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In this article I will walk through section three of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, and what to do if you’ve received a violation notification for section three.

About the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is an agreement all sellers who want to sell on Amazon must electronically sign when they register. By signing it, they are agreeing to follow all rules as an Amazon seller.

Section three of Amazon’s Business Solution Agreement is the Term and Termination section. This section denotes that the Business Solutions Agreement starts on the date registration is completed, and also discusses how and why Amazon may terminate or suspend a seller’s account. The copy from Amazon section 3 is below:

"3. Term and Termination.

The term of this Agreement will start on the date of your completed registration for use of a Service and continue until terminated by us or you as provided below. You may at any time terminate your account or this Agreement immediately on notice to us via Seller Central, email, the Contact Us form, or similar means. We may terminate your account or this Agreement for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We may suspend or terminate your account or this Agreement immediately if we determine that (a) you have materially breached the Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice unless your breach exposes us to liability toward a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce, or waive, the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (b) your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be used for deceptive or fraudulent, or illegal activity; (c) your use of the Services has harmed, or our controls identify that it might harm, other sellers, customers, or Amazon’s legitimate interests; (d) your Account Health Rating falls below our published threshold(s) for deactivation; or (e) if we are required to do so by law. We will promptly notify you of any such termination or suspension via email or similar means including Seller Central, indicating the reason and any options to appeal, except where we have reason to believe that providing this information will hinder the investigation or prevention of deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or will enable you to circumvent our safeguards. On termination of this Agreement, all related rights and obligations under this Agreement immediately terminate, except that (d) you will remain responsible for performing all of your obligations in connection with transactions entered into before termination and for any liabilities that accrued before or as a result of termination, and (e) Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, and 18 of these General Terms survive.“

What to do if you’ve received an Amazon section three violation

If you’ve received a notification that your account is deactivated or suspended, then you’ve violated one or more of the terms listed above within the agreement. We encourage you to refer to the recent performance notification to identify the issue or possible factor(s) that led to account deactivation or suspension, and then execute the next course of action as requested by appeals team, if relevant.

To ensure that your products are listed in accordance to Amazon’s restricted products, you should review these policies carefully for better understanding:

If you’ve reviewed the Restricted product page and believe your product was removed in error, you may dispute via the “Submit appeal” button in Seller Central. Provide the relevant ASIN number and a detailed explanation with strong supporting proof to justify your claim on the incorrect listing removal.

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This Offer ( a two dollar item, btw) was removed from my inventory 2544 days ago. I am just now getting a notice to do what? remove it. Hello, it was removed from my inventory about 7 years ago. Seriously, doesn't anyone monitor these annoying notices that seem to be randomly triggered? Does no one care that this kind of treatment of sellers is annoying and insulting? Is Amazon so big that there is no longer any effort to protect sellers from useless, inaccurate and threatening messages? Surely this kind of treatment will continue to reduce Amazon to nothing more than an overly complex robot-driven machine that continues to drive humans into the arms of other business that still have a semblance of decency and accuracy. It's so, so sad.

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"Tonight I received two E-Mails that said in part the following:


This is to inform you that the following detail pages are at the risk of removal from our catalog. You must take remedial actions before 7/1/2024, UTC, else your listing(s) will be removed from our catalog. It is your obligation to ensure that the products you offer, comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies.

ASIN: B0009NN5QO, SKU: GAME-INTERACTIVE INTERNET PUZZLE, Title: Lagoon Games Internet Puzzle: Interactive Adventure

ASIN: B005R2N60C, SKU: GAME-M-GOREN'S BRIDGE FOR TWO-DR, Title: Vintage Goren's Bridge For Two (1964 Edition)

Why is this happening?

This product has been identified as a live plant or seed product that is listed outside of the SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED categories. Please update the product_type attribute to either SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED values as a path to reinstatement. If you are unable to make the necessary changes, please work with Seller Support to change the category classification for your ASIN and then please apply for reinstatement. It is against Amazon policy to list live plant or seed product outside of these categories. For more information, see the help page at".

