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Listing Blocked/Inactive - No Reason
by Seller_NWdjZ79F13dAn
Amazon replied

One of my listings got blocked, went Inactive. It says "Your listing is currently inactive. Recently created listings may still be processing." I haven't received any performance/account health notifications. I'm trying to find more information on why this happened and what I can do to reactivate it.

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item labels
by Seller_Te40FCI6sTAcm

Hello! I have a problem with labels. I go to “manage inventory” then click the box to select the item I want to print labels (fnsku) for. Then I click “print item labels” but I keep getting an error message saying “no items submitted.” How do I print my labels from home??

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I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally appeal the deactivation of my Amazon seller account. I understand that my account was deactivated after the virtual identity verification process, as your team believes that my account may have been used to engage in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity.

I have already submitted my appeal and supporting documents through the Account Health Dashboard as instructed. However, I have not yet received a positive response or update regarding my account status. Could you kindly confirm if my submission has been received and reviewed? If there are any additional steps or documents required, please let me know so I can address them promptly

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Listing not showing a price
by Seller_L9RdN5TBJk1ly
Amazon replied

My listing, ASIN B0DXQ6GS1D is not showing a price.

I've contacted support and they mention many times about "Featured Offer", but the listing clearly states that there are no features offers.

I am the brand own and the UPC owner. I have seen many threads about this issue, but they're all locked and don't contain any "real" information on how to fix this.

The "Featured Offer" doesn't seem to make sense since I'm the only person selling this UPC. My price is consistent with other similar items, I'm using FBA, so there's no issue with shipping. I have a Professional account.

I've listed items before and this is the first time I'm seeing this issue. I sense its related to Brand, UPC, or Product Number in some way, but Amazon Support doesn't seem to get the full picture.


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Customs Clearance Delay on domestic LTL shipment
by Seller_zz3yAC9rDQaId

I sent one pallet of product to Amazon via a preferred carrier AAA Cooper. The shipment was received, as stated in the "Shipping Events". Then a couple days later, there is a new event titled "Customs Clearance Delay" and "Vessel has Arrived at Destination Port". I questioned this as it's a domestic shipment. I contacted Amazon via phone, and they provided no help. I have opened a Support Case and have yet to receive a response. I also contacted my carrier, AAA Cooper, and received the POD. I have read many other post on this forum about people that have experience the same situation without resolution. I do not want too much time to pass, and end up in a situation where I'm out this pallet of product without resolution or reimbursement. Given the circumstances and the lack of resolution in similar cases, I am evaluating whether involving legal counsel would be in my best interest.

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Hijacked for months. PLEASE HELP
by Seller_CKoz2hF3fgoDg

Issue: Our ASIN which we have owned since 2011 has been hijacked. We have no control to change anything. They have copied our detail page and selling an inferior product as ours which has been detrimental to our business. They took our reviews also. We had to get another ASIN to sell our product. I have a case # 17362487561. Every time we open a case they find no violation. I don't understand. PLEASE HELP

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The buyer wants to modify the delivery address but does not want to cancel the order, but the seller can only deliver according to the original order address (but it will affect your On-Time Delivery Rate), but this will inevitably result in after-sales return issues, and the seller will bear all the costs. The seller's voluntary cancellation of orders also affects pre-fulfillment cancel rate, and in 2025, this foolish delivery policy is still in effect.

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Can someone please help me,

I just got an email from Amazon saying "Your appeal for Brand Registry enrollment application "LA SERNA NATURALS" has been rejected".

Case number: 17343097581

Why did this happen?

This decision was made since we could not verify the registered business name and business identifier (for example: tax ID number or business ID number) provided by you at the time of submitting the appeal form.

I have provided my Alaska Business License number as my business identifier. I just did a business License search on State of Alaska website, and my business license pops right up.

Please help me get my brand registered so I can start selling my hand-made products.

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Tracking is showing a delivery photo for each package delivered to the location as ordered.

Is there a way to correct this?

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