We received this policy violation:
We are notifying you that working with or influencing customers to leave negative feedback to damage or abuse the seller, their listings, or their ratings is a policy violation. This violation negatively impacts your account health. If left unaddressed, this may lead to account deactivation.
Why did this happen?
All sellers on Amazon are expected to follow the Amazon Selling policies and seller code of conduct. As part of the code of conduct, sellers should not attempt to damage or abuse another seller, their listings, or their ratings. This includes, but is not limited to, working with or influencing customers to leave negative feedback. For more information, go to the policy:
How do I address this issue?
Go to your Account Health page and follow the instructions in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning.
What happens if I do not follow the instructions on the Account Health page?
If we do not receive the requested information, the policy warning will remain on your account for 180 days from the date that it was posted to your account.
Has this message been sent in error?
If you believe that there has been an error, submit an explanation by following the instructions in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning on your Account Health page. Your explanation should include the following information:
-- How your account did not violate the "Acting fairly" section of our Seller code of conduct.
-- Evidence that shows that your account has not attempted to leave negative feedback to affect a competitor.
We're here to help.
Contact us if you have questions about this action:
To view your account's performance, go to "Account Health" on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device or go to the Seller Central dashboard:
The Account Health page shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.
Seller Performance Team
We have not done anything this notice is saying. We have not left any feedbacks or reviews to our competitor. The last seller feedback made from our account was February 27, 2024, it was positive. It was not an ASIN we sell.
The last product review was a positive one, was November 21, 2024, purchase of office supplies. We don't sell anything in that category.
We have not made any purchases that are in the categories we sell. Most purchases are boxes and office supplies. We attached a screenshot of our purchase history in our appeal.
We have never bought from our competitors. We haven't left feedback to our competitors. We haven't asked anyone to buy from our competitors and leave them feedback. We haven't hired anyone to solicit feedback or leave anyone else feedback. No other party has access to our account.
No one in my family has used their buying accounts to leave any feedback positive or negative. No one in my family or anyone who I have regular contact with has bought any ASIN we sell. And again no one has left any feedback or reviews.
We only sell name-brand items and all our inventory is FBA. We have no contact with our customers. We have not asked anyone to buy from our competitors.
We filed an appeal saying all of this in a more condensed manner and got a response back saying:
"We received your submission. Your submission did not include the information as requested on your Account Health page for this warning. We do not have enough information to remove the warning from your account at this time. To remove the warning, view the policy warnings on your Account Health page and follow the steps next to the policy warning to submit the required information.
Can anyone please help me appeal this? We haven't done what they're saying. How do I show evidence that shows I have not attempted to leave negative feedback to affect a competitor?