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Refund for Monthly Charge?
by Seller_HKxzFuyw6QQjS

Hi, I am a new seller who hasnt had much success on Amazon, even though we are doing well on Etsy. I was charged for the 2nd month subscription 3 days ago, I forgot to cancel the membership. Eveen though I have had no sales, and barely even use Amazon Seller these days. How and Will I get a refund for the 39.99 fee they charged me 3 days ago if I close my shop?

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Error from individual to pro
by Seller_1Q9JeV9TAnRwz

It keeps giving me an error when I try to switch from an individual to a pro account, that I have paid for.

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Case No. 17109818271 AI rejected it the first time, and the second time it was rejected for the same reason. The reason for rejection is unclear. We implore the relevant Amazon team to carefully review this feedback and give the seller a fair deal. Please don't give perfunctory answers using templates.


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You have misused ASIN variants, including but not limited to the following:

-- Changing a product's detail page (parent or child) so that it is fundamentally different from the original product listing.

-- Changing the detail page of a parent product so that it doesn't match the child products

Adding incorrect child product variants that are not true variants of the parent product.

This includes, but is not limited to

- Adding a product with a fundamentally different ASIN than the parent product

- Adding product images and/or names that are fundamentally different from the parent product's ASIN

- Adding a newer version or model of the product with the parent ASIN

As a result, you may no longer be selling on and your listing will be removed from our site. To learn more about this policy, search for “ASIN Creation Policy” in Seller Central Help.

Please ship all open orders. If you have funds in your account, after deducting any amounts paid for A-to-z claims or order chargebacks.

We're here to help.

To sell on, send us a plan for how you'll address this issue. For help with a plan, search for “Appeal Sales Privilege Cancellation” in Seller Central Help. When you're ready to send us your plan, click the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central:

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Is Amazon holding FBA packages at USPS post office?
by Seller_xZEOacbdCcPZ1

We sent two of our boxes to MIT2 FC and one of them reached the nearest USPS post office and the tracking status shows the package is 'Held at Post Office, At Customer Request'. We haven't requested that.

If the FC has the address activated as the USPS 'Hold Mail Service', all the mail pieces will kept on hold till Amazon pick up the packages from the post office. We tried contacting Seller support regarding this issue and the answer we received is that USPS is not a partnered courier so they will not pick up the package from the post office.

When we contacted USPS for re-delivery, it isn't possible due to the 'Hold Mail Service' active for the FC address.

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我们的两个产品涉及到儿童玩具合规性问题,我们在2025年1月10日提交了材料申诉,到现在为止已经远远超过15个工作日,没有任何的回复。审核case ID:16993509981,16993362551。中途我们进行过多次催促,依旧没有任何效果。由于亚马逊长时间不审核,导致我们的产品本应该正常销售,但却无法销售。请尽快帮我们审核或者催促审核,谢谢

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Dear Amazon team,

Can I still trust you? the cpc document review for Children's Toys has been going on for more than a month and has not been solved.

According to reason, the longest time is 15 working days, which has long exceeded the review time. Why are they still under review? Is this fair to seller? This is a Valentine's Day product. Valentine's Day is about to end, but my product is still under review. During this period, I urged countless cases, and each one replied that I would reply as soon as possible, but it is still under investigation. Why is this? ? ? The previous cases are: 17112119401 17090209181 17076707621 17069311151 16963143321 16963022961 All of them are under internal investigation and then there is no news.

The specific situation is as follows, case id: 16963143321 ASIN: B0DMVS8KN5, and case id: 16963022961 ASIN: B0DMZZBVYY, the CPC child certificate review documents submitted on January 6, have been for more than a month and is still under review.

I am deeply disappointed with Amazon's audit team and process. This will cause serious losses to sellers. If each audit takes so long and the efficiency is so slow, there is no way to list seasonal products, especially new products. There is no guarantee at all. This is too unfair to sellers. I really hope this issue attracted the attention of relevant departments.

I look forward to your follow-up and accelerated processing, thank you very much!

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Zero sales
by Seller_nkSL7EJ4SxvOL

this is the first time for a long long time I have zero sales a day, did anybody else have the same issue?

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Inventory Question
by Seller_UjrgMaYNReOyL
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I have an important question regarding inventory. On the "send to Amazon" page, my "ship from" address is my home address. Is this normally how amazon ships items to their distribution center for inventory storage? Or is there a specific "ship from" address? I'm doing everything in FBA, so that it is automated and there are less chances of me making errors. Please advise me, as I can't seem to find any info regarding this on Seller University.

Also, I can't find any info for shipping inventory products that are larger than standard size. Please help.


Dave C

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Dear Amazon team, @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6 @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse@Seller_NGsbQYFacZKVL @

Can I still trust you? the cpc document review for Children's Toys has been going on for more than a month and has not been solved.

According to reason, the longest time is 15 working days, which has long exceeded the review time. Why are they still under review? Is this fair to seller? This is a Valentine's Day product. Valentine's Day is about to end, but my product is still under review. During this period, I urged countless cases, and each one replied that I would reply as soon as possible, but it is still under investigation. Why is this? ? ? The previous cases are: 17112119401 17090209181 17076707621 17069311151 16963143321 16963022961 All of them are under internal investigation and then there is no news.

The specific situation is as follows, case id: 16963143321 ASIN: B0DMVS8KN5, and case id: 16963022961 ASIN: B0DMZZBVYY, the CPC child certificate review documents submitted on January 6, have been for more than a month and is still under review.

I am deeply disappointed with Amazon's audit team and process. This will cause serious losses to sellers. If each audit takes so long and the efficiency is so slow, there is no way to list seasonal products, especially new products. There is no guarantee at all. This is too unfair to sellers. I really hope this issue attracted the attention of relevant departments.

I look forward to your follow-up and accelerated processing, thank you very much!

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