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Suggestion about Removal Order Detail

by Seller_W5um59WI335lf

We're sorting out the profits and losses for June, so we want to know the total inventory leaving Amazon's warehouse in non-sales form, including disposals and liquidations.

We've downloaded the following sheet:

Amazon Fulfillment Reports - Removals - Removal Order Detail

It still hasn't reverted to the original counting method yet. The sheet currently doesn't include the quantity of unsellable inventory immediately liquidated during returns, which we want to be accurately accounted for.

Alternatively, Amazon could restore changes to the Automated unfulfillable settings, allowing sellers to choose weekly or monthly liquidations/disposals instead of just the Immediate option.

Unsellable inventory immediately liquidated hasn't been included here:

Amazon Fulfillment Reports - Removals - Removal Order Detail

We previously made a suggestion on the forum, but nothing has changed:

Last post I made on the forum

Please address this issue for sellers to optimize their operations.

Tags: Seller Central
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In reply to: Seller_W5um59WI335lf's post


Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to post here in the seller forums.

I will connect with my colleague @Micah_Amazonfrom your other thread to ensure this was relayed to the partner team.

Thank you for your feedback and suggestion here.

Have a great rest of the week ahead1


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