Hello! May I know how can I resolve this issue?
For background i'm trying to delete and relist an item. I've already posted it in the seller forum but it was in a different category but it's still the same issue. Here's the post: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/8e615a33-6a50-4b61-8f4d-827a2d8d7a3b?postId=8e615a33-6a50-4b61-8f4d-827a2d8d7a3b
So right now, I already used an inventory loader to delete the SKU. I got this suggestion from @Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0. Prior in using an inventory loader, I've already deleted my offerings on my inventory page and waited for 24 hrs. Since I also got a suggestion from the support and saw some post here in the seller forum saying that it is much better to use a feed file to list a product, I followed it. This is the latest batch ID : 50018020174.
These are the errors:
- Error Code: 20015 We do not support the file type of the image uploaded. Please refer to https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=16881, for more information on how to upload product images. >> Question: I'm seeing that I can resolve this through the complete draft page. Can I upload the photos through the complete draft page then delete the links in the feed file so once i resubmit the file, the error is gone? Is that possible?
- Error Code: 5009 The submission did not adhere to its SDL specified schema.
- Error Code: 4000000 An internal error has occurred. Please try again.
- Error Code: 8066 Please indicate that the item is a variation parent before setting up variation relationships. For more details, see https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/GNZVG487LVKE6YDW >>> Not sure how to resolve this. I've already added a parent SKU but was added after I submitted the second processing summary.
- Error Code 8007: We're unable to find the Parent SKU >>> i incorrectly entered the child sku in the parent sku column. how can i update this if i already submitted a processing summary 3x.