. Passed Amazon interview recently.

They also got my business name wrong compared to USA and Canada martkeplaces.

Any advice to get my account reinstated?


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