Read onlyMy listing, ASIN B0DXQ6GS1D is not showing a price.
I've contacted support and they mention many times about "Featured Offer", but the listing clearly states that there are no features offers.
I am the brand own and the UPC owner. I have seen many threads about this issue, but they're all locked and don't contain any "real" information on how to fix this.
The "Featured Offer" doesn't seem to make sense since I'm the only person selling this UPC. My price is consistent with other similar items, I'm using FBA, so there's no issue with shipping. I have a Professional account.
I've listed items before and this is the first time I'm seeing this issue. I sense its related to Brand, UPC, or Product Number in some way, but Amazon Support doesn't seem to get the full picture.
All of that doesn't matter (in the grand scheme of things). Amazon has an algorithm for the FOE or Buy Box that contains parameters and rules we will never know, so to answer the question, there is no answer.
Hello @Seller_L9RdN5TBJk1ly,
Thanks for reaching out. A new ASIN doesn't automatically get the featured offer. It takes time for the Featured Offer to appear on the page when an ASIN is created. You may find this post helpful in understanding how to increase your chances of getting the Featured Offer. The Featured Offer is working as intended, so there is nothing that we can do to assist you regarding this.
I also see that you have the Pokémon branded items under your brand. I would ensure that you have permission from the brand to use your UPC and your brand on their items to prevent infringement violations.
I hope this is helpful!