We all know as sellers on Amazon, that having the Buy Box, and offering Prime, helps to motivate sales. However, Amazon makes it so difficult for 3rd party Sellers to offer Prime and to meet the metrics of the program. Amazon Prime expects you to offer next day and 2nd day delivery to stay in the program. To accomplish this, we are using Amazon buy Shipping, with Amazon suggestions of carriers who will get the order delivered on time for these Prime orders. Using the Amazon suggested carrier, gives us claim protections, as long as the item is shipped and picked up/scanned on time. But not with the Prime program. Even with these measures being met, if a small percentage of the packages arrives late by the carrier, we the seller are held responsible, and get warnings on late delivery from the Prime team. While we know we are claims protected, the carrier (in these cases UPS) experienced delays, but Prime dings us for their delay, which is beyond our control. What is the true motivation here? To try to force us to use FBA? Otherwise, it is Mission Impossible to meet all the Prime criteria, as we are relying on carriers to deliver the packages on time. It doesn't matter that we are fulfilling our responsibilities to get the package out the door on time. It seems for Prime FBM, its Mission Impossible.