@Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ @Seller_dnxnrsZIeTNo3 @Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6
Amazon’s incompetence has once again caused serious harm to my business. This time, I have been unjustly restricted from submitting ASIN remap requests for 30 DAYS, despite my requests being 100% valid under Amazon’s own policy!
Amazon’s Remap Policy Clearly States My Requests Were Valid
According to Amazon’s Remap Listing to ASIN Policy, a remap is eligible if:
1. The original and new ASINs are the same product (make, brand, model, and condition).
2. Both ASINs are active and healthy.
3. The item is an FBA listing.
4. The ASINs share the same classification (hazmat/adult, etc.).
On Friday, I submitted remap requests that met EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT. Yet instead of approving them, Amazon WRONGFULLY flagged my account, falsely accused me of submitting "invalid requests," and imposed a 30-day restriction on remap submissions. THIS IS A CLEAR VIOLATION OF AMAZON’S OWN POLICY!
Amazon’s Support is useless: I contacted support multiple times, and instead of fixing their mistake, they just send robotic, copy-paste responses that ignore the issue. Does anyone at Amazon even read seller messages anymore?!
This Needs to Be Fixed NOW!!!!!!!!!
Amazon must immediately remove this wrongful restriction from my account and allow me to submit remap requests again.
I will NOT sit quietly while Amazon violates their own policies and damages my business. If this is not fixed immediately, I will escalate this complaint externally.