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Product Listing suddenly destroyed due to a bug within the amazon algorithm

by Seller_MdK22tLFOwH0P

This is so frustrating and amazon needs to have humans override algorithm since it hurts everyone - customers, amazon and the seller when algorithms go wrong like in this case. I am a stock holder since 11 years and I am very concerned about that no human can override obvious errors.

First the Product Description was gone for no reason whatsoever after 6 years of selling the product (and bullet points too). I had to contact support and go back and fourth for days before the Description was back up. Meanwhile no sales. And then the BUY BOX is gone too. No explanation to why other than outrageous erroneous statements (see below).

I have talked to Amazon Support about the below and they say nothing can be done due to that an algorithm decides if a buy box is given or not.

This way of handling listings is counter to amazons mission of serving customers. They now erroneously think from seeing the listing that the listed product is at the wrong price, wrong quality, no reliable delivery and that the seller has bad customer service. This is outrageous since it is all fantasy and came from a a clear blue sky without forewarning.

After 6 years of selling our own unique item with a 4.5 review average from 57 reviewers and our seller account being healthy -the listing suddenly no longer has a buy box and states that only listings that meet the below listed requirements can have a buy box (we have met them for 6 years b t w and still do with flying colors - hence the great reviews and all our other listings have Buy Boxes....).

1.Quality Price,

2.Reliable delivery option, and

3.Seller who offers good customer service


That makes ABSOLUTLY NO SENSE since:

1 Our product is top quality (hence the great review average of 4.5 stars) and often sold at a special below price on our website. People rave about this product. It is the best possible quality.

2. Our deliveries have always been reliable over these 6 years hence the great 4.5 out of 5 review rating. It is crazy if we get penalized due to that maybe on product sent to someone who shopped overseas is complaining on the international delivery or did not want to pay the customs fees (duty) before receving it. Cause that is the only thing that I can think of - and if that happened then it is not the sellers fault and has nothing to do with our customer service or shipping record.

3. We are known for TOP TOP CUSTOMER SERVICE. Our record speaks for itself.

Tags: Buy Box, Detail page
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In reply to: Seller_MdK22tLFOwH0P's post

Greetings @Seller_MdK22tLFOwH0P,

Thank you for your feedback regarding the Featured Offer. There are many factors that go into the Featured Offer, some that are shared and others that are not to ensure that the Featured Offer cannot be manipulated.

However I'm happy to take your feedback to the internal leadership. Can you please provide your most recent Seller Support Case and I will see what options exist. Please note I may not be able to provide additional details on the result of any review. Thank you for your understanding. Amazon does not guarantee the Featured Offer to any seller. Thank you.


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