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Hello Forums Community!

As you may be aware, Amazon’s Prime Day event is back this July!

As we gear up for the exciting Prime Day event, it's essential your business is fully prepared to make the most of this high-traffic sales period. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the key steps to get your operations ready:

Inventory Management

Pricing and Promotions

  • Review your pricing strategy and consider implementing dynamic pricing or strategic discounts.
  • Leverage Amazon's promotional features, such as Lightning Deals and Coupons, to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Ensure your pricing and promotions align with Amazon's policies to provide a seamless customer experience.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Enhance your product listings with compelling content and eye-catching visuals to stand out.
  • Utilize Amazon's advertising solutions, like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to boost product discoverability.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns in advance to create a cohesive and impactful Prime Day strategy.

Customer Service Readiness

  • Assess your customer service processes and ensure you have the resources to handle increased order volumes.
  • Familiarize yourself with Amazon's customer service policies and guidelines to provide the best possible support.
  • Consider offering enhanced customer service options, such as extended hours or expedited response times, to delight your customers.

By following this checklist, you'll be well on your way to a successful Prime Day. We're here to support you every step of the way, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Keep an eye on our News and Announcements for updates on the event as they become available, and let us know what else is on the preparation checklist for your business!

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Fair Pricing on older stock
by Seller_2tJwOwAJ8DJmD

I primarily sell books on Amazon. I ran a sale on my older stock that hasn’t moved in 6 months. Did a 10% off sale and business was great and then Amazon nixed 1/4 of my listings due to fair pricing. What am I supposed to do to get rid of old stock and how is a price being too low a problem for the customer? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? What am I supposed to do here?

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Seller Support not working
by Seller_AokSoJBezrNJF
Amazon replied

Am I the only one who can't reach Amazon Seller Support? I've been trying for the past 3 days but keep getting "Support currently unavailable. No support agents available right now. Please try again later.

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Does anyone else experience issues when trying to provide/upload transparency codes via a Shipping Confirmation File?

We ship our orders using 3rd party software and they are not yet compatible with "SubmitFeed API" for transparency codes, so our only option is to utilize the Shipping Confirmation File and upload manually.

We have no issues whatsoever if there is only a single transparency enabled sku on the order, but if there are multiple transparency enabled skus on the same order, or if there are a large quantity of a single transparency enabled skus on the same order, the Shipping Confirmation File fails for those orders.

I have opened several support tickets since this program started well over a year ago, and still have not been able to get this resolved. Amazon institutes this requirement, but then the tools they give us Sellers to follow through do not work. I have gotten support to admit there were issues, but here we are a year later, and still no resolution and the contact I was speaking with about this no longer returns my emails.

My latest issue was today, I had an order for 370 units of a transparency enabled sku. Being a transparency code has roughly 32 characters each, there are alot of transparency characters to provide for this order. When I upload the file it fails because of the size/field limits.

Latest CASE ID - 15481943311

Can someone please look into this case and a resolution going forward.

Please Help!




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Amazon loses Items but never reimburses.
by Seller_nsTqZobQWJSCX
Amazon replied


Amazon lost many of our units during transfers to different warehouses. They asked us to provide a packing list, which we did. This was a month ago. Since then, they have been ignoring the case and haven't replied to any messages. Is this their way of weaseling out of reimbursing sellers if they lose their stuff?

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Tour of Amazon FC
by Seller_9MdSmMvZ83jn0
Amazon replied

How do we get a tour of an Amazon FC. I would love to see how they check in products.

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Signature delivery order lost A-Z Claim
by Seller_bVA8NVf43qvAr

Orders that ship to Suites/Apartments/Unit #'s are shipped with signature to protect us and the customer.

We shipped a $200 package to a customer.

Customer signed for the package with the customers full name along with signature.

Package shows delivered along with the signature. He files a A-Z claim and Amazon sides with the customer and deducts the funds with no ding to our seller performance.

We had no opportunity given to attach a pdf with the customers signature and delivery confirmation.

Whats the actual point of paying for signature tracking? As a seller we should have the opportunity to attach documents as proof.

Seems like legalization of theft. This customer will now continue stealing from more sellers. Mind boggling.

A-Z closed even with our rebuttal and tracking information included in response to the judgement.


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Deactivated account - HELP!!!!
by Seller_BPgnQxLOKk27D

Hello everyone!

I am reaching out to you for advice and help!

Here's the situation...

On April 30th, I went through video verification (section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement) and provided various documents (invoices, passport, answered questions about when I registered the account, address, phone number, etc.) and proved that my account is not being used for fraudulent, deceptive, or illegal activities that harm customers, other business partners, or our store. I also proved that the account belongs solely to me and that I am not involved in counterfeiting or dropshipping.

Unfortunately, my joy was short-lived, and on June 12, 2024, I received a notification:


Your seller account has been deactivated, and your listings have been removed. Ship any open orders to avoid further impact on your account.

