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Early Spring Cleaning of Your Amazon Catalog
by Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0

Following up on yesterday's "For the Love of Infringement!" discussion, let's dive into some game-changing practices to keep your catalog squeaky clean and violation-free!

🎯 Master Your Inventory Management:

Schedule Regular Check-ups

  • Mark your calendar for weekly/monthly reviews
  • Think of it as a health check for your business!
  • Pro tip: Set recurring calendar reminders

Identify & Remove

  • Products you've discontinued
  • Seasonal items past their prime
  • Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months

Smart Record-Keeping

  • Document all removed listings
  • Keep screenshots of important details
  • Store data in an organized spreadsheet
  • Update any related product information

💡 Quick Win: Set aside just 30 minutes each week to review your catalog. Small time investment, huge protection for your account!

🤝 Listings Community Corner: We'd love to hear your success strategies!

  • What tools or systems do you use to stay organized?
  • How often do you audit your listings?
  • Any clever tricks for managing seasonal inventory?

Share your tips below and help fellow sellers thrive!

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Account Under Temporary Review?
by Seller_9wz3JQJ0Uhkdu

we received email about our account on temporary review. We're informed listings will be "deactivated". Funds will be "frozen". Until account is completed review. We're informed if we would like to appeal, we should go under Accounts health page and appeal.

We sent the requested information and got a denial email stating they need more information? I called account health and told I need to provide more orders to review but can't state a specific number of orders? We have over 7k orders in the last 30 days all done with amazon buy shipping services all our metrics are above standards can someone advise? @Roxy_Amazon @Jameson_Amazon @Atlas_Amazon @Emet_Amazon @Cade_Amazon

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Has the Detail Page Been Removed?
by Seller_7nQirloYJC9c7

@Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse @Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH @Seller_q5VULSdzfEHW0 @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu @Seller_RsATYbG9XP0HP @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ @Seller_zukQNO61PzGck @Seller_YeWcEeTwlVO93 @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6 @Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX


Amazon removed my two existing listings after the title update due to not complying with the policies. The appeal I made was accepted and it was reported that the process for my listings to be reactivated has begun.

However, I receive the following response to the lawsuit I filed for the same products: We reviewed the products and determined that they did not meet our criteria. So who should I trust? How can 2 opposing responses be given to a lawsuit? Can an admin please intervene in the lawsuit? Can they manually review the listings?

CASE ID 17117353731

CASE ID 17117839011

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Closing My Account & Opening a New One
by Seller_9bH7hQyda00Ot

Hello Sellers

I need urgent advice regarding my Amazon seller account. I initially opened my account as an individual seller while residing in Oman, so my business location and residential address were set to Oman. Later, when Amazon required identity verification, I provided my documents, but during the process, I updated my business type to a privately owned business. Since my business is a US-based LLC. but the business location remained locked as Oman, and Amazon does not allow business country changes after registration.

Now, Amazon is requesting a business license from Oman, which I do not have because my business is registered in the USA. I contacted support multiple times, but they confirmed that the business location cannot be changed.

My Questions:

1. If I permanently close this seller account, will I be allowed to open a new seller account using the same name, passport, bank statement, and US business details (EIN, business address, etc.)?

2. Do I need to wait for a specific period after closing my account before registering a new one?

3. Are there any important steps I should take before closing the account to avoid any issues when creating a new one?

I want to ensure I follow Amazon’s policies correctly before making any decision. If anyone has experienced a similar situation or has insights, please share your advice.

Thanks in advance!

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AtoZ claim after SSA AND AHT and we bought "AMAZON BUY SHIPPING" Buyer was not available for UPS delivery and UPS held item at local access point. Buyer then called UPS to refuse delivery saying he "cancelled" item. Buyer did not cancel item prior to shipping, buyer tried to cancel item after it was held at UPS access point.

Unfortunately we see a trend in buyers trying to get free items by saying item was not delivered so we now request signature delivery for high price items.

Who is responsible for the shipping costs for this transaction when buyer refused delivery or refused to pick up the item.

