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Dear Amazon team,

Can I still trust you? the cpc document review for Children's Toys has been going on for more than a month and has not been solved.

According to reason, the longest time is 15 working days, which has long exceeded the review time. Why are they still under review? Is this fair to seller? This is a Valentine's Day product. Valentine's Day is about to end, but my product is still under review. During this period, I urged countless cases, and each one replied that I would reply as soon as possible, but it is still under investigation. Why is this? ? ? The previous cases are: 17112119401 17090209181 17076707621 17069311151 16963143321 16963022961 All of them are under internal investigation and then there is no news.

The specific situation is as follows, case id: 16963143321 ASIN: B0DMVS8KN5, and case id: 16963022961 ASIN: B0DMZZBVYY, the CPC child certificate review documents submitted on January 6, have been for more than a month and is still under review.

I am deeply disappointed with Amazon's audit team and process. This will cause serious losses to sellers. If each audit takes so long and the efficiency is so slow, there is no way to list seasonal products, especially new products. There is no guarantee at all. This is too unfair to sellers. I really hope this issue attracted the attention of relevant departments.

I look forward to your follow-up and accelerated processing, thank you very much!

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Zero sales
by Seller_nkSL7EJ4SxvOL

this is the first time for a long long time I have zero sales a day, did anybody else have the same issue?

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Inventory Question
by Seller_UjrgMaYNReOyL
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Amazon replied

I have an important question regarding inventory. On the "send to Amazon" page, my "ship from" address is my home address. Is this normally how amazon ships items to their distribution center for inventory storage? Or is there a specific "ship from" address? I'm doing everything in FBA, so that it is automated and there are less chances of me making errors. Please advise me, as I can't seem to find any info regarding this on Seller University.

Also, I can't find any info for shipping inventory products that are larger than standard size. Please help.


Dave C

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Dear Amazon team, @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6 @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse@Seller_NGsbQYFacZKVL @

Can I still trust you? the cpc document review for Children's Toys has been going on for more than a month and has not been solved.

According to reason, the longest time is 15 working days, which has long exceeded the review time. Why are they still under review? Is this fair to seller? This is a Valentine's Day product. Valentine's Day is about to end, but my product is still under review. During this period, I urged countless cases, and each one replied that I would reply as soon as possible, but it is still under investigation. Why is this? ? ? The previous cases are: 17112119401 17090209181 17076707621 17069311151 16963143321 16963022961 All of them are under internal investigation and then there is no news.

The specific situation is as follows, case id: 16963143321 ASIN: B0DMVS8KN5, and case id: 16963022961 ASIN: B0DMZZBVYY, the CPC child certificate review documents submitted on January 6, have been for more than a month and is still under review.

I am deeply disappointed with Amazon's audit team and process. This will cause serious losses to sellers. If each audit takes so long and the efficiency is so slow, there is no way to list seasonal products, especially new products. There is no guarantee at all. This is too unfair to sellers. I really hope this issue attracted the attention of relevant departments.

I look forward to your follow-up and accelerated processing, thank you very much!

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Refund for Monthly Charge?
by Seller_HKxzFuyw6QQjS

Hi, I am a new seller who hasnt had much success on Amazon, even though we are doing well on Etsy. I was charged for the 2nd month subscription 3 days ago, I forgot to cancel the membership. Eveen though I have had no sales, and barely even use Amazon Seller these days. How and Will I get a refund for the 39.99 fee they charged me 3 days ago if I close my shop?

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Can't respond to a 1 star product review??
by Seller_rSNLZ3X5ivsdF

My listing has a 1 star review stating that you have to buy 2 of the items per usage. This is blatantly incorrect. I went to my seller's manage reviews page & none of the listing's 734 reviews are there. Amazon "support" tells me... "Oh, we removed that feature to provide better service in the future". WTH??? You are providing better service by removing a service? And the misleading derogatory feedback will be there forever? Amazon "help" tells me to go to the page that no longer works.