In fact none of the 5 sku's had anything to do with live plants and/or seeds. Amazon IMHO needs New Programmers and New quality software. Why do they continue to make POO--POO's like this?

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Returns destroy our Business
by Seller_csHWMpsP5ANmc
Amazon replied

Selling Jewelry in different sizes I can understand when someone buys 3 sizes 1 of each and returns 2 up to 30 days

But when someone buys 8 units, 3 of each size and reruns all 8 after 2 months , is becoming Like, Buy on Amazon, use it for 2 months and just return it and we will pay the shipping

Its ridicules whats going on ,customers are just taking advantage, really unfair to sellers

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new sellar - sku problem
by Seller_PfRfeXvWJCqIV
Amazon replied

Hey guys, trying to send off my first product. It initially got flagged for being a plant/seed (its not - its tape)

Now id like to ship product but getting this notice in red lettering:

"Merchant SKU already exists. Merchant SKUs cannot be reused, even if a previous offer using the SKU has been deleted. Please use a new SKU to create this offer."

i need to create new sku within sellar central?


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This is so frustrating and amazon needs to have humans override algorithm since it hurts everyone - customers, amazon and the seller when algorithms go wrong like in this case. I am a stock holder since 11 years and I am very concerned about that no human can override obvious errors.

First the Product Description was gone for no reason whatsoever after 6 years of selling the product (and bullet points too). I had to contact support and go back and fourth for days before the Description was back up. Meanwhile no sales. And then the BUY BOX is gone too. No explanation to why other than outrageous erroneous statements (see below).

I have talked to Amazon Support about the below and they say nothing can be done due to that an algorithm decides if a buy box is given or not.

This way of handling listings is counter to amazons mission of serving customers. They now erroneously think from seeing the listing that the listed product is at the wrong price, wrong quality, no reliable delivery and that the seller has bad customer service. This is outrageous since it is all fantasy and came from a a clear blue sky without forewarning.

After 6 years of selling our own unique item with a 4.5 review average from 57 reviewers and our seller account being healthy -the listing suddenly no longer has a buy box and states that only listings that meet the below listed requirements can have a buy box (we have met them for 6 years b t w and still do with flying colors - hence the great reviews and all our other listings have Buy Boxes....).

1.Quality Price,

2.Reliable delivery option, and

3.Seller who offers good customer service


That makes ABSOLUTLY NO SENSE since:

1 Our product is top quality (hence the great review average of 4.5 stars) and often sold at a special below price on our website. People rave about this product. It is the best possible quality.

2. Our deliveries have always been reliable over these 6 years hence the great 4.5 out of 5 review rating. It is crazy if we get penalized due to that maybe on product sent to someone who shopped overseas is complaining on the international delivery or did not want to pay the customs fees (duty) before receving it. Cause that is the only thing that I can think of - and if that happened then it is not the sellers fault and has nothing to do with our customer service or shipping record.

3. We are known for TOP TOP CUSTOMER SERVICE. Our record speaks for itself.

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How does a product star rating work
by Seller_VGta8d1MQayJt

Hey folks, I've often wondered this and am feeling bold enough to ask about it today!

Imagine an item with 3x 5* reviews and 1x 3* Review.

In theory, that's an average of 4.5*

(5+5+5+3)/4 = 4.5

But on Amazon it never works this way.. I have a current listing with that exact scenario, but it reads as follows:

4.4 out of 5

4 global ratings

5* = 69%

3* = 31%

For reference, 2 reviewers left comments, 2 did not. I don't know if that makes a difference.

Does it have something to do with the fact that the scale is 1-5 instead of 0-5?

I know it may not seem significant.. I'm just genuinely curious as to if there is a rhyme or reason to why the numbers don't actually reflect the math.

Thanks for any insights that y'all might have, and I hope you all have a great week!


