CASE ID 17074569331
I really need someone who is knowledgeable on the difference between a MANUFACTURER and a BRAND.
Error 8572- This error occurs when the provided product ID (ASIN, UPC, EAN, ISBN, or JAN) does not match with the brand or product
Most businesses purchase from manufacturers. The manufacturers have lawful permission to use the brands license and manufacture products (clothes, games, toys, beauty, etc.).
We sell clothing. We buy from licensed manufacturers. The manufacturers issue the GS1 UPC, not the brand. Therefore, the GS1 UPC will be linked to the manufacturer, not the brand.
So, here lies the problem- Amazon is looking for the UPC to match the brand- well, that's not how it works.
Example- when trying to list a licensed brand like Star Wars, Amazon wants the GS1 UPC to match the brand Star Wars. But it doesn't. It matches the manufacturer. The brand Star Wars doesn't issue UPC codes! So there is no way to have a matching UPC code with the brand.
Amazon is asking us to do the impossible.
On the Amazon help page, it reads:
"If you are not the brand owner, provide a letter or legal agreement from the manufacturer or brand confirming that the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) you're using is valid and owned by them, or prove that you're authorized to use your own GTIN to sell unique products under their brand."
We did this. We have the valid GS1 certificates. We have letters of authorizations. We are brand registered with the BRANDS. We have valid websites of the manufacturers.
Amazon won't accept it.
We have been selling on Amazon for over 15 years and I have never seen anything like this.
Any licensed clothing sellers out there??