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Hello All,

We have been facing issue while creating a Amazon Warehouse and distribution shipment, and the error is shown as "select a standard-sized product"

However the selected product is of Standard Size and as per Amazon policy and we have ship the same product in our recent shipments to Amazon Warehouse and distribution.

Due to the error we are not able to create our shipment plans on Amazon Warehouse and distribution platform

We have also opened a case for it. Kindly do suggest how can we resolve this error


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Every thing about AMZ's "Help" is ridiculous. I have to go to reddit forums to get advice and help. For example, I don't want to do the 2-step verification because the code goes to my phone, which is in my purse tucked away and I have to get it everytime I'm sent a code.

So AMZ help tells me to get an authenticator - and of course reading through all the jumbled word salad words, I don't know what how or if I should get the authenticator. I even watched YOUTUBE videos and I don't know what the heck it does.

At the least AMZ should REcommend the authenticator brand name. So I'm off to Reddit to ask - which ones are you guys using?

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I received a seller feedback for a FBA replacement order, it seems that the customer complaint about he or she didn't place the replacement order:

I didn't need another. I am sending this back too. You will receive 2 from me.

Apparently as seller, I cannot place the replacement order for the customer. However, I am not sure if I can request removal of this feedback.

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My account received trademark text abuse and infringement on March 16th, and my store was subsequently closed. I submitted two appeals on March 16th and March 23rd, but did not receive any response from Amazon.

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We have multiple cases transferred and nothing

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I'm selling a product and the dimensions are wrong.

correct dimensions: is about 0.95lb, and about 9.170 x 7.279 x 0.709 in

wrong dimensions shows about 0.95lb and 9.33 x 7.24 x 0.790in

The wrong dimensions change the FBA size tier from Small standard to Large standard, and raise the fulfillment fees from $2.81 to $3.70.

I requested a re-measurement and have received a series of inaccurate copy/paste replies, and Amazon refuses to correct this.

In the past 4 months I've sold 1057 units, so I've been overcharged around $940.00.

Why am I so sure the dimensions are wrong?

First, my other sku is a product of the same type, with similar size and weight, and the FBA fee is correct;

Second, this product is packaged in a paper box, and the product is also made of hard material, so it will not bulge, and the height will not exceed 0.75 inches

I hope not to always receive automatic replies, "The re-measurement is complete……“, but the measurement results are wrong.

I hope someone can read my notes and help me solve this problem.

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Cancelar envio de inventario a Amazon FBA.
by Seller_MhocuZKoTWGuW

Hola, un saludo a todos.

Deseamos saber como cancelar un envío de inventario a Amazon FBA. La mercancía no se va a enviar y tambien estuve realizando pruebas para calcular los costes, ahora tengo varias "envíos en espera" y no voy a entregar en las bodegas.

Tengo estos dos estados: Listo para enviar y En preparación

Por favor me pueden indicar los pasos para eliminarlos

Gracias. :)

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Report a violation
by Seller_TiTAUbxQB0qX8


I am selling some ASINs under my BRAND (Pending Trademark on USPTO). And some sellers from China hijack my ASINS.

They sell products that are missing ingredients as described. In addition, the product is too big compared to the size described. Therefore, I received a lot of bad reviews.

I used several reporting tools and only received the answer from Amazon: "You did not provide a (valid) registration number for your IP right (trademark, patent, or design), or the registration does not show that you own an enforceable IP right. Trademarks, patents, and designs must be validly registered. We do not enforce pending applications or expired IP rights."

Now how can I request Amazon to investigate their inventory at Amazon's Warehouse.


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We have been sued for trademark infringement and have reached a settlement with the brand owner.

But the other party said that withdrawing the lawsuit directly would lead to brand abuse, so they issued an authorization letter for us to appeal.

The authorization letter was rejected as a result.

May I ask if withdrawing the lawsuit has led to brand abuse? Is there a seller who has successfully appealed with an authorization letter? What information should a correct authorization letter contain in order to be accepted?

Sincerely invite all sellers to generously answer, thank you!

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My account has been deactivated due to Multiple Accounts Violation . I got an email stating that I should provided ddocumentation to verify my identity . I did submit the documents they said they do not have enough information to reactivate my account . Please assist me what should i do regarding this matter .

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