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About a month ago, I signed into my account and found a bright red notice telling me my account was deactivated because I had not provided the requested information. (What information?! When was it requested?!) I jumped through their hoops, deleted and added a credit card as suggested, bright red notice was still there.

I have opened multiple support cases about this but nobody ever responds, nobody from Amazon has reached out to tell me what they need, why it was deactivated. It's been over a month now, with absolutely no reply. Why did this happen? What can I do to reactivate my account?

The big red banner reads "You have attempted to access a store that is currently inactive. To reactivate your store, you may be required to add a new credit card and verify your identity. Please be advised that it may take a few minutes for your store to be reactivated."

When I click Continue, it just takes me to the Charge Methods page. What's the issue? What do they need??

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Brand Approval Request
by Seller_XEIP7M3dQdfYQ

I have followed all instructions from the video on this link:,

We need to provide at least 1 purchase invoice for products from a manufacturer or distributor. I have provided the commercial invoice, with all requirements: Dated before 180 days, Business name matching the information in your selling account, Name and address of the manufacturer or distributor, More than 100 units from this distributor. But I was not approved.

Now I am not able to open or reply my cases because they are automatic declined, because I have opened many cases.

Could you give me more information?

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Delivery Rate
by Seller_zOnnvP7f0B7iA

FBS for some products. Need help to understand On Time Delivery Rate, and deactivation threat.

We are forced to use Amazon provided shippers and services. We have 100% same day shipping, never late.

Somehow we have a 50% late Delivery Rate.

Please explain how we can improve???

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I never add this product in my inventory.

Amazon says I intend to sell it.

Is it a bug?

I feel very bad when amazon accuse me. Because amazon is a system.

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Hi @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse@Seller_zukQNO61PzGck

There is something wrong with my account

Whenever I am listing a human ingestion product in health & personal care category

They are getting inactive

And when I am trying to fix the listing issue I have to request an approval but on the next page there is written " We are not accepting applications to Sell"

Refferal ASIN - B0DB39Q7B1

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Amazon still making wrong delivery promises!
by Seller_3U37OhOjkVT5E

We include shipping in our prices for books. We have set the parameters to allow time for media mail shipping. However, Amazon keeps using UPS for delivery date promises and threatens us with possible late deliver if we do not select UPS. This costs us nearly twice as much for shipping and takes all of our "profit"! Why do they keep making ridiculous promises that are way shorter than the promises we have set?

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A while back my cell phone was stolen with my Amazon seller login in it. I made a new account thinking I would never get access to my previous account. My new account was flagged for Multiple Account Policy Violation. So I needed to access my old account ASAP.

I finally did and I reactivated or reinstated it and then I permanently deactivated that original account and closed it. I kept my second account just because nothing personal. So, now I am stuck getting automated responses that I need to Appeal ALL Policy Violation when my account is in good health 200/1000 . I read the Multiple Seller Account Violations and proved that this was all not intentional and because my phone was stolen and I proved a police report and everything.

Should I just deactivate this current account all together , I am so stuck and have sent a years worth of Appeals.

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Multiple Account Violation
by Seller_FFUfegJYBtwao

Hello, i have received a multiple account violation. my USA account is deactivated because of Saudi Arabia account. Saudi Arabia is asking for utility bill but not accepting it even though my information is matching exactly to the bill to the tee. i have tried submitting mobile phone, electric, and internet bill statement which they said would be acceptable but are telling me they cannot confirm the information on there. the information from when the account was created until now has changed as i have moved states since it was created. anyone know how i can get this resolved or know any tips to guide me in this situation. could it possibly because i have a debit card on file or does it need to be a credit card because i dont have one.

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Refunds fees
by Seller_h0pXvzEoYkHj9

Hello, I’m new to Seller Central. I’ve started selling, and with sales come refunds. In the refunds (which are not due to product defects), I’ve noticed that Amazon is deducting more money than I originally received from the order payment. For example, I received $96.64 after fees, but they deducted $140 for the refund. Does anyone know anything about this? Will they refund me, or should I contact support?

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ASIN Brand hijacked.
by Seller_AEAMWHlveTQaY



hi Jim,

Just when sales starting to pick up again, the brand hijacking is making a come back

This ASIN was fixed 5 months ago. The brand "io tags" is changed to "Infun", and it is creating issues with parent/child relationship and slowing the sales


Case ID: 17391964881

Please help,

io tags

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