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Lost all featured offers
by Seller_iYDTDnqYabctt

Case Id: 17329471971

Hello Amazon team,

I've lost all of my featured offers. Only seller (trademarked), good account health, lowest price this year. All offers for all variations no longer featured.

Please help.

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what is up with this new 100 purchase order ??
by Seller_YNNm5V5R91i0k

just trying to find out when did amazon go up on the purchases from 10 to 100 ?? what was the reason ? because this is so detrimental for retail arbitrage smh!!

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This new error message is showing up when I go to edit permissions. We have 3P vendors and integrations that leverage accounts that do not have users tied to them. Verification on these accounts is not possible. Furthermore we do not feel comfortable adding a employee and providing their ssn or passport and personal info for verification purposes. We have around 50 Amazon sub-user accounts as well.

I understand verifying the seller account and providing this info. Sub-users is way too excessive. Not being able to also update permissions for existing users is also ridiculous.

Clicking the Verify Identity button redirects from Amazon US to Amazon EU, which we have not sold in for like 5 years, so I am pretty sure this an Amazon EU requirement imposed on Amazon US accounts.

Is there a way around this?

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Negative feedback recieved from a scammer
by Seller_UpwC3Wtx77GNL

Recently a customer purchased a new high-end gaming desktop computer and returned it two weeks later. After inspection I realized he removed the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and swapped it with an old, broken one. I immediately took pictures and sent him an email.

Of course, he denied everything and said he didn't remove and swap anything. I charged him an 80% restocking fee and because of this he left me negative feedback.

The feedback says in capital letters "DO NOT TRUST THIS SELLER"

Now my account health suffers, and Amazon won't remove it. I created a case, but I keep getting denied. Three times already.

This is absolutely not acceptable. I'm an honest seller. I've been selling on amazon for three years now. Why would Amazon allow scammers to continue to hurt us.

Does anyone have any suggestions? please help

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Cannot disable promotion
by Seller_gar7e21eaIb7U

I created a promotion to offer a discount on orders of 3+ units, but it doesn't appear the promotion is working properly. It's offering the promotion on 1 unit. However, when I try to disable the promotion I cannot. The message underneath the promotion says:

Coupons cannot be accessed through Promotions. To view and manage coupons, go to Advertising > Coupons > Subscribe and Save Coupons.

But when I go to the coupons page, the promotion doesn't exist there either.

Anyone know how to disable this? Case ID is 17363039151

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Drastic Fall in sales with changes
by Seller_iU6KNXeAPZrk1

I don't know about others but I have had dramatic negative sales with whatever changed 4 days ago with amazon and the buy box. Horrible change... Sales literally dropped by 75%. Can anyone tell me if this is just some sort of glitch or this a permanent thing with amazon. If it's permanent I will be forced to cancel my seller account and remove all my inventory and go elsewhere to sell.

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Today, hundreds of caps were removed where you can see the words Trump, Vance, Kennedy.

It seems like an anti-Trump campaign has begun.. It's strange that this is happening today, and not yesterday....

I can't understand what violation is in the texts where these words are - Trump Vance Musk? The Fix button doesn't work...

This detail page was removed for potential policy violations. Visit the account health dashboard for more information.

I can't understand what this cap violates, for example Trump Musk - ONE Team - ONE Dream? Who does it offend? or Cap Trump Golden Age hat - Golden Age Trump hat - Golden Age of America Hats?

Help me understand the reason.

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Hey everyone, I really need advice because I feel totally stuck here.

A buyer ordered from me exactly a year ago, and on the morning of the estimated delivery date, she requested a full refund because her package “hadn’t arrived yet.”

I politely explained that today was the estimated delivery date and that she should wait just one more business day to be sure. But the very next day, she skipped right past me, filed an A-to-Z claim, got refunded… and kept the item. 🥺

Well… one year later, the EXACT same thing is happening again. 😩

She placed another order, and—like clockwork—on the morning of the estimated delivery date, she’s asking for a full refund again. I just know that if I tell her to wait a day, I’ll wake up tomorrow to another A-to-Z, lose my money, and never see the item again.

2/2 times, that can’t be a coincidence. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and if she’s done this to me twice, she’s probably pulling this on dozens of other sellers.

I feel so frustrated because I don’t know how to handle this. Do I just give in and refund right away to avoid the inevitable? I hate feeling like I’m encouraging bad behavior, but it seems like the only way to protect myself. 😓

Mods, if you see this, please check order #701-8163840-1785824. I only have a few hours to respond before I’m forced to refund. I don’t want to let her get away with this again!

Any advice would mean the world right now. Thank you!! 🥺💖

@Seller_WIFV02H2XUFgS, @Seller_vtQxROP6UNr1O, @Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej, @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu

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Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone at home?

Where are the sales?

What's up Amazon?

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I’ve been trying to get Amazon to remove a review that clearly violates their guidelines, but despite my efforts, it remains visible. The review states:

"Open package

Other than my package being opened everything was delivered on time."

This review is not about the product’s performance but rather a packaging/shipping issue, which falls under "Off-topic – Not about the product." I reported it manually through the review report function and also opened Case ID 17160178331 on February 7, yet the review is still up.

What’s more frustrating is that I previously posted a thread last month regarding a different review violation, and it was never responded to. At this point, I’m unsure how to effectively escalate the removal of reviews that clearly violate Amazon’s guidelines.

In the past, when I raised similar discussions, Amazon community managers would step in and help, but now, I haven’t had any luck getting a response.

Has anyone found a way to escalate these cases when even clear violations are being left unaddressed?

Would highly appreciate any advice from fellow sellers or if any members from Amazon community managers could shed some light on this issue.

Thank you for reading and responding. Appreciate your time.

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