@Seller_RsATYbG9XP0HP @Seller_zukQNO61PzGck @Seller_ovM5p622oIbGp @Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX @Seller_Udi0JNbTrsmUV @Seller_F4AbbFj6ovBk3 @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ @Seller_nS0jcFQNDLG3e @Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC @Seller_4GjtS9k0cnHHv @Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUY @Seller_s3amN64nZ4y9V @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU @Seller_YeWcEeTwlVO93 @Seller_aEROSwwdnzGiU @Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH @Seller_q5VULSdzfEHW0 @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu @Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvF @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6

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Someone hacked our account, changed the bank and stole 1.1 Million from us.

WE CANT GET AHOLD OF ANYONE!!! Does anyone have an internal contact so we can try to trace this bank account? We have all the info except for the Actual bank name and only the last 3 digits of the account. Does anyone have any ideas???? The bank appears to be in my business name

Thank you!

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Customer ordered a pair of shoes on December 15 and initiated a return process on December 23. However, the item wasn’t shipped back to me until January 23, an entire month after the return was started. When I received the item on January 28, it was heavily used and clearly violated Amazon’s return policy. On the same day, the customer requested a refund. I informed her that her actions violated Amazon’s policy and consequently denied her refund request. I then reported her for abusing the return policy.Subsequently, she opened an A-Z Claim alleging that the item was different from what she ordered. I provided Amazon with a detailed explanation of the situation, but my response was rejected. As a result, Amazon granted her a full refund, which negatively impacted my seller defect metrics.

Is there anyone from Amazon who can help me address this injustice?

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I recently received a 1-star review. This customer complains about the price and in the review admits he wasn't the one to purchase it. It's only sold on Amazon so he couldn't have purchased it anywhere else either. If he wasn't the buyer, he shouldn't be able to leave that review complaining about the cost. Also, in reviewing his profile, he has left 18 reviews, 17 of which are 1-star reviews. From what I've read, this is actual abuse of the ratings system. He is obviously looking to damage sellers and get free product. Also, since he wasn't the buyer I can't even reach out to him through the review system.

I tried to report his profile but the link doesn't seem to do anything. That's why I'm reaching out here because I believe he is truly a scammer who is looking only to harm sellers and get free stuff. Only leaving 1-star reviews is not normal. I'd love for someone to look into his profile and my review to hopefully get at least the review removed and potentially have his profile shut down because it clearly seems like he will only leave negative reviews which is unfair to both sellers and buyers.

Thank you for looking into this.

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Order ID 114-4538230-6578613 Seller Fulfilled Prime Order

Safe-T denied our reimbursement request because "You did not use the Buy Shipping Services to ship the item. Reimbursements can only be granted when Buy Shipping Service is used to ship a Seller Fulfilled Prime order." However, we did purchased Fedex Shipping Label via buy shipping service and shipped the package out using such label. The package was shipped on time and delivered on time. Buyer claimed not receiving and Amazon Customer Service issued full refund to buyer.

When we file the reimbursement claim, we provided the original shipping label JPG file, the shipping carrier movement on and proof of delivery photo. We also presented the transaction detail report showing the shipping fee was deducted from our account.

However, Safe-T dept still denied using the same reason. Can we escalate this request to supervisor? Can moderator help?

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Uploaded book records not appearing in inventory
by Seller_In1OZHF5lABCL

New bookseller here.

I am uploading my inventory to Amazon using Biblio's Pro Routing function. Biblio is sending about 1100 records, but only about 800 are appearing on my "Manage Inventory" page.

I'm not talking about inactive offers (gated or price-errors), I mean that when I choose "All" as listing status, it's only listing about 800.

My records are very detailed, and are not missing any required data. I notice that both isbn and non-isbn books are among the missing.

Can anyone give me a hint as to what is the problem here?


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USPS 12+ Days to Deliver
by Seller_YXvascq5pUBcY

Out of the last 100 orders, about a dozen have taken USPS 12+ days and up to 20 days to deliver. That means a dozen buyers requesting refunds even though the package arrives a week later.

We always explain that we arent the USPS and therefore cant control how long it takes, but we're losing money and getting bad reviews B/C of the post office slow delivery.

Any insight?

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