Your seller-fulfilled offers have been "reactivated" and under review for 14 days , Moderator assistance would help clarify
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Your seller-fulfilled offers have been "reactivated" and under review for 14 days , Moderator assistance would help clarify

We got a notification this morning that our listings were deactivated due to a drop shipping violation, but we ship all our orders in house with Amazon buy shipping. We pay UPS for daily pick up and the few packages we ship via Fed Ex are dropped off at our local store. It didn't say what order ID was the one in question so we have no clue how this happened. We had a few orders recently that did not ship on time, so we refunded the label and chose 2 day service so the customer still received their purchase on time but instead of the package getting scanned on shipment date, it would get scanned the following day. Not sure if this would trigger this? We place our own quality control printed labels I.E inspection completed, tested, ready etc and was wondering if that was the reason we got flagged? Our items are all pre-owned, so they have to go through an extra test/inspection hence the assurance stickers we place when we re-package our items. If a Moderator can assist to explain what the exact reason was, it would help us cross the t's and dot our i's so this never happens again. Our store feedback is high, no claims, no issues and 100% on all shipping times, as we have enabled SSA. Our listings popped back up active after submitting the appeal but the whole 14 day review has us wondering if there will be any more issues or if it was a simple error etc. It did say we were allowed to do FBA and this issue was related to FBM only.

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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@Xander_Amazon@Quincy_Amazon Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated

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"We got a notification this morning that our listings were deactivated due to a drop shipping violation, but we ship all our orders in house with Amazon buy shipping."

"Our items are all pre-owned, so they have to go through an extra test/inspection hence the assurance stickers we place when we re-package our items."

Are you using branded boxes with the item names or boxes you buy from Menards, Walmart, Home Depot, etc?

There are many cases of sellers being charged for dropshipping due to the boxes they shipped in.

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We order all our packing supplies from Uline, so no brand boxes from the ones you mentioned. Would it be possible this was due to going the extra mile to seal (shrink wrap) our items after testing/cleaning? We also have a barcode label with the test date and tech name that we slap on there, in addition to a recently added "Inspected/Ready" sticker we add for extra assurance. As of today, we removed any additional stickers, just the barcode with the serial number and product information. Our listings are all active now and there are no policy violations open, but the main concern is to pinpoint what happened, so it never occurs again. Appreciate any advice on it @Seller_CW0P5hgbsiqWX@Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp

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