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MIssing Inventory Cases from AWD to FBA
by Seller_hf21twF8srwjm
Amazon replied

Inventory shipments from AWD to FBA have been missing since November/December 2024. Cases filed months ago. No response from a "specialist" each time an update inquiry has been made. I thought there was a 90 policy to refund lost merchandise. Q. When a refund is finally issued, will it be costed out on the new refund policy?


Any suggestions on how to get this resolved would be appreciated.

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leeter from bustelo smucker.
by Seller_6TvgP7bubHLS4
Amazon replied

HI, good after news does any one here have received a letter from the bustelo company smucker telling that i have to stop selling there products in amazon and also i have receive any information from amazon about this those any in here have the same isuess..

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The item was removed in error(CASE:17175579091)
by Seller_QNoUQJUknPYpo

Greetings. My product is cotton, but it was incorrectly marked by the system as having an expiration date. The expiration date mark has been removed

.However, at present, there are still orders waiting for removal due to the expiration of this product in the background , and I have asked the seller for support, and they said that they cannot cancel the removal order generated by Amazon.

Part of this product has been removed, and part of it is currently waiting for removal, the situation is very urgent, please help me cancel the removal of the product, please help me, thank you!




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URGENT: Ongoing Issue With AQUIS Brand Approval
by Seller_xdoN05cQuoEyl


I was previously informed in Case ID 17325644891 that I needed to provide an order confirmation or an Amazon invoice that includes at least 50 units of AQUIS products to be considered valid documentation, and I quote "You must provide an order confirmation or an Amazon invoice that includes at least 50 units of AQUIS products."

I complied with this requirement in Case ID 17405687331, and 17385387261 yet my requests was still declined. I am unsure what I am doing wrong. Initially, I was told that my Amazon invoice was insufficient due to the quantity being too low. However, after submitting an invoice that meets the stated requirement, my request was immediately declined without explanation.

I have been struggling with this issue for weeks and am running out of options. Even after contacting support, the only info and advice they could give is "try changing the file(s) name" as they said Amazon invoices are perfectly fine to submit as long as they fit the requirements of 50 units, which I have tried. The company has shut down, and I no longer have direct contact with my representative. I would greatly appreciate clarification on why my request continues to be denied and guidance on how to resolve this issue.

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to any response or help.

- Spero @ Thrive Market





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Wrong item returned
by Seller_IJ301XIX9OIRG

Customer filed a return and when approved after the tracking showed it was sent back to us, the return turned out to be a little piece of junk plastic not the $155 rug pad that was supposed to be returned. Now we cannot file a claim because customer was refunded their money and we are stuck holding the bag with no recourse.

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Brand Registry Reject - New Seller
by Seller_fB2nxoBIU8O2b
Amazon replied

Hi, I am a new seller and I already have 1 brand registered last month. I tried to register my second brand but I was rejected instantly saying that:

This decision was made due to one or more of the following reasons: a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog; b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies, c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification, d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging; e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules

I tried to appeal but it's rejected with the same reason. The case ID 17387153761

Any mods could help resolve my problem?

Thank you

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Listing removed due to IP violation
by Seller_TQK3H0YxfrG4l

Listing was not created by us.

We are one of 7 sellers. When we added inventory to sell - we added quantity to sell, price and mode of shipping.

We have invoice from authorized distributor.

Now when we go to correct the listing we get 8541 error. Support ticket open

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We got a notification this morning that our listings were deactivated due to a drop shipping violation, but we ship all our orders in house with Amazon buy shipping. We pay UPS for daily pick up and the few packages we ship via Fed Ex are dropped off at our local store. It didn't say what order ID was the one in question so we have no clue how this happened. We had a few orders recently that did not ship on time, so we refunded the label and chose 2 day service so the customer still received their purchase on time but instead of the package getting scanned on shipment date, it would get scanned the following day. Not sure if this would trigger this? We place our own quality control printed labels I.E inspection completed, tested, ready etc and was wondering if that was the reason we got flagged? Our items are all pre-owned, so they have to go through an extra test/inspection hence the assurance stickers we place when we re-package our items. If a Moderator can assist to explain what the exact reason was, it would help us cross the t's and dot our i's so this never happens again. Our store feedback is high, no claims, no issues and 100% on all shipping times, as we have enabled SSA. Our listings popped back up active after submitting the appeal but the whole 14 day review has us wondering if there will be any more issues or if it was a simple error etc. It did say we were allowed to do FBA and this issue was related to FBM only.

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by Seller_9XmkrrWHHFYjg

My name is Rustam Ijaz and I recently made an account in the USA while based in Canada, a professional account. I am interested in wholesale, but when I try to add a product, there is an error that says my account does not qualify, and they do not give me any reason. I reached out too many times to support, but they said we could not do anything about that situation. Furthermore, I tried 100 different established brands to apply for resell, but "my account does not qualify". Could anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?. There is an option to apply to sell, and there is an option of request approval, but I do not know what to do?

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Product Compliance Testing Options Dietary Supplements
by Seller_7pWaD1u4fx4Xe


The estimates provided by Eurofins, UL and the other labs are astronomical compared to lab testing from another labs. For example, for a typical testing from my past certified labs the cost were around $400-600.

I got a quote from UL for $4500. This seems to be taking advantage of Amazon Sellers since they are the only labs in the Amazon list as the same tests with similar certified labs is 5 times less.

Question - Do we have to work with the labs Amazon provides in product compliance?

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