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Deactivated account - HELP!!!!

by Seller_BPgnQxLOKk27D

Hello everyone!

I am reaching out to you for advice and help!

Here's the situation...

On April 30th, I went through video verification (section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement) and provided various documents (invoices, passport, answered questions about when I registered the account, address, phone number, etc.) and proved that my account is not being used for fraudulent, deceptive, or illegal activities that harm customers, other business partners, or our store. I also proved that the account belongs solely to me and that I am not involved in counterfeiting or dropshipping.

Unfortunately, my joy was short-lived, and on June 12, 2024, I received a notification:


Your seller account has been deactivated, and your listings have been removed. Ship any open orders to avoid further impact on your account.

Why is this happening? We were unable to verify information related to your seller account or did not receive any new information regarding your listings or selling history."

I discovered that my seller account was deactivated and immediately went to the "Account Health" section. In this section, I needed to provide a utility bill (gas bill, water bill, electricity bill, mobile phone bill, or internet service bill). Since I had an internet service bill on hand, I immediately sent this document.

However, on June 14, 2024, I received a notification:


We received your submission but we are unable to reactivate your account. Upon review of your account, we confirmed that your Amazon seller account has been used to engage in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity that harms our customers, other selling partners, and our store.

Why is this happening? Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement."

Realizing my mistake, I provided my electricity bill for review. After 2 days, the document review status changed to "We don't have enough information."

Over the past 2 weeks, I have already submitted a gas bill, electricity bill, mobile phone bill, internet service bill, bank statement, and passport for review.

All these documents have been rejected.

I have appealed twice (case 15456256231, 15471667091) – with no result...

I am not a fraudster, I am not involved in dropshipping (the goods are in Amazon's warehouse), and I have not violated any policies. I am confident that there has been some mistake!!!

I also want to note that I have no complaints from customers, no complaints about counterfeit goods, and my account status is at a high level, which indicates a high level of customer satisfaction.


Tags: Deactivated
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In reply to: Seller_BPgnQxLOKk27D's post

Go over everything with a magnifying glass looking for a missing 'period' or 'comma'.

Is there a different capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, or, even an extra spa ce?

When Amazon says something must match they mean EXACTLY!

That means Street is not ST.

Jim is not James.

ALL CAPS is not SOme CAps

They mean every comma, period, dash, etc. must be EXACTLY THE SAME INCLUDING SPACE S.

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In reply to: Seller_BPgnQxLOKk27D's post

mod? help,pls!

I am reaching out to you for advice and help!

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