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Hi, I have searched high and low for a list of items that can be shipped for FBM ONLY in Poly bags and what needs to go in a box because I have been dinged on my account for shipping a bag of chips in a poly bag. So, before I email the buyer, I want to make sure I have the correct information. Does anyone know where I can find a list of Amazon requirements for items that can be shipped in Poly Bags for FBM? I found the FBA list, but it is very minimal. Thanks in advance for anyone's help if you are able to help. I am at my wits end with this one.

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Over the last month, we have had > 10,000 FBA Fulfilled orders marked as "Shipping Address Undelieverable".

Each time this occurs, Amazon refunds the customer in full, and keeps our fulfillment fee and 20% of our referral fee. In addition, we do not receive the item back. This costs us $20 to $40 per order, and our the frequency of this occuring is greatly increasing (> 500 orders per day now).

Needless to say, this would bankrupt anyone at scale. If this is not remedied quickly, it will cripple our cashflow and may force us to choose to close our listings, versus hemmoraging far more money than destroying the inventory by continuing to sell.

We have been selling on Amazon for nearly 10 years and we have never seen anything like this. We can get zero assistance from seller support when we open cases.

If a moderator can assist, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Amazon Receiving Timeframe
by Seller_Ii6WbM1GE0oWE

I'm doing some research and planning on the logistics for the Amazon FBA fulfillment. Among many other variables, one pain point is the timeframe of shipment from the date of shipment "arrived" at an Amazon FC to the date when it becomes "available", not "at-hand" which includes FC transfer units. I'm just assuming that this timeline is about 2 weeks and max 4 weeks because after 4 weeks, I can request investigation. It is understandable that it may take more than 4 weeks, but I assumed that in normal and most cases for average(?) sellers, it would take less than 4 weeks which is the earliest eligibility date of investigation (1 month to be precise).

However, I may be wrong. I don't have much data to assume this 2-4 week timeframe is reasonable. I understand that this can vary due to the number of shipments, month, each FC's situation, etc., etc... However, as a person responsible for logistics, I must make assumptions and plan accordingly. Many posts in this forum complaining about the delayed and wrong shipment process also scares me.

I tried to find some data whether disclosed by Amazon or sellers, or any documentation, but there was nothing like a minimum or maximum timeframe. Could anyone provide more input and guidance?

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Complaint Letter
by Seller_ucyWKufGd8ksh

Dear Amazon Customer Service Team:

I am a seller on the Amazon platform and recently needed to contact Amazon's Audit team to deal with an account issue. However, in the past few communications, I was very disappointed and dissatisfied with the way the Amazon audit team handled the situation. The specific issues are listed below:

1. Failure to resolve the issue: I have not received an effective response to my repeated questions and requests to the audit team. They closed my case several times without providing any real solutions, which seriously affected my business operations.

2. Delaying and shirking responsibilities: During the process, the staff of the audit team frequently postponed the response time for various reasons and repeatedly asked me to wait without any actual progress. Each response simply asked me to provide the same information or wait for the next step without giving a clear timeline or solution.

3. Irresponsible attitude: When the review team did not want to answer my questions, they chose to simply close my questions instead of seriously addressing and resolving them. This behavior made me feel that they lacked attention and responsibility for sellers' issues.

As a result of the inaction and irresponsibility of the Amazon review team, my current account is in a state where it is not functioning properly, causing serious financial losses. This has not only damaged my business but also the reputation of Amazon as a globally recognized e-commerce platform.

I firmly believe that Amazon, as a company known for putting customers first, will not allow such inefficient and unprofessional behavior to exist. I hope that Amazon will take my complaint seriously, investigate the behavior of the review team, and take appropriate measures to resolve my issue.

In addition, I suggest that Amazon strengthen the training of the audit team in future services to improve their service awareness and professionalism, so as to ensure that sellers' problems can be solved in a timely and effective manner.

Thank you for your attention to my complaint, and I hope to get your reply and handling plan as soon as possible.




@Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX @Seller_nS0jcFQNDLG3e @Seller_guLNtDGZuva40

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