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Hi Sellers, I've got a question for you...

In your opinion, what are the top three most important characteristics that a business owner should have?

Please share your answers in the replies of this thread - excited to hear your thoughts!


What's Engage with Amazon? I like to think of it as a section of the forums where we can connect and collaborate together as a community. Everyone is welcome to chime into the discussion and share their unique perspectives. There's really no pressure here, just a fun way to engage with each other. Looking forward to connecting with you all!

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I'm attempting to fulfill an order to FBA, but at this screen it shows, "Unit per box", which makes sense to me.

The next two boxes I am curious about, are the, "Box dimensions (inch)" and "Box weight (lb), for the shipping box that contains all the units? It's what I'm assuming, as it doesn't provide options for ounces there on the "Box weight", but I wanted to verify this, as the videos I watched weren't exactly clear on it with the instructions they provided.

The written instructions say, "The outside dimensions of the shipping box." I just want to make sure I don't need to enter the unit's dimensions and weight there, as the video was a little unclear because it showed them packing speakers into a box, when talking about the size and weight.

I'm just wondering if there's a spot where I will enter the actual size and weight of each UNIT in the box, or if that doesn't matter and only the dimensions and weight of the shipping box to the FBA warehouse matters?

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Regarding the auto-replenishment feature, we are debating on using AWD based on this feature and implications. Where exactly can we find the "global inventory page" which gives details on "Optimal Level" as designated by Amazon?

Please see image attached. I am assuming "Optimal Level" is similar to the "minimum recommended quantity" in FBA Inventory dashboard on Seller Central (seems to be a lot of overlap with the "FBA Inventory" dashboard in Seller Central..."On-Hand Quantity" = "Available in FBA Network" quantity used for triggering replenishment algorithm)?

(referring to this forum post: -

this post as well:

and the auto-replenishment information:

Best, SPD

@Seller_hme3Wbydd1ihr @Seller_vtQxROP6UNr1O

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Hi-we've been using AWD a while & mostly a good experience till now. A replenishment shipment was recently created & then canceled due to no inventory even though there should be. How can we go about getting this investigated/reimbursed? No help from SS, case id ID 16489857581. 504 units sent to AWD, 360 replenishments & 0 units left. So 144 missing!

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AWD Delivered but not received
by Seller_sResG4rGxYJKQ

Three shipments that we sent to Amazon AWD arrived on August, September and October 2024 . Our seller account has not yet shown that these goods have been received. I sent separate cases for each shipment and provided the required documentation. We were repeatedly asked to provide the same documentation., but no updates so far.

Any ideas what to do?

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I was wondering Is there a list of Amazon policy changes somewhere for 2023 / 2024?

Trying to see if I can corollate some of the things I am seeing in my data to specific policy changes.

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All orders revolving around the Ms. Rachel doll were refunded by amazon without any mention to me at all. All buyers received a refund as well as an email from Amazon stating that the item was fake.

I provided real invoices from major retailers to be ungated in this category and yet still without any mention to me at all noticed all the orders were refunded to the buyer and money was taken from me.

I contacted a few other sellers who had the same thing happen to them. Every. Single. Order. Refunded to the buyer and a message sent out stating the item was fake.

This seems highly illegal. And how can they say every single doll was fake without doing any research at all? And on top of that just take all the money and not expect anyone to return the items.

This has stolen a couple thousand dollars from me because of this and I know for a fact that others are hurting worse.

Has this ever happened to other sellers before? And if so, is there a solution to this? Or am I just expected to eat the loss and go through the fun of dealing with useless seller support?

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AGL to AWD - Destination Contact
by Seller_05g1VfuLHwjdd
Amazon replied


We're setting up our first AGL shipment to AWD and want to have the information ahead of time, because it seems to take Amazon a long time to approve things (like IOR).

Does anyone know who the destination contact should be at AWD? It's a warehouse, so it doesn't seem like we (the seller) should be the contact.

The definition of the destination contact is: The party who answers questions related to delivery at the destination (also called the notify party).



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Compliance Documents Rejected
by Seller_5iATZEHiTPxGN
Amazon replied

All of my compliance documents were rejected. They never tell me WHY. There is NOBODY to talk to EVER! I have been trying this for 3 years now - have not sold a penny yet in EU, test company helped revise documents two times - paid over $1000 for tests, but passed test documents rejected every time, images rejected, documents rejected, followed every required step and I am giving up wanting to sell in EU. They are impossible. It seems they just don't want US sellers or make it so difficult that is impossible to sell in their markets.

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Amazon forcing Priority shipping
by Seller_dVMKJ8a3J9Tx5
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Amazon replied

So now I have orders with a sku of 3 day handling time that came in last night and if I ship them today I am at risk of late delivery and they are forcing priority shipping which is more than the cost of the item.

Mods we need your help we are only human and small makers

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Unclear on return window and refund
by Seller_w8pfjswLuRas9

Item (vinyl album) bought and shipped 8/27.

Buyer received 8/31.

Return request dated and auto authorized on 9/3.

Received item back 10/21.

Do I have to refund?

If not, am I allowed to return it back to the buyer with the explanation of 'returned outside return window?'



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