I purchased a graphics card from Best buy, resold it to an Amazon customer,
That customer used the item for 28 days, then due to either over clocking or neglect, burned the card out.
They returned it to me, stating it never worked.
1. They kept it for 28 days
2. It was covered in dust, consistent with non stop use for weeks.
When I opened safe-t claim, They asked for FEW things.
Photo of product, its serial number, and the mailing label.
When Amazon replied, I was asked for something I cannot provide. THEY DEMANDED AN INVOICE WITH SERIAL NUMBER!!!!!!!!
The serial number is not provided on Best Buys invoice. Nor is it even from Amazon. So I was denied. This is second time this has happened.
Its unfair by design and shows me that SAFE-T is a fraudulent offering that Amazon states it covers sellers but knows most invoices do not
include serial numbers! THIS LOSS OF OVER $1000 is devastating to sellers.
Any normal business would not have FORCED me to refund the criminal in advance and file a pointless SAFE-T afterwards.