Why is this happening? We were unable to verify information related to your seller account or did not receive any new information regarding your listings or selling history."

I discovered that my seller account was deactivated and immediately went to the "Account Health" section. In this section, I needed to provide a utility bill (gas bill, water bill, electricity bill, mobile phone bill, or internet service bill). Since I had an internet service bill on hand, I immediately sent this document.

However, on June 14, 2024, I received a notification:


We received your submission but we are unable to reactivate your account. Upon review of your account, we confirmed that your Amazon seller account has been used to engage in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity that harms our customers, other selling partners, and our store.

Why is this happening? Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement."

Realizing my mistake, I provided my electricity bill for review. After 2 days, the document review status changed to "We don't have enough information."

Over the past 2 weeks, I have already submitted a gas bill, electricity bill, mobile phone bill, internet service bill, bank statement, and passport for review.

All these documents have been rejected.

I have appealed twice (case 15456256231, 15471667091) – with no result...

I am not a fraudster, I am not involved in dropshipping (the goods are in Amazon's warehouse), and I have not violated any policies. I am confident that there has been some mistake!!!

I also want to note that I have no complaints from customers, no complaints about counterfeit goods, and my account status is at a high level, which indicates a high level of customer satisfaction.


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Amazon Ground Shipping
by Seller_1Z8zUGq4IVVEr
Amazon replied

Im getting the message below when i access using my seller account, where do i find these settings? i looked all over user permissions and there is no option for this type of permission, the account im using is the only admin account, i added another user permission and still got the same message

Please ask your administrator or Seller Central account owner to add you as a user under Account Settings.

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Our book inventory of 10,000 listings was suspended today over one $10 book that was damaged in transit, repackaged by the post office and sent to the customer, and for some reason we received a COUNTERFEIT/INAUTHENTIC claim for this?!

We have emailed the seller support address we were given numerous times with a copy of the exact invoice, clearly showing that we ordered 10 new copies of the book on 2/23/23 from a publisher. Yet, the invoice was rejected because it was older than 12 months. The books were purchased in February of 2023. THIS MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO ME?! We've purchased, listed and sold books for 20 years, so many of our legitimately new book listings were bought years ago.

How can we speak to a live person who can review our letter of explanation, the invoice, see that we've been selling books here for 20 years, have perfect feedback and account health? An email or a phone number? Otherwise it appears this is in a loop, where whatever we send is rejected by AI.

How is it POSSIBLE that because a $10 book was damaged and repackaged by the post office, our seller account is hit with a Counterfeit/Authenticiy complaint??

Why are we as long time sellers with Amazon receiving form letters of rejection repeatedly, when we follow directions, enclose proof that the book was new, ordered from a publisher? Yet the invoice is rejected multiple times?

Again, We could not prevent USPS from damaging the package, nor how they responded (repackaged and sent to the customer). The customer received the book within a week, it was still in new condition; we've emailed with her and she is fine. She realizes the delivery delay was not due to Amazon nor us as the 3rd party seller.

Yet here we find ourselves, with 10,000 deactivated new and used book listings.

I appreciate any insight!!

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I Used to Love Amazon
by Seller_HRcJa1gdGHeov
Amazon replied

I started selling on Amazon about 15 years ago and loved the platform. Both from a buying and selling standpoint, it was great; made a decent amount of $$ here selling and the products we bought were delivered fast and generally good quality.

Fast forward to today and I ABSOLUTELY HATE AMAZON. The toxic culture they have created for 3P sellers is abusive at best and outright right illegal at worst:

1. Suspected IP

2. High Price Errors

3. CPC Re-verification (well know massed produced toys).

4. FBA Storage Fees (need full time accountant to keep track).

5. Lost, stolen, Damaged FBA Inventory

6. Supply Chain Authentication (can anyone tell me what a valid wholesale invoice is to Amazon).

On top of it, the incompetent Seller Support and the inability to fix any of the above problems plus dozens more makes this place absurd. Suspension is literally a valid concern everyday, even for large accounts and even when you follow Amazon's ridiculous rules (there are many and they change often).

As I have stated before we try not to buy from Amazon, will not support this abusive platform. What will it take for this evil (maybe not the right word) company to be made accountable?? As of this morning Amazon has a $1.97 Trillion market cap, 3-4th largest company in the world, this is absurd; granted all of the other larger trillion $ companies are not great either, but Amazon and their behavior towards millions of small business 3P sellers is staggeringly bad.

At this point I see no way Amazon will change, they make too much $$ and appear to be rewarded for their bad behavior. I have opened dozens of cases, spoken with captive team members at length, emailed the leadership team multiple times, tried the moderators here, even called my AG and nothing (it is actually getting worse).

Generally curious as to what others feel it would take to end this nightmare? Also curious if anyone is happy with Amazon, forums are very negative right now, but there must be some (maybe?) that like Amazon?

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