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Hello everyone!

I wanted to reach out and share a few suggestions for when you’re creating a thread and looking for support from moderators or the community.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating your thread.

  1. kind of help are you’re looking for?
  2. The type of issues did you encounter?
  3. Supporting information.
  4. Limited visibility.

What kind of help are you’re looking for?

There can different forms of support or help that can be provided depending on the situation. These examples include support with: account reactivation, appeal and disputes, broken appeal paths or other technical issues that occur. Can you provide enough information that helps us better understand your situation?

The type of issues did you encounter?

As there are many different types of situations that can occur, we will need more information surrounding what occurred, and how you were impacted. Was this something that impacted a performance calculation, the status of your account, or your listings?

Supporting Information

Supporting information is very crucial for us when we need to better understand your specific situation. This can include performance notifications, ASINs, screenshots, policy violations, case ID, and complaint IDs. This is not an exhaustive list of supporting details but to aid in suggestions for what to provide that would help us in supporting you through your concerns.

As a side note when providing any supporting information. This is a public space and strongly discourage posting any personal information such as emails, phone numbers, addresses, or other personal details. If you need to provide any personal information, please create a case and share your information there, proceed to post your case in your thread so we can see your submission.

Limited visibility

Our team does have limited visibility into your account or the information requested, thus to help prevent delays we recommend providing what you can from the information above. The information provided can be used to not only better understand your situation and impact but also engage the necessary teams for further review if needed.

To better summarize the above information and so we are assisting you with your concerns in a timely and effective manner, we do require a bit of information related to your situation. Without this information we may need to request additional details to better understand your situation which may delay a proper response or guidance.

I hope you find this guidance and information resourceful and helpful when creating your own threads. I look forward to your posts and what support we can provide.


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78 Fake Orders
by Seller_qoN23FMYjKB5W

I've been selling on Amazon for 10 years, and I've never seen anything like this before. There are 78 suspicious orders—each placed at a rate of 6 orders per minute.

  • All orders are from business customers, and each contains only one unit.
  • The best-performing ASIN was targeted.
  • Every order is placed from a different account and shipped to a different address.
  • However, in the address field of all orders, the following text appears: "nullPO67d..."

I contacted Amazon Support, and they are directing me to the Competitor Seller Attack Unit. But here's the catch—they're asking me to provide the name of the competitor.

Are they serious? How am I supposed to know who is behind this? Isn't that their job to investigate?

Has anyone dealt with this before? Any advice?

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Amazon replied

We’re trying to update the brand name of some of our products on Amazon from the parent company’s name to the actual sub-brand they belong to.

For example, think of how Nestlé is the parent company of Kit Kat. While Kit Kat is owned by Nestlé, the brand name on the product is Kit Kat, not Nestlé. Similarly, we want our products to be listed under the correct sub-brand, rather than the parent company’s name.

However, when we reached out to Seller Support and the Executive Team, they told us that brand names cannot be changed and the only option is to delete the ASINs and relist them under the new brand name. This would result in losing all our sales history, rankings, and reviews, which isn’t ideal.

Has anyone successfully changed a brand name in a similar situation? Any advice or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated!


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FBA Lost Inventory Denied Reimbursments
by Seller_iEfhZOYixtLet

We have dealt with Amazon FBA losing inbound shipments before but we have not had any problems getting reimbursed up until now

“Our research shows that the 48 units of FNSKU X00******* that you sent with shipment FBA18******* have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover the physical inventory of the located item at this time, due to the error in shipment plan creation. We are unable to reimburse or reconcile the discrepancies you have asked to investigate for these items because of the error. “

On February 8th, we identified an inventory issue in our store and reached out to Amazon Seller Support via phone (Ticket ID: 17162237351). The problem was that both our FBM and FBA listings for the same item shared the same internal FNSKU, causing FBA orders to appear as FBM in our portal, even though the FBM stock was set to zero. Over the phone, your representative, Kimberline, advised me to set the inventory to zero, delete the listing, and then recreate it. This would resulted in a new FNSKU being generated. Because of this, the FBA amazon shipment I had sent in was unintentionally modified. I clearly asked the support rep over the phone if deleting the FBA listing was going to cause any issues and she told me to proceed with it and recreate the listing. Now, we are told we have lost 48 units of inventory because the FNSKU doesn't match. Can you please help correct this mishandling issue?

