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Every monday the last few months customers are all wound up...

Today, we get a message from a customer demanding a refund on 2nd day shipping because it was delivered on the 10th instead of the 7th... now WE SHIPPED on time, this is entirely a fedex issue... the customer paid $5 extra for shipping, BUT the label cost us $12.65 and she got a 9$ discount on her order.. so she actually cost us 4$, and with her demand of $5 back, we lose more...


"I paid $5 to have this here by Friday, March 7. I did not arrive until Monday, March 10th. I would like to request a refund for the expedited shipping. Already having to pay for samples unlike other options. Paying for faster shipping, but not getting it would be more frustration on top of that."

Oh boohooo your $5 premium shipping option didnt get your package to you in the middle of horrid weather, and floods across much of the USA... like a 2 day delay on a weekend of a package of samples is really skin off their back.. its over the top now, cheap customers thinking Amazon is just free goods, free shipping...

IS any else tired of customers who treat sellers like trash? I had lady scream at my staff today because USPS lost a package.. telling us to get a better system and she was upset her project was delayed... honestly who cares about your project, mistakes happen, they dont care. they want it NOW NOW NOW NOWNOW

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for bank account
by Seller_wibTkckglwjfE

can i add my wifi account in my seller account

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This Chinese guy bellow hijacked multiple Snapple & coke listing

Unique outlet , kool8shop , texas prime , LONE STAR QUALITY STORE 1. Lone Star Quality Store 2. Lone Star Quality Store 3 Rafa Saavedra laviniaessentials

After receiving multiple violations on our Snapple, Coke, and Core Topo Chico listings, we discovered that all of these listings share the same contact email for the brand owner. It appears that someone has placed these products under his own brands, even though the listings look like genuine ones. When you search online, you'll notice they were originally private label listings that were later modified to resemble regular listings—the only detail that wasn’t changed is the manufacturer. Consequently, when browsing a listing that appears to be for Snapple or Coke, the manufacturer information isn’t immediately visible. When I tried to contest the violations, Amazon asked us to provide proof that we’re authorized to sell these items. We sent invoices from Snapple and Coke, but Amazon’s system did not recognize them as valid. Please help—what do we do?

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I've observed a significant increase in deferred payment schedules, now reaching 75 days. Previously, these were consistently shorter, around 30, 45, and then 60 days. I'm concerned about this extended payment term, as it deviates substantially from my standard business practices. I've been unable to locate any official policy updates regarding this change. Anyone know of information or relevant links confirming if Amazon is indeed implementing 75-day payment terms? I'm hesitant to utilize early payment options as it's giving up more money.

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Manufacturer brand is not on the product or box
by Seller_NI0dEZUBdT9dt
Amazon replied

Trying to get approval for a brand but need the exact brand name for photos. The brand doesn't have any sort of labels for the exact brand name between the box, packaging, or the products itself. The brand simply goes by one name that is labeled across all products but no where is the exact brand on the product. Not sure how to go about it and any advice would be appreciated.

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Looming Recession Killing Sales Already?
by Seller_Sram36TnVt73c

Is anyone doing better in 2025 than they did in 2024?

I know the last two months of 2024 were awful compared to the last 2 months of 2023, especially Christmas.

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We received a payment of under $100 from Amazon today. Our upcoming payment is several thousand dollars so this is separate. I checked advertising and the Canada and Brazil stores but it's not any of those either. This has happened several times now and I can never figure out what it's for. Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone have any ideas for what this might be?

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CPC audit is too slow, please help me
by Seller_0t3jVjXzBTc3e
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Amazon replied

It has been 50 days since the CPC review was submitted.

There has been no response to the case. Can anyone help us? Thank you!

case ID:17045975731 17046040181 17149837501

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Hello, we recently created an ASIN in our account without issue, but shortly after, it became inactive due to Amazon stating that they are not currently accepting applications to sell “Other Human Ingestible products in New, Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)”.

Seller Support has not been able to provide any update or timeline as to when they will begin accepting applications or how to push it through. We already have Amazon brand registry and all the compliance documents. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Corresponding Case ID: 17372341881

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This new error message is showing up when I go to edit permissions. We have 3P vendors and integrations that leverage accounts that do not have users tied to them. Verification on these accounts is not possible. Furthermore we do not feel comfortable adding a employee and providing their ssn or passport and personal info for verification purposes. We have around 50 Amazon sub-user accounts as well.

I understand verifying the seller account and providing this info. Sub-users is way too excessive. Not being able to also update permissions for existing users is also ridiculous.

Clicking the Verify Identity button redirects from Amazon US to Amazon EU, which we have not sold in for like 5 years, so I am pretty sure this an Amazon EU requirement imposed on Amazon US accounts.

Is there a way around this?

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