I am the Brand Owner of my own product and the only seller of my ASIN.
When I launched, I launched with a lower price to entice customers to try my product.
I have slowly been increasing my price over time as the product gains momentum so I can reach a price that is actually profitable. Until now I have only been losing money on it.
But when I recently increased my price, my price heath dashboard showed me this message: Not eligible to be the Featured Offer due to significantly high price: You can set your price in line with the reference price(s) to become eligible to be the Featured Offer
I wont be profitable if I sell for a lower price. In fact I need to increase my price further. My product is ultra premium and offers much more than my competitors.
So how do I get the featured offer back? I raised a case with seller support but they just gave me the generic responses. Case ID 16698069211.
It seems unfair that I dont have control of my price and how it will show to customers. I don't sell this product anywhere else but Amazon so there is no external reference price that Amazon could use.
Please help! I want customers to be able to use the featured offer to buy my product.