You have misused ASIN variants, including but not limited to the following:
-- Changing a product's detail page (parent or child) so that it is fundamentally different from the original product listing.
-- Changing the detail page of a parent product so that it doesn't match the child products
Adding incorrect child product variants that are not true variants of the parent product.
This includes, but is not limited to
- Adding a product with a fundamentally different ASIN than the parent product
- Adding product images and/or names that are fundamentally different from the parent product's ASIN
- Adding a newer version or model of the product with the parent ASIN
As a result, you may no longer be selling on Amazon.com and your listing will be removed from our site. To learn more about this policy, search for “ASIN Creation Policy” in Seller Central Help.
Please ship all open orders. If you have funds in your account, after deducting any amounts paid for A-to-z claims or order chargebacks.
We're here to help.
To sell on Amazon.com, send us a plan for how you'll address this issue. For help with a plan, search for “Appeal Sales Privilege Cancellation” in Seller Central Help. When you're ready to send us your plan, click the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central: