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We’re always trying to make the forums more engaging, more educational, and just more…more for the Amazon selling community. That’s why we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, and what content or discussion topics you’d find especially beneficial.

What would be most valuable for you as a new or aspiring seller? If you came to the forums looking for something and didn’t find it, let us know about it. We're here to support your business growth, and your feedback is incredibly helpful.

We're excited to keep evolving the forums to better serve all of our selling partners, so don’t hesitate to share feedback. We can't wait to hear your ideas or see your “thumbs up” on replies you agree with!


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Our shipment of a new ASIN went straight into those black hole warehouses that don't fulfill orders. All units are in FC processing. This has completely ruined our product launch. We pay high fees to sell on this platform and this is the result. I opened a case with seller support (ID 15515033111). On 06/28/2024 they said that the ASIN would become active in 5 days. Yet, as of 7/7/2024 that is not the case.

Can a mod please look into this? @Seller_hme3Wbydd1ihr @Seller_s3amN64nZ4y9V

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How can I protect my rights? I have a US design patent. When I reported violations, I received multiple identical official replies without any changes. I want to know if others also failed to file a complaint successfully on their first attempt, like me. Should I upgrade my report? How can I do that?

Our Design Patent: 5 Gallon Bucket Liner

US D1026372 (can lookup on google patents)

Imitation Product:

Not sure what other steps to take or what else we can include in our IP report to have this product removed for violation - any help would be greatly appreciated.

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What is going on in the back end? First it was a round of seeds and plants violations and now our business insurance was supposed not submitted and we have been ignoring multiple Amazon emails? I don't think so. Insurance valid, approved, still in the back end of the account and this is the first email that we have received. It is getting harder and harder to just survive here with all these false violations.

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How can European sites be opened
by Seller_4kTKx49pnhW6d

I would like to apply to open a European website. How can I pass the application? When I applied to open a European website, it showed that my account was frozen (specific details are as follows). May I ask which seller can help me answer this question? Thank you very much,

Hello MingKun,

You have been found to be related to an account beginning with Ming Kun.

We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your account at this time.

To reactivate your account, please provide evidence that you have never owned a separate account and believe this deactivation was in error by providing supporting documentation. This includes but is not limited to any authorized or unauthorized relationship through a third-party company or evidence of account compromise. If we cannot substantiate the claim, your account will not be reinstated.

How do I send the required information?

Please click on the View Appeal button on the Account Health page ( and submit additional information as requested.

What happens if I do not send the requested information?

If we do not receive the requested information within 90 days of the original notification, your account will remain deactivated. Do not attempt to create a new seller account. Creating a new account will delay the reactivation process and may lead to permanent closure of your account.

We're here to help.

If you have questions about our Multiple Account Policy or information requested above, please read our “Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct" (

You can view your account performance ( or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health page shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.

Thank you,


Seller Performance Team

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Hey everyone,

I’m really struggling with my Amazon seller account and could use some help.

My account was deactivated immediately after setting it up and I was asked to provide a utility bill in my name and address or a business license.

I uploaded my Sales Tax License—but it was rejected (probably by a bot).

Then I uploaded my electricity bill—rejected againn. The bill had my name and address, but the address had small differences (like "St" instead of "Street").

After receiving no help from seller support, I emailed the Escalation team but got the same generic bot response: "We have received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your account at this time."

Finally got my mobile bill which has my name and address fully matching what I entered on Seller Central during registration and I uploaded it. Guess what? Rejected again by the bot

I’m really out of options and need help from the seller community or a moderator who can get a real human to look at this.

Recent Case IDs:

Case: 15561823531

Case: 15560917191

Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated


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Urgent Help Needed for Missing Shipment
by Seller_kSFiBdoeTpAge
Amazon replied

Hello fellow sellers,

I am facing a serious issue with my missing shipment and need your support. I sent a shipment on September 29, 2023 (Shipment ID: FBA17F27W97L), and it has been missing at Amazon ever since. I have raised multiple cases with Amazon Seller Support and sent numerous escalation emails, but none have been addressed.

For the past three months, my case in Amazon Seller Central has been stuck in "Pending Amazon Action" with no response. I am extremely disappointed and feel helpless without a proper channel to resolve this issue.

Has anyone else faced a similar problem or can offer advice on how to get Amazon's attention and expedite this process? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Country of origin Issue, declined Five times
by Seller_fw4puX93T2izq

Hi I have verified my account info, i have sent all docs needed and i still get declined. I have tried 5 times and i don't know what else to do. I have talked with support multiple times and after 20 minutes they say their team will get in contact by email and all they do is the same thing:


We have reviewed the documents that you provided, but we could not complete the verification. As a result, your case will be closed, and your account will not be activated.

Why is this happening?

The country of origin that you selected in Seller Central when you registered your account does not match the country of origin in the documents that you provided.

I am in Australia selling in USA. When i try to do the SELLER INDENTITY VERIFICATION the first question is: Please select your country/region. So i suppose my answer is Australia and then i uploaded all documents asked and submit. A few hours later the same email comes up.

I have products in my inventory waiting to be sold and i dont know what else to do..

Please help.

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AMZ Seller Central data extraction HORRIBLE.
by Seller_5qpQd5FybmhpI
Amazon replied

Amazon is this some kind of joke? You are going to make me download TWELVE .csv reports to view a year's worth of data? Not surprising, since every experience I've had as an Amazon seller has been beyond ridiculous.

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Over the last month, we have had > 10,000 FBA Fulfilled orders marked as "Shipping Address Undelieverable".

Each time this occurs, Amazon refunds the customer in full, and keeps our fulfillment fee and 20% of our referral fee. In addition, we do not receive the item back. This costs us $20 to $40 per order, and our the frequency of this occuring is greatly increasing (> 500 orders per day now).

Needless to say, this would bankrupt anyone at scale. If this is not remedied quickly, it will cripple our cashflow and may force us to choose to close our listings, versus hemmoraging far more money than destroying the inventory by continuing to sell.

We have been selling on Amazon for nearly 10 years and we have never seen anything like this. We can get zero assistance from seller support when we open cases.

If a moderator can assist, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Suggestion about Removal Order Detail
by Seller_W5um59WI335lf
Amazon replied

We're sorting out the profits and losses for June, so we want to know the total inventory leaving Amazon's warehouse in non-sales form, including disposals and liquidations.

We've downloaded the following sheet:

Amazon Fulfillment Reports - Removals - Removal Order Detail

It still hasn't reverted to the original counting method yet. The sheet currently doesn't include the quantity of unsellable inventory immediately liquidated during returns, which we want to be accurately accounted for.

Alternatively, Amazon could restore changes to the Automated unfulfillable settings, allowing sellers to choose weekly or monthly liquidations/disposals instead of just the Immediate option.

Unsellable inventory immediately liquidated hasn't been included here:

Amazon Fulfillment Reports - Removals - Removal Order Detail

We previously made a suggestion on the forum, but nothing has changed:

Last post I made on the forum

Please address this issue for sellers to optimize their operations.

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