We only have one item we sell on amazon FBA and are 100% sure the correct FNSKU was in the boxes we are not sure what's going on and this is a huge cash flow issue for our business almost 10k in lost inventory amazon is refusing the acknowledge the issue

How can they claim that an incorrect FNSKU was sent in but whatever that physical inventory has been lost and they can't locate it but refuse reimbursement?

Can we get some assistance from a mod on this to escalate these cases?

Relevant Case IDS:

ID: 17417357861

ID: 17395775951

ID: 17325825821

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Banning product names
by Seller_2xEkbLg91JMJx

Gotta love when your account almost gets shutdown because you list a product called Black Opium. Amazon freaks and thinks I’m actually selling a Sch 1 narcotic but instead it is perfume.

Is there really a big problem of people selling Opium on Amazon?

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Declined seller application - why? Is this normal?
by Seller_0qlxpWc2OwkaQ
Amazon replied


We are a comic store who's literal job is selling Marvel Comics and have been doing so for 29 years. We buy from the only official Marvel Distributor, Penguin Random House. We meet all the requirements and provided all documentation but, we declined. Makes no sense at all. When asking why we were declined we don't get an answer. Anyone have any insight as to why?

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A while back my cell phone was stolen with my Amazon seller login in it. I made a new account thinking I would never get access to my previous account. My new account was flagged for Multiple Account Policy Violation. So I needed to access my old account ASAP.

I finally did and I reactivated or reinstated it and then I permanently deactivated that original account and closed it. I kept my second account just because nothing personal. So, now I am stuck getting automated responses that I need to Appeal ALL Policy Violation when my account is in good health 200/1000 . I read the Multiple Seller Account Violations and proved that this was all not intentional and because my phone was stolen and I proved a police report and everything.

Should I just deactivate this current account all together , I am so stuck and have sent a years worth of Appeals.

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Amazon Buy Shipping FEDEX error occured
by Seller_ogqbG0HlQuYoY


Why I cannot buy the FEDEX 2Day One Rate anymore. Is there something wrong with the fedex?

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UPS down on Amazon Shipping again?
by Seller_xChY9wAo7PTVr
Amazon replied

Am I the only one? It's been down for me since last night. It's shipping time, help...

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We got a notification this morning that our listings were deactivated due to a drop shipping violation, but we ship all our orders in house with Amazon buy shipping. We pay UPS for daily pick up and the few packages we ship via Fed Ex are dropped off at our local store. It didn't say what order ID was the one in question so we have no clue how this happened. We had a few orders recently that did not ship on time, so we refunded the label and chose 2 day service so the customer still received their purchase on time but instead of the package getting scanned on shipment date, it would get scanned the following day. Not sure if this would trigger this? We place our own quality control printed labels I.E inspection completed, tested, ready etc and was wondering if that was the reason we got flagged? Our items are all pre-owned, so they have to go through an extra test/inspection hence the assurance stickers we place when we re-package our items. If a Moderator can assist to explain what the exact reason was, it would help us cross the t's and dot our i's so this never happens again. Our store feedback is high, no claims, no issues and 100% on all shipping times, as we have enabled SSA. Our listings popped back up active after submitting the appeal but the whole 14 day review has us wondering if there will be any more issues or if it was a simple error etc. It did say we were allowed to do FBA and this issue was related to FBM only.

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We have recently had a very high number of FBA Inbound shipments where Amazon has lost inventory. We have not had any problems getting reimbursed in the past but recently they have come back with the same ridiculous denial reason below.

"Our research shows that the 100 units of FNSKU B0"""""""" that you sent with shipment FBA18SK0Z6JY have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover the physical inventory of the located item at this time, due to the error in shipment plan creation. We are unable to reimburse or reconcile the discrepancies you have asked to investigate for these items because of the error."

We only have 2 SKU's and we know for 100% that the correct FNSKU was in the boxes, and we don't know what is going on with this. They have lost over 500 units this month which caused us not to have any available inventory to sell on our listing this month.

This is more than $15K worth of lost inventory and will put us in a serious cash flow crunch in the event that we have to take a loss on these units.

We did not get any kind of notification when the cartons w ere received, that any of the SKU's were mismarked or had any issues.

How can they claim that an incorrect FNSKU was sent in but whatever that physical inventory has been lost and they can't locate it but refuse reimbursement?

Can we get some assistance from a mod on this to escalate these cases?

Case IDs are:

ID 17268127471

ID 17188613781

ID 17189042301

ID 17188858361





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