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Changing Your Store Name
by Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG

Hi Sellers! Do you ever wonder how you can change your store name? You can do it this in Seller Central and its super easy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Seller Central
  2. Click on Settings on top right
  3. Click on Account Info
  4. Click on Store Info
  5. Click on Your Seller Profile
  6. Click on Edit in the top right of the Store Details box (under Display Name)
  7. Edit your store name to your liking
  8. Click yellow Submit button

And thats it!



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So I’m not sure if other people have been experiencing this. But the last two weeks or so we have had the most incoming messages from customers demanding things of us. Such as cancel my order where is my refund? Why are you making us pay for return shipping? (calse, was with a cancelled order, on a saturday, it never SHIPPED!!!!) all of these nonsensical hysterical messages towards us, I have no idea what the customers are talking about.

For instance, customer ordered a whole bunch of samples, then turned around and canceled the orders. We already entered the orders into our system and created a shipping label. They still canceled. What did we do? We honor the cancellation and we refunded them their money. Two hours later we get a hateful message saying that is this some sort of a scam. Bear in mind this was a sample only costing $4.15 Plus free shipping. They're demanding their money back. But we already refunded them their money. I don’t understand. Do customers not look at their Amazon accounts. Does Amazon not send emails anymore showing that a refund has been submitted. Because I’m tired of getting hateful messages from customers acting like we are in the wrong when we’ve done everything we were supposed to do, but it seems as if all of these buyers are wound up in a ball.

They’re freaking out About every little thing, and like I said we have never had this many incoming messages about complete nonsense with customers complaining about every possible little thing in the world. And all of these things that they’re complaining about are outside of our control, like oh I had surgery or oh I planned for this this and that and this, and I’m like none of this has anything to do with our store, we shipped you what you ordered and you complain to us about problems with your own life.

So I just I don’t know this is happening to anybody else, But every time I turn on the computer I’ve got three or four messages from customers that are just being completely combative and most of the time we’ve already solved the customer issue, usually a refund, or honoring a cancel.... But it says if the customers don’t even monitor their accounts anymore, they don’t look at anything. They just scream and yell and send incessant messages over and over again, and call over and over again....

It’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday night and customers are calling and calling and calling like what are we doing here? It’s never been like this Amazon ever. we have been selling for many many years, and this is totally odd.


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user profile subsription fees chatrges
by Seller_eMSpJDvcG4oa1

Whywe are being charged subscription fees on although we have nothing list or sold. How to stop them from changing us. We want to sell on only

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Hello everyone,

I am an independent Amazon seller primarily selling posters. Two months ago, I posted here asking for advice on handling negative feedback. I never expected that my next post would be about my account being suspended.

Amazon informed me that my account is linked to another account, but I have no connection to it. I have been selling on Amazon for over a year and always operated my store independently.

After receiving the suspension notice, I reviewed everything—my network environment, registration details, and payment information—but I still can't figure out what might have caused this issue. I have never changed or updated any of my store’s information. The only recent change I made was last week, when due to unexpected shipping issues, I temporarily added a U.S. fulfillment warehouse address. I’m not sure if this triggered the account linkage.

My products mainly consist of posters. Some are public domain oil paintings sourced from Wikipedia, some are educational classroom decor posters I designed myself, and others are customized gift posters, such as personalized map posters and lunar phase posters for couples. Over the past year, I have been committed to running my store properly, fulfilling every order, and engaging with fellow sellers.

I had planned to continue growing on this platform, but now that my account is suspended, I’m not sure if there’s any hope of recovery. I have already submitted an appeal, but I have no idea if it will be successful. I also wanted to ask if anyone here has successfully reinstated their account after being suspended due to an alleged connection with an unknown account. Or, if reinstatement isn’t possible, what do you think is the best next step?

I appreciate any advice and am grateful for the support I’ve found in this forum. No matter what happens, this has been a journey worth remembering.

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