Read onlyI am extremely frustrated with the handling of my Missing Items from Inbound case. After a three-month wait, I was asked to resubmit documentation that I had already provided – over 20 pages for multiple ASINs.
To my dismay, the response I received was a generic, dismissive message stating that my claim didn't meet their requirements and that the case was closed. They offered no specific information about what requirements were not met.
This is unacceptable. I am willing to provide any additional documentation needed for specific ASINs, but I expect reimbursement for those ASINs where I have already submitted the requested documentation.
One glaring example: I shipped a box containing 34 units of one ASIN. They initially marked it as 0 received, only to later find 1 unit in their warehouse. This demonstrates a clear lack of accountability and inventory control.
I'm now left wondering if my 'missing' inventory will mysteriously reappear on WOOT, since it seems they have trouble accurately tracking items.
This situation has been incredibly frustrating and time-consuming. I need this issue escalated immediately.
keep appealing the same case. Re-open them immediately each time they close them without resolution. The bots around here deny every reimbursement request at least once, whether it be safe-t claims or lost inventory claims.
Do NOT open new cases....this will start the whole process over and you will never get anywhere if you keep doing that.
I am trying to figure out why they are asking for documentation after items are shipped to FBA. That doesn't make sense.
I am in the same boat with our account. We have LTL shipments from October of last year that have still not been resolved. I don't know what else to do any this point. Amazon's new warehouses seemed to be really bad at accurately receiving inventory the end of last year and it has resulted in the fact that we literally cannot trust or use Amazon Inventory reports because we know for a fact that the items they are recording for each SKU are way off in some instances... We have this ridiculous spreadsheet that is used just to estimate the inventory they "should" have...
same situation, around 10k in lost inventory and keep getting AI responses
Amazon and FBA are a liability to Small Businesses. If Amazon refuses to properly review your case, then the next step is to contact Your State Senator's office, Federal Trade Commission, State Commerce Department. Dept. of Justice.
If your shipment crossed state lines, you may also file a complaint with the FBI.
Not doing anything will lead to more of the same abuse by Amazon.
It’s frustrating to say, but dealing with the reimbursements team has become increasingly exhausting. I can only imagine how many sellers don’t bother to file claims or eventually give up, resulting in massive, quiet losses for countless businesses.
Our account is nearly flawless: 98%+ positive feedback, hundreds of thousands of orders over several years, extremely low return rates, minimal customer complaints, and over 5 years of consistent FBA use. We were even told recently that ours is "one of the most pristine accounts they’ve seen."
Despite that, we currently have around $20,000 worth of inventory across multiple shipments that went missing between October and December. We’ve submitted everything...valid invoices, proofs of delivery, box content details, and more...yet we continue to face pushback and denials. They're great about providing reimbursement if they lose a unit or two, or five units, or even ten units. However, when they lose a significant number of your units, or if your units are of a certain value, they become extremely difficult to work with, and often refuse to provide proper reimbursement.
It feels like every effort is being made to avoid reimbursing even top-tier sellers who are clearly operating in good faith. We’ve invested hundreds of hours into these cases, and we’re still left without resolution.
It’s hard not to acknowledge the bigger picture here: millions of dollars ( if not hundreds of millions of dollars) in profit are being made by denying legitimate reimbursement claims. In many cases, the inventory is in the warehouse, ultimately sold...but it’s not credited to the rightful seller. One of the latest tricks they seem to have up their sleeves is to scan a unit, and if their computer system detects that there may be some sort of error (wrong product label, wrong size, or just a glitch/computer error), they allegedly then "sideline" ALL remaining units of that FNSKU. Once the units are set aside, they often "lose" all of the units, and they leave the sellers with the entire loss. To clarify, if you send in 200 units of a $50 product, they will scan a single unit, determine that the rest of the 199 units are wrong, and then sidline the remaining units (push them to a different area of FBA). For whatever reason, these 199 units are then "lost" and unable to be recovered, and the seller wll be left with $9950 loss, just like that. It's awful in nearly every sense of the word, and it should be fixed, immediately. This is unacceptable, unjust, and obviously completely ridiculous in any business to business relationship.
amazon doesn't give a crap about you, they did the same thing to us and literally nitpicked every EVERY thing they could till magically the policy changed and they only reimburse cost. so now you have to send them invoices from your suppliers only to have them tell us that they're in the wrong format. IT'S ALL A SCAM they aren't going to pay and most of us can't afford the lawyers to fight a $5,000 issue. this is the end of an empire, anyone who's been here for the lat 8-10 years knows exactly what im saying
Approximately 1,000 items have been lost during the transfer from AWD to the FBA warehouse. Countless cases have been created but no one has responded. There is still a large amount of inventory in AWD, and the loss incidents continue to occur every day. The business has suffered unimaginable losses. I don't know what to do...